Darth Ravage

Darth Ravage was a male Human who held the title of Dark Lord of the Sith. He existed within the reconstituted Sith Empire and served on the Dark Council throughout the duration of the Cold War.


Ravage was among those who initially put up with Darth Baras's declaration that he was the Voice of the Emperor. When Darth Vowrawn, along with Baras' former apprentice, proclaimed that Baras was deceiving the Dark Council and introduced the latter as the Emperor's Wrath, Ravage considered the supposed Wrath to be unimportant and wanted to assist Baras in eliminating the Wrath. However, Darth Marr stated that it was uncertain who truly represented the Emperor, and that the survivor of the upcoming battle would reveal the truth. During the ensuing duel, as Baras visibly weakened, he appealed to the Dark Council for assistance, but even Ravage declined to obstruct the Wrath's path. After the Wrath killed Baras, Ravage, along with the other Dark Council members, bowed and pledged allegiance to the Wrath, although he personally viewed the new Wrath as a threat.

Darth Ravage bows to the Emperors' Wrath

At a later time, Darth Thanaton sought the Council's support in assassinating Lord Kallig, the former apprentice of Darth Zash. Kallig intervened, arguing that Thanaton deserved death for abandoning the Kaggath on Corellia. Ravage responded that the Kaggath was insignificant and that murder had no rules. Despite Thanaton's attempts to defend himself, the Council refused to aid him against Kallig. When Thanaton was brought to his knees, Darth Mortis used the Force to break his neck. Ravage voiced his relief at Thanaton's removal. Marr countered that Thanaton was a better Sith than Ravage acknowledged. Mortis then offered Thanaton's seat to Kallig, which Ravage opposed, arguing that a mere Lord should not be on the Dark Council. Marr silenced him, stating that Kallig had earned it by defeating Thanaton in fair combat. He then resolved Ravage's objection by bestowing upon Kallig the title of Darth Nox. As the Dark Council departed, Ravage cautioned Nox against trusting men as unassuming as Marr.

Along with his fellow Dark Councilors Marr and Nox, Ravage was summoned to Ilum to discuss the betrayal of Darth Malgus. He approved of the death of Darth Serevin during the Battle of Ilum, claiming that the time spent among Voss had weakened him. Ravage expressed strong disapproval of Malgus's actions and was pleased to learn of his defeat. Following the Battle of Corellia, the Dark Council convened to discuss who would succeed Darth Hadra, as Hadra had died during the battle. Ravage strongly opposed Darth Marr's nomination of Darth Karrid to replace Hadra and instead supported Darth Mortis's nomination of Darth Gravus. However, upon hearing that Karrid had killed Gravus, Ravage supported Karrid, praising her for seizing what she desired. By 3637 BBY, Ravage rapidly expanded into Alzarian territory, believing it to be worthless.

Personality and traits

Darth Thanaton was particularly disliked by Darth Ravage. He also harbored distrust towards others and was displeased when the Council elevated Kallig to the position of Dark Lord, granting him Darth Thanaton's former seat. He reiterated this sentiment when Darth Marr nominated Darth Karrid to replace Darth Hadra, as she had been the former apprentice of the traitor Darth Malgus. Ravage displayed a greater range of emotions compared to some of his fellow Dark Councilors. Furthermore, he appeared to be more devoted to the Emperor than his colleagues.

Behind the scenes

Darth Ravage is sacrificed to Zildrog.

During the flashpoint known as "The Nathema Conspiracy," if the Outlander is a Sith Warrior who chose the Dark Side path to kill Darth Baras, Ravage will seek vengeance for the death of Emperor Vitiate and join the Order of Zildrog, which is led by Vinn Atrius. He will then be sacrificed as fuel to awaken Zildrog by GEMINI 16 on Nathema. If the warrior chose the Light Side path and spared Baras, he will appear instead of Ravage, while the other classes will face adversaries from their respective class stories.

