Ministry of Logistics

The Ministry of Logistics functioned as a division within the Sith Empire, and it operated as a subset of the Sphere of Production and Logistics.


The Minister of Logistics was in charge of the ministry. While technically reporting to the Sphere of Production and Logistics, the Minister also occasionally reported to other councilors. For example, if an issue concerned the military, they might report to the councilor overseeing the Sphere of Defense of the Empire. Despite some viewing it as the least important ministry, it was arguably the most crucial. This ministry furnished calculations for defending against enemy forces, provided logistical support for both fleets and ground troops, and managed the financial aspects of warfare. The Ministry manages nationalized industries, overseeing factories that produced weaponry for the Empire's war efforts. Additionally, agricultural planets were utilized to supply food for the Imperial military. The Ministry also oversaw the Empire's enslaved workforce, making necessary adjustments to complete construction projects and operate various industries. Furthermore, the ministry managed the Empire's civilian transportation and trade network, ensuring the smooth movement of goods throughout the Empire. It also oversaw public transportation on the capital planet of Dromund Kaas. During the time of the Cold War, public transport was restricted to citizens of the Empire, and the Ministry was responsible for issuing the required passes. Its offices were situated in Hub 3 within Kaas City.


During the period of the Cold War, Chiss operatives, on loan from the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force, were brought in to support military campaigns against the Galactic Republic on the planet Hoth. This support included providing cold weather training and equipment to enhance the capabilities of Imperial military forces operating in the frigid environment. Shullis Khamarr held the position of Minister of Logistics at this time.

During this period, the Ministry informed Imperial Intelligence about their failure to prevent a broadcast by a terrorist known as the Eagle. Consequently, the message disseminated by this dissident was witnessed by everyone within the Sith Empire.

Following a rakghoul plague outbreak on Tatooine, the Imperial News Network informed the Empire's citizens of a travel restriction. The Ministry then advised when this restriction would end, issuing Imperial Edict 1968Z. This edict authorized all Imperial personnel to terminate any individuals infected by rakghouls or carrying the disease.

Minister Lorman

According to Lana Beniko, the Ministry of Logistics was the only Imperial government department capable of negotiating and implementing the Empire's surrender to the Eternal Empire of Zakuul after the abrupt end of the Galactic War. By this point in time, the majority of the Dark Council had either perished or disappeared, and none of the remaining Darths or Ministries were prepared to accept responsibility for the surrender. Because the Ministry of Logistics fell under his Sphere, Darth Vowrawn was compelled to personally represent the Sith before the Eternal Throne.

Shortly after these events, Darth Acina proclaimed herself Empress of the Sith and took control of the imperial government. Under her rule, Gelmid Lorman served as the Minister of Logistics. In 3630 BBY, Lorman greeted The Outlander, Lana Beniko and Theron Shan upon their arrival on Dromund Kaas. Lorman secretly colluded with Leontyne Saresh with a plan to assassinate the Outlander and Empress Acina, but the pair were successful in thwarting the plot.

