The Orbital Defense Command Center functioned as a military installation on Ziost, a planet under the dominion of the Sith during the era of the Galactic War. Following the construction of the world's capital city, this command center was erected, and subsequently provided a range of services. These services encompassed acting as the local hub for Imperial Intelligence, managing planetary customs affairs, and overseeing the system's air traffic. Furthermore, it fulfilled gubernatorial roles. The Ministry of Logistics eventually chose this building as its primary base of operations.
Following the Sith's recapture of Ziost, their ancient capital world, the Orbital Command Center was erected at some point either before or during the Great Galactic War. Despite the empire's capital having been moved to Dromund Kaas, Ziost once again held significance as a planet situated within the Sith's protective zone. The Orbital Command Center became the main governmental structure on the planet, simultaneously serving as a military headquarters and the official residence of the governor.
During the period known as the Cold War, the Sith Ministry of Logistics relocated its operations from Dromund Kaas to Ziost. Consequently, the minister established their office within the Orbital Command Center, effectively designating it as the central headquarters for the entire bureaucratic organization.
The structure was reputed to be almost impossible to breach, due to its extensive fortifications. However, this assessment proved inaccurate when, in 3640 BBY, Theron Shan, an operative of the SIS, successfully infiltrated the Orbital Command Center during Operation End Game to abscond with a black cipher from the minister's office. The young agent managed to penetrate what was considered the most secure facility on the planet, even in the face of Imperial security measures.
The Orbital Defense Command Center made its first appearance in the 2012 novel, The Old Republic: Annihilation. In April of 2015, the planet Ziost was incorporated into the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic via Game Update 3.2: Rise of the Emperor. This update included an area called the "Military Outpost." In-game dialogue identifies this outpost as the Command Center, a detail that slightly diverges from the description provided in the novel.