Calypho, a Sith Master to Darth Thanaton, was a Sith Lord who served the Sith Empire. The Dark Council had Calypho apprehended, stating that he exceeded his authority and attempted to gain power that was not rightfully his.
Calypho was held captive within the Council's headquarters located on Dromund Kaas. As a trial, Calypho's apprentice was made to battle his previous Master, ultimately defeating him in front of Darth Marr, Darth Vowrawn, and one other Councilor. Nevertheless, the Council chose not to execute Calypho, seeing future potential in him. The Council's intention was to torture Calypho nearly to the point of death so that the Sith Master would be subjected to visions of what was to come.
Calypho instructed that as death approached, foresight became more powerful and distinct. He attempted to attain clairvoyance through meditation and abstinence from food.