A military assault on Rakata Prime was carried out by allies of Theron Shan and Lana Beniko subsequent to the Operation on Manaan. In their pursuit of their respective superiors, Sith Lord Lana Beniko and Republic SIS operative Theron Shan uncovered a Revanites facility on Rakata Prime. This factory was designed for the creation of their Infinite Army, utilizing salvaged components of the Star Forge to engineer nearly invincible cyborgs. Consequently, Beniko and Shan deployed a strike force, with assistance from the Wookiee smuggler Jakarro, aiming to obliterate these factories and expose the conspirators behind them.
The strike team was successful in their mission to annihilate the Infinite Army within the Rakatan Temple of the Ancients, which served as the Revanite central command. On the temple's roof, the strike team eliminated both Darok and Arkous. However, shortly thereafter, a massive combined fleet consisting of both Republic and Imperial vessels materialized above the planet, carrying the true leader of the Order of Revan, Revan himself. The fleet initiated an orbital bombardment in an attempt to eliminate all opposition, but only succeeded in demolishing the Temple of the Ancients.
Following this event, Revan, dismissing the failure of the Infinite Army as a mere setback, resorted to more subtle tactics to discredit his adversaries by leveraging Revanite influence within both galactic governments. Theron Shan was branded a rogue agent by the Republic Strategic Information Service, resulting in his dismissal from the organization. Lana was falsely accused of assassinating Darth Arkous and was labeled an intergalactic terrorist. Furthermore, twelve death warrants were issued for Jakarro. Nevertheless, the strike team members were deemed too prominent to be framed, allowing them to continue their operations against the Revanites unimpeded. Subsequently, Theron, Lana, and Jakarro went into hiding, seeking a means to expose the Revanites' machinations.
The Rakata Prime raid is featured as Legacy of the Rakata, a tactical flashpoint within the Star Wars: The Old Republic video game, accessible to players of both the Republic and Empire, either individually or as a group. It represents the concluding mission in the Forged Alliances storyline.
For Republic players, upon arriving at the cyborg recruitment center, during the ensuing cinematic sequence, Theron diverts Lana's attention before informing the player(s) that they cannot risk Rakata technology falling into Imperial hands and advises them to overload the console and destroy the cyborgs. Conversely, for Imperial players, upon reaching the cyborg recruitment center, in the following cutscene, Theron proposes overloading the console. Lana then distracts Theron, before explaining to the player(s) that an overload would also destroy the data that would help the Empire building a cyborg army augmented by Rakata technology and suggests instead preserving it.
If the player(s) opt not to destroy the cyborgs, they are compelled to fight their way through, thereby accumulating light side points. Conversely, if the player(s) choose to destroy the cyborgs, a confrontation is avoided, resulting in the acquisition of dark side points. For Imperial players, the selected dialogue option influences the post-mission cutscene on Manaan.