Darth Vowrawn, a male Pureblood Dark Lord of the Sith, achieved the position of Sith Emperor, becoming the third ruler of the reconstituted Sith Empire. Before his reign, he was a distinguished member of the Dark Council, which governed under the authority of the first emperor. He initially oversaw Production and Logistics and later Civil Administration, serving under his predecessor, Darth Acina.
The Galactic Republic found itself at war with the Sith Empire under Vowrawn's leadership, marking the third major conflict since the Great Galactic War.

As a Darth and a member of the Dark Council, Vowrawn indulged in a life of luxury and pleasure, maintaining estates on all significant Sith worlds. He wielded considerable influence over his fellow council members, manipulating their ascensions and falls. In one such scheme, Vowrawn elevated Darth Decimus to the council, securing the Armageddon Battalion and Decimus's loyalty in return.
Vowrawn participated in the apprehension of Lord Calypho alongside Darth Marr and another Dark Councilor within the council chamber located on Dromund Kaas. Furthermore, the Dark Lord had at least one apprentice, an ambitious Sith Lord named Qet. Qet, in an act of devotion, commanded a vast army of slaves to construct a colossal statue of Vowrawn hidden within the jungles of Dromund Kaas. This structure, known as the Unfinished colossus, remained incomplete due to a rebellion by the enslaved.

During the Galactic War, Vowrawn was among the Dark Council members who opposed the rise of Darth Baras, especially after Baras claimed the title of Voice of the Emperor. Vowrawn discovered that Baras was supported by the prophetic insights of a Force entity known as the Entity, held captive under powerful enchantments on Corellia. Consequently, he determined that freeing this dark spirit was the only way to defeat Baras.

When hostilities resumed with the Galactic Republic, Vowrawn oversaw Imperial operations on Corellia, concealing his presence within the Incorporation Islands. Protected by loyal Sith, he watched for assassins dispatched by Baras. During this time, he encountered Baras's former Sith apprentice, the new Emperor's Wrath, initially suspecting the Sith of being part of Baras's assassination plot. The Wrath fought through Vowrawn's forces, killing Sith Lord Haresh, until only Qet remained as the final defense. Vowrawn, recognizing the Wrath's superior strength, ordered Qet to stand down and requested a swift death rather than decapitation. The Wrath claimed to have been sent by the Emperor's Hands, not Baras, to protect him. Vowrawn doubted this, questioning if the Wrath was truly no longer aligned with Baras. Only after the Sith defeated the real assassin did Vowrawn believe the Wrath's sincerity. Vowrawn then proposed an alliance to dethrone Baras, which the Wrath welcomed. He revealed his true motive for leading the Corellia campaign: targeting crucial and vulnerable elements supporting Baras's power. One agent possessed compromising secrets, while the other led Jedi against Sith who opposed Baras. Eliminating them would undermine Baras's support. Vowrawn identified the first spy as Colonel Senks of the Corellian resistance, whose stronghold in Labor Valley was riddled with escape tunnels. Vowrawn provided pulse disruptors to seal these passages, ensuring Senks could be cornered and killed, though he lamented the loss of a valuable agent. After the Wrath arrived at his ship, Vowrawn contacted his ally via holo, advising that if Senks wouldn't hand over his files, the Wrath should destroy his database to eliminate it all. Following the completion of the task, the Wrath departed the compound to prevent Baras from overhearing their communications.
After the Wrath dealt with Senks, Vowrawn dispatched him to Axial Park, where his operative Shadow had sought refuge amidst Republic artillery fire. Shadow was meant to reveal the identity of Baras's Jedi spy. However, upon meeting the Wrath, Shadow admitted he only knew the location of the local Jedi Enclave, not the spy's identity. As the Wrath battled through the Enclave to expose Master Injaye as the spy, another assailant launched a more intense attack on Vowrawn. Vowrawn admired the Wrath's companions who faced death fearlessly.
Vowrawn later met the Wrath at a safe house in the Capitol Square to free the Entity. However, Lord Draahg ambushed them, trapping Vowrawn in a death field that threatened to disintegrate him. The Wrath defeated Draahg, freeing Vowrawn. Once released, Vowrawn admitted he had anticipated his death. Before the ritual to free the Entity, he confirmed that Baras was watching through her, anticipating his fury.

With Baras weakened, the time came to expose him as the false Voice. Vowrawn, arriving "fashionably late" on Korriban, authorized the Emperor's Wrath's entry into the Dark Council Chambers to ensure the final confrontation between Master and apprentice. Vowrawn urged his fellow Dark Councilors to refrain from intervening, explaining they were all victims of Baras's deception. Baras, in a desperate attempt driven by greed or jealousy, called on the Dark Council to help him destroy his former apprentice, claiming the Emperor had revealed Vowrawn's fate to him. However, the Dark Council, acknowledging Vowrawn's support for the Wrath, allowed the Emperor's Wrath to duel and slay Darth Baras, thwarting his plans to seize ultimate power in the Sith Empire. Relieved to be rid of his rival, Vowrawn, speaking for the Council, declared that the Wrath had free rein and was answerable only to their ultimate Master.

