
Quesh: (pronounced /'kwɛʃ/) was a planet located within Hutt Space, plagued by hazardous waste due to a period of geological upheaval known as the Quake, which began around 53,600 BBY. The Galactic Republic came across it during the Great War, but initially abandoned it because of its poisonous air. Most beings needed a breath mask or a special injection to survive in the atmosphere, however, the Hutts could breathe the toxic air easily. Some of the planet's swamps were also found to be radioactive, in addition to the overall toxicity.

Geographical features

Quesh's surface

The Republic discovered Quesh during the Great Galactic War, but the planets toxic atmosphere, which rendered it unlivable for many species, led to its initial rejection. However, years later, during the Cold War, a young Republic chemist by the name of Bardian Aelto realized that certain chemicals on Quesh could be useful to the Republic. Many compounds on the planet were quite similar to venenit shadaaga, which roughly translates to "Hutt Venom," a key ingredient in very strong adrenals.

Following the discovery of what Aelto dubbed venenit queshaaga, or "Quesh Venom," the Republic quickly moved to reoccupy the planet and invested in its production, using sustainable mining methods to extract the venom. However, because Republic engineers couldn't quite figure out how to turn the chemicals into adrenals, they turned to an unlikely ally, the Hutts. Three Hutt cartels offered their assistance in exchange for a cut of the profits. Within ten years, the Republic had fully invested in Quesh's adrenal industry. Despite the attempts to keep Quesh a secret, the Sith Empire eventually discovered the Republic's operation, and its Hutt allies. They branded the three Republic-aligned cartels as traitors, and the Hutts were forced to help the Empire seize control of the planet from the Republic.

