The Imperial Military served as the armed forces for the re-established Sith Empire, which arose in the uncharted territories of the galaxy after the Great Hyperspace War. The Sith Emperor directly controlled the military, while the Minister of War provided oversight. During the Great Galactic War, the Imperial Military launched an invasion of the Galactic Republic and ultimately emerged victorious.
Comprising the Army and Navy, the military also maintained connections with Imperial Intelligence. It boasted an enormous force, potentially numbering in the millions or even billions of soldiers and spacecraft.
Grand Moffs Zellos and Rycus Kilran offer examples of officers within the Imperial Army and Navy, respectively. Grand Moff Odile Vaiken is regarded as the military's founder, and he was celebrated centuries after his passing. Vaiken drafted all non-Force-sensitive adults into the military, subjecting them to a rigorous training regimen, while simultaneously developing a substantial fleet.
The Imperial Military shared a particularly strong bond with Darth Malgus, a sentiment that the Sith Lord returned—an uncommon occurrence for Force-sensitive Sith of that era.
The Empire and its societal structure were heavily reliant on the Imperial Military, as militarization had been deeply embedded in Imperial culture since the Empire's earliest days on Dromund Kaas. The Vaiken training program, implemented for centuries following his death, mandated military service for every physically capable adult. This principle persisted in the centuries that followed: every non-Force-sensitive individual within the Empire was automatically inducted into the military upon reaching adulthood, remaining in service until retirement or incapacitation. While exceptional military officers could leverage promotions to establish influential families with a legacy of military service, their offspring were expected to earn their own positions within the military, receiving no preferential treatment based on their family history.
Above the ranks of generals and admirals in the Army and Navy were the ranks of Moffs and the Imperial High Command, who reported directly to the Ministry of War. The position of Grand Moff, created for Odile Vaiken, reported directly to the Minister of War and enjoyed special privileges, often forging close relationships with the Dark Council. Moffs were granted greater latitude in their uniform colors, often customizing them to reflect their past service and current command. Code cylinders were also utilized by Imperial officers, granting them access to secure areas and intelligence resources.

The Imperial Army served as the ground-based fighting force of the Sith Empire. Soldiers of the Empire typically wore black armor and wielded blaster rifles in combat. Within weeks of enlisting, ground troops began live-fire exercises within the jungles of Dromund Kaas, and even non-combat personnel received training in basic weapons, survival techniques, and first aid. The Army also employed Imperial crawler tanks, Imperial walkers, and various war droid models such as the Sith war droid Mark II. Imperial heavy troopers wore full-body black armor made of duraplast, with colored markings indicating their unit or special assignments. The design of their leg armor prioritized mobility and protection from shrapnel, while their belts held extra ammunition and readily accessible grenades. The armor's bracers contained environmental and targeting controls, and the chest readouts provided medical diagnostics for treating wounded soldiers still wearing their armor. Heavy infantry soldiers typically carried roughly one hundred pounds of armor, along with rifles, sidearms, grenades, and five days' worth of rations. An Imperial soldier's typical term of service lasted twenty-five to thirty years.
The Imperial Army's rank structure included: Private, Specialist, Corporal, Sergeant, Ensign, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colonel, and General. Fire teams generally consisted of two or three soldiers, while squads ranged from five to ten, and platoons from fifty to one hundred. Companies could range from one hundred to three hundred troopers, and a battalion, typically led by a major, comprised 700-1,500 soldiers. Colonels commanded brigades, which ranged from 5,000-7,500 soldiers, and the largest standard unit was a division, consisting of 20,000-40,000 soldiers. Larger units, designated as "Assault Groups" or "Operations Groups," could be formed from over 40,000 soldiers, placed under the command of a Moff or high-ranking Sith Lord for specific missions, and then disbanded upon completion.
The Imperial Navy functioned as the naval component of the Imperial Military, overseen by the Ministry of War alongside the Army. The Imperial Navy's ranks followed this hierarchy: Private, Specialist, Corporal, Petty Officer, Ensign, Lieutenant, Commander, Captain, Group Captain, Commodore, and Admiral. The Harrower-class dreadnought served as the Navy's primary warship, a massive dreadnaught produced by Taerab Starship Manufacturing, measuring approximately 800 meters in length, requiring a crew of 2,400, and carrying a troop complement of 7,300. The Harrower-class received support from the smaller Terminus-class destroyer, operated by a crew of 520 and carrying only 285 troops, and the even smaller Gage-class transport. The Imperial shuttle and the Imperial assault shuttle were the two primary shuttles utilized by the Sith Empire. The Navy deployed various starfighters—the Mark VI Supremacy-class starfighter and its numerous advanced models served as the Navy's standard starfighter, and they also utilized B28 Extinction-class bombers, along with a range of transports, assault craft, shuttles, and cruisers.

After the defeat of the original Sith Empire of Naga Sadow, and the subsequent Sith exodus, the remaining forces of the Empire journeyed to Dromund Kaas. There, the Emperor and his Dark Council empowered Grand Moff Odile Vaiken to establish the new Imperial military by conscripting every non-Force-sensitive adult and putting them through an intense training program. Simultaneously, he initiated the development of the Navy, building vessels with the understanding that its completion would occur long after his death. The Army's inaugural operation was the Dromund Kaas wilderness campaign, aimed at clearing territory for the Empire's new capital city. Subsequently, the Navy participated in its first operation, Odile Vaiken's final campaign, against an alien civilization. The campaign's outcome remained unknown, but Vaiken perished during the endeavor.
Following three centuries of preparation, during which Imperial Intelligence agents infiltrated the Galactic Republic, the Empire launched attacks on multiple Outer Rim Territories systems. Some of these systems were already under the control of Imperial puppet governments, allowing Sith fleets to utilize them as staging areas. Upon learning of these attacks, the Republic Senate dispatched a lightly guarded diplomatic envoy to a Navy fleet. The fleet waited until the envoy transmitted footage of the fleet back to the Senate before destroying the envoy. This event, known as the Assault on the Tingel Arm region, marked the beginning of the Great Galactic War.
Throughout the Great Galactic War, the military served on the front lines. The second assault on Bothawui demonstrated their capacity for deploying massive numbers of troops. However, Bothawui also represented one of their most significant failures. A small fleet was sent to seize the planet, but the Republic defenders were underestimated. The first attack ended in failure, and despite coming closer to victory in the second, the Empire was ultimately defeated. In the second battle, the Empire relied on sheer numbers rather than sound tactics, contributing to their defeat. The Army suffered heavy losses at the hands of a small number of Republic soldiers and one Jedi. Grand Moff Zellos commanded the Imperial forces during these battles.
Other operations during the war included the Minos Cluster Campaign, the Third battle of the Seswenna sector, and the Tingel Arm campaign. The war's final battle saw the Sith achieve victory by capturing Coruscant during the Sacking of Coruscant. A task force of Sith Warriors successfully raided the Jedi Temple while Army troops secured the rest of Galactic City. The Treaty of Coruscant concluded the war, ushering in the Cold War. During this period, the Imperial and Republic militaries generally avoided direct conflict, engaging instead in numerous proxy wars. However, the peace was eventually broken, leading to open warfare in the Galactic War.
Following the attempted coup led by Malgus during the Battle of Ilum in 3640 BBY, the Empire began integrating aliens into the Imperial forces as a measure to secure their loyalty (a policy of inclusion had already been established by the Sith, allowing aliens and Force-sensitive slaves to be trained on Korriban), despite objections from humanocentrist factions within the military, including Grand Moff Ilyan Regus.