Later, Vowrawn attended Darth Thanaton's appeal for the execution of his rival, Lord Kallig. However, Kallig interrupted the proceedings. The Dark Council, intrigued by Thanaton's inability to defeat his rival, permitted them to conclude their Kaggath before them. When Kallig triumphed over Thanaton, Vowrawn joined the other Dark Councilors in observing the humiliated Dark Lord before Darth Mortis used the Force to snap his neck, killing him. Kallig then assumed Thanaton's seat on the Council, adopting the name Darth Nox and inheriting Thanaton's position as head of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge.
Following the Battle of Corellia, the Dark Council convened to discuss a successor to Darth Hadra's seat, as Hadra had perished during the battle. Vowrawn endorsed Darth Marr's nomination of Darth Karrid, but after Mortis nominated Darth Gravus, Vowrawn suggested the Council postpone the decision. When news arrived that Karrid had killed Gravus, the Council unanimously supported her nomination.
Vowrawn later contacted the Wrath on Rishi, informing them that advanced Opticron droids were spying on them. He provided a device to detect these drones and advised using it in secluded areas. Vowrawn soon departed the planet, pursued by the Hand for attempting to uncover their secrets, even interrogating a Servant.

When the Eternal Empire invaded and conquered both the Sith Empire and the Republic, Vowrawn represented the Empire in pledging allegiance to Emperor Arcann alongside Senator Evran. By 3630 BBY, Vowrawn served as the Head of Civil Administration under Empress Darth Acina, who declared herself Empress of the Sith after the rest of the Dark Council died or disappeared.

In 3629 BBY, the Sith battled the Republic and Eternal Alliance for control of a powerful superweapon. During this conflict, Empress Acina was driven insane and killed by the superweapon. Vowrawn subsequently ascended to the throne of the Sith Empire.
Shortly after, Vowrawn utilized an enslaved Darth Malgus to invade Ossus, initiating the third Galactic War against the Republic and the Jedi.
Emperor Vowrawn convened a Dark Council meeting with Darth Malgus to destroy the Meridian Complex on Corellia by dispatching Darth Savik to Onderon and Darth Shaar to Mek-Sha to neutralize Republic fleet reinforcements that could impede the Empire's assault.
Darth Vowrawn was a refined and charismatic statesman who had served on the Dark Council for decades during the Cold War, a remarkable achievement in the Empire where council member tenures were often brief. Mocked as a "fop" by Darth Baras, his passionate pursuit of challenge was well-known, and his peers learned not to underestimate his ruthless enthusiasm. He also appeared to genuinely care for his loyal bodyguards.
Vowrawn reveled in the intricacies of conquest and Sith power struggles, finding joy in the details of his favorite game. Many aspiring Sith had tried to surpass Vowrawn through various strategies, from intricate schemes to direct attacks. While some achieved temporary gains, Vowrawn's ability to adapt his strategy ensured his ultimate victory in these confrontations. He spearheaded the effort to prevent Baras from becoming Voice of the Emperor, succeeding with the help of Baras's former apprentice, the Emperor's Wrath. He also owned numerous estates on major Sith worlds.
As the head of Production and Logistics, Vowrawn possessed strong numerical skills and recognized the Empire's disadvantage in soldiers, resources, and allies compared to the Republic. Like Darth Marr, he understood the need to recruit more worlds to the Empire's cause to succeed in the war against the Republic. He also appeared to oppose the Empire's anti-alien policies, a sentiment shared by Darth Marr. This was evident in his support for Darth Karrid's ascension to the Dark Council after Darth Hadra's death and Karrid's subsequent killing of Darth Gravus, as well as his decision to take an alien apprentice.
He possessed knowledge of ancient Sith rituals and magic, which he used to free the Entity from her imprisonment.
His swift defeat by Lord Draahg and his belief that he stood little chance against the Emperor's Wrath suggest that his combat skills had diminished with age by the time of the Cold War. However, his true strengths lay in his charm and cunning, which allowed him to successfully pose as a Republic asset during the Battle of Corellia and orchestrate the downfall of Darth Baras, as well as maintain his position on the Dark Council longer than any of his contemporaries.

If the Sith Warrior is a Pureblood Sith, Vowrawn remarks upon meeting that he will at least die by the hands of his own species. During the Sith Warrior Quest Line "Protect Vowrawn," a bounty hunter hired by Baras attempts to assassinate Vowrawn. After the Emperor's Wrath defeats the assassin, they receive the Codex Entry "Darth Vowrawn," but the Codex depicts Vowrawn with orange eyes, while in-game he has red eyes.
Vowrawn is seen paying tribute to Arcann in Chapter II of Knights of the Fallen Empire, but in Chapter III, Lana states that Darth Acina was the only Dark Councilor not dead or absent. After Chapter II of Knights of the Eternal Throne, the player receives an in-game mail from him, confirming that he is alive and serving under Empress Acina.
In Game Update 5.2: War For Iokath, if the player sides with the Empire and later chooses to monitor their allies to find a traitor, the monitors mention Acina sending messages to Vowrawn, making him a suspect. If Acina was killed during the Iokath storyline, a news broadcast in the flashpoint "A Traitor Among the Chiss" announces that Vowrawn has ascended to the throne, now known as Emperor Vowrawn.
If Acina remains Empress, Sith Warrior players can reunite with Vowrawn on Mek-Sha during the Onslaught storyline. They can also flirt with him regardless of their gender.

An Imperial Loyalist or Republic Saboteur player can have Lana Beniko kill both Darth Shaar and him on Mek-Sha. However, this is only possible if Acina is the Empress. If Vowrawn is Emperor, only Shaar can be killed, as he will not be present on Mek-Sha.
During the Legacy of the Sith storyline for Imperial players, Emperor Vowrawn appears at the conclusion of the Ruins of Nul story flashpoint to help restrain Darth Malgus, accompanied by two Dark Honor Guards. If the player supported the Empire on Iokath, then Empress Acina appears instead.