During the galactic Cold War, around 3643 BBY, a rebellion erupted on Dromund Kaas, the capital world of the reconstitued Sith Empire. This uprising was initiated by a group of slaves against their Imperial oppressors.
These slaves, who had been transported to Dromund Kaas from various other locations, were there to construct a colossal statue dedicated to Darth Vowrawn, a member of the Dark Council. This grand project was commissioned by Lord Qet, Vowrawn's apprentice, with the intention of the statue dominating the surrounding jungle and enhancing the young Sith's standing and influence. The construction spanned several years but was plagued by constant setbacks, accidents, and the deaths of numerous slaves. Ultimately, the slaves were driven to revolt by the brutal working conditions and the relentless demands of their masters. This rebellion was secretly supported by Darth Baras, a Sith Lord who was a rival of Lord Vowrawn. The slaves armed themselves, seized control of the construction site and the surrounding jungle, thus casting off their chains and declaring war on their former enslavers.

To suppress the rebellion, the Dark Council called upon Lord Drowl, a Sith known for his expertise in crushing insurrections. Drowl saw the slave rebellion as a chance to deploy his newly-developed Quell toxin, a poison designed to torture the slaves and break the spirit of their fellow rebels. He employed promising Sith apprentices, Imperial Agents, and bounty hunters to distribute the toxin and weaken the rebellion. While the Sith waited for the revolt to subside, Imperial commanders began to investigate reports of murders within the slave camps. Their investigation uncovered a cult of Sith-worshipping slaves, known as the Unchained, who had begun performing ritualistic killings of their fellow slaves as sacrifices to their Sith masters. The Sith decided to exploit the Unchained cultists to further their own objectives in the conflict. The captains and commanders leading the slave rebellion eventually decided to threaten to expose Darth Baras's involvement in the uprising in order to advance their own interests. Baras, seeking to avoid a political scandal, dispatched his apprentice to the base of the colossus with orders to eliminate the extorting slaves. Despite the leader of the slaves being assassinated by an Imperial agent, later identified as Cipher 9, the rebellion persisted, and Darth Vowrawn's colossal statue remained a contested battleground rather than becoming a celebrated monument.