The Voss Mystics served as the prophetic leaders of the Voss species. These individuals, native to the planet of the same name, were gifted healers and seers, and their homeworld was deeply connected to the Force. Despite their abilities, the Mystics lacked structured Force training, disregarded external perspectives, and were regarded as Gray. Thanks to their visions and skills, the Voss were able to withstand attacks from the Gormak, a technologically advanced, pre-spaceflight species also native to Voss.
Shortly after the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, the galaxy at large rediscovered the planet Voss. The Sith Empire then plotted to seize control of Voss, while the Galactic Republic aimed to protect it. The Voss Mystics had foreseen both of these plans. After the invasion attempt, an entire occupation fleet vanished, which compelled both galactic superpowers to seek peaceful relations with the Voss in order to gain their favor.

Many Mystics resided in Voss-Ka, a heavily defended city built into a mountain, as well as the Shrine of Healing. Commandos protected these locations under the guidance of the Voss Mystics. The Voss did not possess any formal understanding of the Force and showed no interest in learning from outsiders. They maintained a unique perspective on the Force, believing themselves to be its chosen people. The Jedi and Sith considered them to be Gray. The Mystics' visions were always accurate.
The Voss Mystics were initially revealed in a Holonet article promoting the Star Wars: The Old Republic video game. A developer blog discussing BioWare's world design process later confirmed that the Voss Mystics were totalitarian rulers of the Voss.