Kaas City, situated within a jungle environment on the Sith world of Dromund Kaas, functioned as the main hub of the re-established Sith Empire. This occurred throughout the Great Galactic War, the subsequent Cold War, and the Galactic War. After the previous Sith Empire's demise during the Great Hyperspace War, the remaining Sith forces ultimately found refuge on the isolated planet Dromund Kaas. This led to the transformation of Kaas City from a small outpost into a sprawling metropolis, housing numerous prominent Sith Lords, most notably the Sith Emperor and the members of his Dark Council.

Following the conclusion of the Great Hyperspace War, the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order were victorious over the Old Sith Empire. Determined to prevent any future Sith threats to the Republic's peace, the Supreme Chancellor dispatched a joint force of Jedi and Republic soldiers to eradicate the remaining Sith on Korriban and other Sith planets. This resulted in the violent extermination of millions of Sith and Imperial inhabitants across the former Empire. While this action successfully weakened the Sith's power for centuries, the surviving Sith managed to escape into hiding. Seeking a new home, the Sith eventually rediscovered Dromund Kaas, a long-forgotten colonial world of their old empire. Deep within a jungle, the last of the Sith established a small settlement that gradually grew into the vast urban center known as Kaas City.
Because Dromund Kaas was essentially cut off from the rest of the known Galaxy, the Sith were able to rebuild their strength in Kaas City without worrying about being found by the Republic or the Jedi. Over many centuries, the Emperor diligently worked, plotting to avenge the Sith's ancient adversaries by gradually and consistently restoring the Sith Empire to its former prominence. Once the Emperor's massive armies and naval forces were finally completed, the Sith Empire declared war on the Galactic Republic, initiating the Great Galactic War. After the Republic's defeat, Kaas City became the heart of an even larger empire that controlled half of the Galaxy, while the Republic retained control over the other half during the Cold War era. Eventually, the Sith Empire collapsed after the Galactic War, and Dromund Kaas faded into obscurity, largely forgotten by the galaxy.
By 44 ABY, a considerable time after the Sith Empire disappeared from galactic affairs, Kaas City persisted, though as an abandoned set of ruins.
During the Cold War period, Kaas City was organized into six districts, each referred to as a hub. The Ministry of Travel's office was situated in Hub 3. One of the city's most important structures was the Imperial Citadel, which housed the headquarters for the Imperial Spheres of Influence, except for the Sphere Of Mysteries. The public generally believed that the Sphere of Mysteries shared a headquarters with the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge, but in reality, it did not exist at all. Besides serving as a prominent symbol of the Sith Empire's return to power, the citadel also served as the base of operations for the Sith Emperor and his Dark Council.