Dromund Kaas wilderness campaign

Shortly after the people of the reborn Sith Empire arrived on Dromund Kaas, they initiated a project aimed at clearing a wild, overgrown area of the planet. This undertaking was conceived and organized by Odile Vaiken, the initial founder and leader of the Imperial Military. Leading a newly-assembled army composed of Imperial revivalists, Vaiken ventured into the untamed jungle wilderness of Dromund Kaas, encroaching upon the habitats of indigenous animal species and preparing the terrain for the Sith to establish a firm presence on the world. Upon the project's completion, the Imperials had successfully cleared enough of the wilderness to enable their leaders to commence the construction of a new capital, which would eventually become known as Kaas City.


The newly arrived Imperials heed the words of their Emperor.

In the year 5000 BBY, the Galactic Republic achieved victory over Naga Sadow, the Dark Lord of the Sith, and his powerful Sith Empire at the conclusion of the Great Hyperspace War. Despite the war's crippling effect on the Empire and its populace, Pultimo, the Republic's Supreme Chancellor, insisted that their military forces persist in their offensive against the Sith to completely eliminate any remaining threat to the Republic's security. Fearing persecution, a contingent of Imperials departed from their homeworld of Korriban, as well as the rest of Sith space, seeking refuge with the surviving Sith Lord known as Vitiate elsewhere in the galaxy. Guided by Vitiate, who promptly proclaimed himself the immortal Sith Emperor, these survivors traversed hyperspace for a duration of twenty years before discovering the isolated planet of Dromund Kaas in 4980 BBY. This jungle planet had once been the site of a Sith colonization attempt, but had long been forgotten. The Sith Emperor embraced Dromund Kaas as the base for a new Empire that could one day challenge the Republic, but simultaneously withdrew into the shadows while his Dark Council of Sith Lords oversaw the establishment of the new government.

One of the initial and key objectives established for those who survived the Great Hyperspace War was the domestication of Dromund Kaas. The planet was an untamed jungle, overflowing with aggressive wildlife, which would need to be cleared prior to any construction. To achieve this, the Dark Council turned to Odile Vaiken, a Force-insensitive Human male who had accepted the responsibility of creating a new Imperial Military for his Sith masters. After drafting all able-bodied adults into a nascent army, Vaiken implemented a rigorous training regimen to prepare his forces for combat. Once his army was organized and trained, Vaiken began to carry out his superiors' plans to secure Dromund Kaas.

The campaign

Vaiken, with his newly-trained Imperial soldiers, marched into the jungles of Dromund Kaas, where he began the process of eliminating native animals and clearing the forests. The troops, clad in black armor and armed with blaster rifles, engaged and killed numerous yozusks and other local creatures. Vaiken himself took part in the fighting, personally battling a large, ferocious terentatek beast. Despite the animal nearly gaining the advantage, Vaiken successfully defeated the terentatek and claimed the territory for the Empire.


Odile Vaiken kills a rabid terentatek in the Dromund Kaas jungle.

With a substantial portion of the jungle cleared, Imperial construction crews were able to move in and begin building a new capital for the revitalized Sith Empire. The metropolis that developed in the area was named Kaas City, and its focal point was a massive structure called the Imperial Citadel, constructed on the site of Vaiken's battle with the terentatek. While the Emperor and Dark Council governed their new territory from the city, Vaiken dedicated himself to strengthening their military.

The Human was instrumental in designing a new class of Star Destroyer and leveraged the strength of the Imperial populace to create a new naval armada from the ground up. Vaiken's efforts proved highly successful, and his new army and navy were tasked with expanding the Emperor's dominion by conquering the worlds surrounding Dromund Kaas. Vaiken's contributions to building military strength for the Sith earned him favor with the Dark Council and the Emperor himself, who declared Vaiken the first Grand Moff of the new Empire. More than a millennium later, following the Imperial Military's triumph in the Great Galactic War, the Jedi Master Gnost-Dural created a holovid that detailed the origins of the reconstituted Sith Empire and Vaiken's activities on Dromund Kaas.

Behind the scenes

The Sith Empire's campaign to clear the wilderness of Dromund Kaas was initially presented in the eleventh entry of the Galactic Timeline. This online video feature was developed to offer information on background lore within the BioWare/LucasArts video game, Star Wars: The Old Republic.


  • Timeline 11: Rebirth of the Sith Empire on The Old Republic's official website (article) (backup link) (First mentioned)
  • Rebirth of the Sith Empire on The Old Republic's official website (link obsolete; content only found on older version of webpage: backup link) (First mentioned)

Notes and references
