Imperial assault shuttle

During the Great Galactic War, the Cold War, and the [Galactic War], the Sith Empire deployed a specific type of vessel known as the assault shuttle against the forces of the Galactic Republic. While a larger version of these shuttles existed, the Imperial assault shuttle saw significantly more action in the numerous conflicts between the Sith Empire and the Republic.


When in flight, the assault shuttle was characterized by its two bent wings. Upon landing, these wings could be folded upwards, which reduced the amount of space the shuttle required within a hangar. A ramp provided access for personnel to enter and exit the shuttle, leading to the primary entry hatch.


A particular shuttle was employed by an Imperial strike force originating from the Black Talon to infiltrate the Brentaal Star. Their objective was either to capture or eliminate a key republic officer during an unexpected mission. It's important to note that this operation did not constitute an official military engagement, as the Black Talon was functioning as a cargo and passenger transport en route to the Sith capital world of Dromund Kaas. Grand Moff Rycus Kilran masterminded the entire attack, keeping the crew of the Black Talon unaware of his intentions.

Furthermore, in 3643 BBY, an Imperial assault shuttle facilitated an Imperial strike team's boarding of the long-lost Harrower-class dreadnought known as the Voidstar. Their mission was to recover schematics for a prototype superweapon. During the Cold War, an assault shuttle was also put on display within the Corellian Museum of Starships. The Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython utilized this type of shuttle to infiltrate the Korvalus Tower, the Tyrelli Habitat, and the Gowix Corp superstructure to destroy the Firestorm Turbolasers located within, all as part of a much larger mission to thwart the Sith Emperor from completing his plans.

