Sphere of Military Strategy

The Sphere of Military Strategy, alternatively referred to as the Ministry of Military Strategy or the Pyramid of Military Strategy, constituted one of the twelve Spheres of Influence within the re-established Sith Empire. Under the direction of a Dark Councilor, this Sphere held the duty of formulating the strategic blueprints and overarching plans that empowered both the Spheres of Military Offense and the Defense of the Empire to guide the Imperial Military toward successful outcomes.


During the Great Galactic War, Darth Azamin presided over the Sphere. Subsequently, Darth Decimus took over his position during the era of the Cold War.

Following the Empire's loss to the Eternal Empire, Empress Darth Acina merged this sphere with the Spheres of Military Offense and Defense of the Empire, creating the Sphere of Military Command.


  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia (Initial mention)
  • Jedi Under Siege: State of the Galaxy, found on The Old Republic's official webpage (archived link) (Brief mention)

Notes and references
