Spheres of Influence

The Spheres of Influence represented the twelve distinct areas of political control and authority within the re-established Sith Empire. These twelve Spheres, alternatively referred to as Pyramids, were each governed by a member of the Dark Council, collectively encompassing the entirety of the Empire's operations. The Dark Council, through these Spheres, exercised control and supervision over the Empire's daily functions, ensuring that every individual and entity within the Empire was ultimately accountable to at least one Councilor via the Spheres' hierarchical structure.

History and overview

The twelve members of the Dark Council each oversaw one of the Spheres.

Back in 4980 BBY, the Sith Emperor re-instituted the Sith Empire on the world of Dromund Kaas, establishing a haven shielded from the Galactic Republic. Shortly thereafter, the Emperor established the Dark Council, a body comprising twelve Dark Lords of the Sith tasked with managing the Empire's daily affairs as the Emperor gradually withdrew into isolation. Each Dark Councilor assumed dominion over a specific facet of the Empire, spanning from shared oversight of the Imperial Military to the judicial administration of Imperial society and the preservation of the Sith Order's adherence to Sith principles. Each Councilor's successor inherited control of their respective Sphere of Influence, and every organization, collective, and individual within the Empire—regardless of their Sith affiliation—was ultimately answerable to one or more Dark Council members. Occasional overlaps between Spheres led to conflicts among Council members, but generally, each Council member bore the responsibility of overseeing their designated Sphere and addressing any arising issues.

The Spheres

Ancient Knowledge

The headquarters of the Sphere's leader

The Sphere of Ancient Knowledge held the responsibility for safeguarding and augmenting Sith lore. Initially headed by Darth Zavakon, this Sphere supervised the Imperial Reclamation Service, ensuring the proper handling of Sith artifacts and archaeological discoveries for the benefit of the Sith Order. Darth Arctis was superseded by Darth Thanaton as the Sphere's leader towards the conclusion of the Cold War with the Republic. Thanaton, in turn, was succeeded by Darth Nox following the latter's victory over the former in a duel. defeated.

Biotic Science

The Sphere of Biotic Science was entrusted with the governance of all Imperial domains pertaining to the organic body. The Imperial Medical Corps, cybernetic enhancements, disease management, Sith alchemy, and genetic manipulations and experiments all fell under the Sphere's jurisdiction. Darth Acharon himself had undergone cybernetic augmentation by the time he assumed leadership of the Sphere near the end of the Cold War.

Defense of the Empire

The Sphere of Defense of the Empire focused on directing the Imperial Military to safeguard the Empire and its populace from both external and internal threats. Consequently, this Sphere shared joint authority over the Ministry of War and the Imperial Military with the leaders of the Spheres of Military Offense and Military Strategy, often coordinating efforts with the Sphere of Imperial Intelligence. Darth Marr, who headed the Sphere during the Great Galactic War, the Cold War, and the Galactic War with the Republic, considered it his duty to shield the Empire from both the Republic and the Empire's own destructive tendencies and internal strife, such as that which plagued the Dark Council.

Expansion and Diplomacy

The Sphere of Expansion and Diplomacy oversaw the expansion of the Empire's territorial boundaries and guided the Imperial Diplomatic Service in its endeavors to secure new allies and maintain existing allegiances. While the Sphere managed both diplomacy and expansion, the Sphere's leader determined the Empire's prioritization of either aspect during their tenure. Darth Ravage, who led the Sphere by the time of the Cold War, favored military expansion and conquests over diplomacy to advance his personal ambitions.

Imperial Intelligence

The Sphere of Imperial Intelligence supervised the Ministry of Intelligence, with the Minister of Intelligence reporting directly to the Sphere's leader. All of Intelligence's various divisions, including Imperial Intelligence—the Ministry's primary intelligence-gathering branch—and the propaganda-producing Outreach Bureau, were under the control of the Sphere's leader. Darth Jadus directly engaged in the operations of Operations Division during his tenure as the Sphere's head. Following his presumed demise in the destruction of his flagship, the Dominator, Darth Jadus was temporarily replaced by his daughter and heir, Darth Zhorrid. She faced considerable animosity from the rest of the Dark Council, and the seat remained vacant at a meeting a few years later.

