Darth Serevin

Darth Serevin, a Sith Lord of Pureblood descent, identified as male, served the Sith Empire during their Cold War conflict with the Galactic Republic. Later, he aligned himself with Darth Malgus's Sith Empire.


Darth Serevin, a figure of culture, diplomacy, and charm, prioritized both outward appearances and refined manners alongside his pursuit of power. As an example of this, he executed a former apprentice, not for the apprentice's clumsy attempts at treachery, but for the apprentice's act of insulting one of Serevin's dinner guests. Therefore, when the Empire was still dealing with the aftermath of its failed invasion of Voss and a diplomat of exceptional skill was needed, Darth Serevin's composure and extensive experience rendered him the perfect selection. He was also a strong supporter of Darth Malgus.

During his extended stay on Voss, Darth Serevin cultivated an appreciation for Vossian art and architecture, leading him to order a corresponding redesign of his personal quarters on Dromund Kaas. Furthermore, he recognized the potential value of the Voss people to the Empire, including the possibility of acquiring an army composed of Voss commandos and Voss Mystics.

When Malgus unveiled his scheme to establish a new empire, Serevin was among the many who joined his cause. He shared Malgus's conviction that the Empire should embrace alien species, the Voss included. When a strike team arrived to prevent Malgus's forces from acquiring crystals for his stealth fleet, Serevin was present alongside two Voss. One was a Mystic named Talsa-ko, who claimed that her visions indicated she would side with the victor. Serevin believed that if he emerged victorious, the Voss would pledge their allegiance to the new empire. However, Serevin was ultimately defeated by the strike force, and the Voss were either captured or killed.

Personality and traits

Darth Serevin possessed a captivating personality, enabling him to secure the trust of the Voss for both the Empire and himself. While appearing to be a skilled diplomat, he also deceived the Voss, leading them to believe that an agent of the Empire would fulfill a new vision of theirs. He stood out as one of the few Sith who opposed the Empire's discriminatory policies against aliens, a primary factor in his decision to join Darth Malgus. Indeed, he had fostered a profound admiration for alien art, particularly that of the Voss. Serevin seemed to be among the few Sith who valued etiquette over their inherent aggression.

Powers and abilities

Like many Sith Lords who had earned the title of Darth, Serevin was a formidable combatant, skilled in both lightsaber duels and the application of the Force. He demonstrated his ability to withstand a strike team, showcasing both his lethal lightsaber skills and his mastery of the Force. He exhibited proficiency in telekinesis by hurling Adegan crystals at the strike team. Additionally, he frequently employed lightning-based attacks, notably a potent lightning technique known as Force Explosion, as well as Dark Blast. He also demonstrated a degree of stealth, which he combined with a lightning attack that frequently stunned his opponents.

Behind the scenes

The image displayed upon unlocking the Codex entry for Darth Serevin appears to be an image of Darth Kallous. If the player chooses to reveal information about the genetic connection between the Voss and the Gormak on Voss, Ambassador Serevin becomes angry with the player, questioning the player's decision after the hologram transmission with the Three concludes. Upon leaving Serevin, the player receives the following in-game mail from the Sith diplomat, along with attached credits:

On Tatooine, if the player decides to recruit a Force-sensitive Jawa instead of eliminating them, Serevin sends them the following message:

