
During the era of the Cold War and Galactic War, a Human male Sith Lord known as Draahg, who belonged to the reconstituted Sith Empire, proclaimed his supposed invincibility.


Draahg before his transformation

Draahg, while still a young Sith apprentice, found that his knack for blending in proved invaluable on Korriban. He managed to survive the particularly harsh training of an overseer by ensuring that his fellow acolytes drew all the attention. This very trait was instrumental in gaining the favor of Darth Baras and securing a position as his apprentice. In a calculated move to gain leverage over his own master, Darth Vengean, Darth Baras strategically placed Lord Draahg as a secret apprentice within Vengean's ranks. Acting as Baras's informant, Lord Draahg provided reports on Darth Vengean's clandestine meetings and ever-changing alliances – information that Vengean had purposefully kept from Baras. Draahg meticulously maintained the appearance of a blindly obedient threat, always careful to please Vengean without ever revealing his true allegiances.

However, Draahg should not be underestimated. Being the chosen apprentice of both Baras and Vengean, he had access to a wide range of knowledge and a great amount of power that few others could match. When another apprentice of Baras moved to assassinate Vengean as the final step in Baras's version of Plan Zero, Baras commanded Draahg to restrain himself, concealing the true extent of his power from both the Apprentice and Vengean. Consequently, Draahg allowed Vengean to restrain him, only to be freed by the Warrior. Ultimately, Draahg assisted the Warrior in killing Vengean, allowing Baras to ascend to his seat on the Dark Council.

Not long after, Darth Baras dispatched Draahg to eliminate the Sith Warrior on Quesh, fearing that the Warrior might one day grow strong enough to challenge him. Using a Republic mole, Baras provided Captain Trey-yen with a detonator that was intentionally not connected to an explosive meant to destroy an Imperial base. Draahg possessed the actual detonator and attempted to trap the Warrior in a mine, but his plan failed. Unbeknownst to Draahg, the Warrior was rescued by the Emperor's Hands and granted the title of Emperor's Wrath.

Following the demise of Darth Ekkage, Baras learned that his former apprentice was still alive and sent Draahg to finish the job. Draahg located his target at the Adamas Space Station orbiting Hoth, where the Warrior was carrying out a mission for the Emperor's Hand to redeploy the Armageddon Battalion to Corellia. Draahg had already subdued four members of the Warrior's five-person crew, intending to force them into Baras's service, before moving to complete his original mission. In response, the Wrath vowed to seek vengeance on both him and Baras for their betrayal. Undeterred, Draahg boasted that while Baras had held back on the Wrath's training, Draahg himself possessed the combined knowledge of both Baras and Vengean, declaring his invincibility. The two Sith then engaged in a lightsaber duel. After three exchanges, Draahg conceded defeat but assured the Wrath that Baras would ultimately prevail. The Wrath simply mocked him, provoking Draahg into charging, only for the Wrath to leap over him and use the Force-push to send him over a railing into a fire.

Draahg survived by using the pain from his burns before drinking of anguish as Baras retrieved him and rebuilt him into a cyborg. Draahg continued his pursuit of the Warrior and caught up with him at the lair of the Entity on Corellia. Firmly believing in his immortality, Draahg placed Dark Councilor Darth Vowrawn in a death field and battled the Sith Warrior to ensure the Entity remained in Darth Baras' service. However, he was no match for the Emperor's Wrath and was decapitated while lying defenseless and defeated. With Draahg's final death, Darth Vowrawn was freed from the death field, preventing any harm from befalling the elder Sith.

Personality and traits

Draahg had a muscular physique, short brown hair, brown eyes, and distinctive red tattoos on his forehead and chin that extended to his cheeks. After his transformation into a cyborg, his head was shaved, and cybernetic implants replaced his eyes.

Draahg demonstrated unwavering loyalty to Baras, who was grooming him to become his general. He followed his Master's directives without hesitation. His loyalty was so absolute that he blindly believed Baras was truly the Voice of the Emperor. Following his defeat by the Emperor's Wrath, Draahg harbored intense hatred for his rival. As he was reconstructed into a cyborg, he was eager to exact revenge, but his overconfidence ultimately led to his downfall.

Powers and abilities

Lord Draahg was skilled in the use of telekinesis and Force drain. He boldly claimed invincibility and demonstrated the ability to endure significant injuries while maintaining his full combat strength. During battles, he withstood multiple lightsaber strikes and even survived being burned alive for a time. He also showed resistance to many Force abilities, easily shrugging them off. Ultimately, the Emperor's Wrath was compelled to sever his head, an injury that even Draahg could not overcome.

Lord Draahg was also a master of the lightsaber, rivaling even some members of the Dark Council. He supplemented his physical abilities with advanced Force techniques, posing a considerable challenge to both the Emperor's Wrath and Darth Vowrawn simultaneously.

Lord Draahg also showed the ability to use the Jar'Kai lightsaber move when he was fighting Darth Vengean and the Emperor's Wrath.

Behind the scenes

Nicholas Boulton provided the voice for Draahg.