Laws and Justice

The Sphere of Laws and Justice directed the Empire's law enforcement and judicial arms, ensuring the maintenance of rigid order and efficiency within Imperial society and upholding Imperial justice throughout the Empire. Darth Mortis, who headed the Sphere by the time of the Cold War, ensured the Empire's adherence to its values and traditions, while recognizing that excessive reliance on past traditions could jeopardize the future.

Military Offense

The Sphere of Military Offense directed the Imperial Military and the Ministry of War in all offensive military operations, commanding the military's firepower and resources to annihilate the Empire's adversaries and secure its territorial and military dominance. Darth Vengean's intricate plan to reignite the Great Galactic War was seized by his apprentice Darth Baras before Vengean's demise. Baras's schemes to become the de facto ruler of the Empire by proclaiming himself the Voice of the Emperor ultimately led to his own death. Baras's successor Darth Arho commanded the military on Ilum as Grand Moff Ilyan Regus's superior, but he was killed by Republic forces on Ilum. His successor, Darth Arkous, participated in the Revanites' coup and was killed on Rakata Prime.

Military Strategy

The Imperial Military fell under the control of three Spheres.

The Sphere of Military Strategy oversaw battle plans, strategies, and other military protocols, as well as the Imperial Conquest Consolidation Corps. This Sphere collaborated directly with the Spheres of Defense and Military Offense to command the Ministry of War. Darth Decimus and the Sphere orchestrated the invasion of Corellia during the renewed war with the Republic, resulting in a near-perfect occupation that was only foiled by the unexpected reactions of many Corellians and the formation of a resistance to the Imperial presence.


The Sphere of Mysteries, also known as the Keeper of Mysteries sphere, stood as the most enigmatic of the twelve. The Empire at large possessed scant knowledge of the Sphere's internal operations or objectives, understanding only that the mysteries it safeguarded were crucial to the Empire's well-being. Darth Rictus presided over the Sphere during the renewed conflict with the Republic.

Production and Logistics

The Sphere of Production and Logistics was tasked with overseeing the Ministry of Logistics, with the Minister of Logistics reporting directly to the Dark Councilor in charge of the Sphere. Through the Ministry, the Sphere managed the Empire's trade routes, resources, economy, military supply lines, transportation systems, nationalized industries, slave populations, and other assets and programs vital to the Empire's continued functioning. Darth Vowrawn led the Sphere throughout the four decades of conflict with the Republic.

Sith Philosophy

The Sphere of Sith Philosophy was entrusted with safeguarding the Code of the Sith, ensuring the loyalty of Sith Order acolytes and apprentices to the Order's tenets, disseminating anti-Jedi teachings and propaganda, and preventing the infiltration of the Empire by those who espoused belief in the powers or advantages of the light side of the Force. Darth Aruk made it his personal mission to eradicate the Order of Revan and the mysterious Light Sith during his tenure as the Sphere's leader.


The Sphere of Technology supervised the creation of potent new cybernetics, superweapons, military technology, and other groundbreaking machines for the benefit of the Empire. The Sith Lord Darth Mekhis contributed to the design of the Fury-class Imperial interceptor in the years preceding her ascent to the head of the Technology Sphere. During her tenure, she developed the formidable Sun Razer and numerous new superweapons before her death during a Republic SIS operation. She was succeeded by her rival Darth Hadra, but after her death at Corellia, the Falleen Darth Karrid—commander of the prototype warship Ascendant Spear—briefly occupied her seat before her own demise. Karrid was succeeded by Darth Acina, who was chosen by the Emperor's Hand to oversee the Arcanum.

