The Ministry of Military Offense, alternatively called the Sphere of Military Offense, the Office of Military Offense, or the Pyramid of Military Offense, functioned as one of the twelve Spheres of Influence within the reconstituted Sith Empire. A Dark Councilor oversaw the Sphere, which held the duty of directing the Imperial Military in campaigns of conquest. The Sphere of Military Strategy provided strategic guidance to the Sphere.
During the time of the Cold War, Darth Baras took over as the head of the Sphere, succeeding Darth Vengean. Following Baras's death at the hands of the Emperor's Wrath, Darth Arho became the Sphere's leader and bore responsibility for the assault that occurred on Ilum. By the year 3637 BBY, Darth Arkous occupied the position on the Dark Council, while secretly being affiliated with the Revanite movement. His schemes reached their peak during the assault on Tython, before his defeat on Rakata Prime during the campaign waged against the Revanites.
After the Eternal Empire defeated the Sith Empire, Empress Darth Acina merged this sphere with the Spheres of Defense of the Empire and Military Strategy, forming the Sphere of Military Command.