As the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, Pultimo held office during the Great Hyperspace War. This time of conflict saw the Republic pitted against the Sith Empire of Naga Sadow, a Dark Lord of the Sith.
Following the battle of Korriban in 5000 BBY, which resulted in Sadow's Empire's downfall, Pultimo sanctioned a Republic counterinvasion targeting Sith-controlled space. This operation had a dual purpose: first, to eliminate any remaining threat the Empire posed to the Republic; and second, to liberate the Sith species from the dark side's influence, which had plagued them since the Dark Jedi Exiles' arrival in 6900 BBY.

Around the time of the Great Hyperspace War, Pultimo, a politician, ascended to the Office of the Supreme Chancellor within the Galactic Republic. After Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow and his Sith were defeated above Korriban, the Sith homeworld, by Empress Teta's forces (who governed the ecumenopolis Koros Major and its star system), Pultimo deployed Republic and Jedi forces to invade the Sith Worlds. The goal of the Republic counterinvasion was to ensure the Sith Empire could not threaten the Republic by purging Sith sacred sites and artifacts and to liberate the Sith species from the influence of the dark side since the arrival of the Dark Jedi Exiles in 6900 BBY. Pultimo's intent was not to subjugate or slaughter the Sith citizenry, but to dismantle the Empire's dark side institutions.
Gnost-Dural, a Kel Dor Jedi archivist, later reflected on Pultimo's involvement in the Great Hyperspace War in a holodocumentary created for the Jedi Archives. This occurred during the Great Galactic War between the Republic and a resurgent Sith Empire under the leadership of Emperor Vitiate, a contemporary of Naga Sadow, who established his own Sith Empire on Dromund Kaas.
Despite the Sith Empire's defeat at the battle of Korriban, Pultimo felt the Republic's victory was incomplete. He thought it was essential to eradicate the Sith civilization and its cultural heritage to guarantee they would never again threaten the Republic. Furthermore, the Chancellor believed the Republic's actions would free the Sith population from the dark side's corruption, a state they had endured since the Empire's inception.
The Essential Atlas provided the initial mention of Pultimo, offering context for the Republic's invasion of Sith-controlled territories. He was also referenced in the twelfth and final entry of the Galactic Timeline, an online video series designed to expand upon the lore of BioWare's PC video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. Pultimo was subsequently mentioned in both The Essential Guide to Warfare and Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia.