Qet, a Sith Lord of the Human species and male gender, received his training under the tutelage of Darth Vowrawn, another Sith Lord, during the period known as the Galactic War.
In a gesture meant to honor his esteemed master, Qet orchestrated the clandestine construction of an enormous statue of Vowrawn. This was accomplished by importing a massive workforce of slaves from various off-world locations to the jungles of Dromund Kaas. The resulting structure would later be known as the Unfinished colossus. However, the slaves initiated a swift rebellion, commandeering industrial drilling equipment to dismantle the incomplete statue and killing anyone who attempted to put down their uprising.
During the battle that took place on Corellia, Qet remained at Vowrawn's side. He watched as his Master spearheaded the Imperial forces' endeavor to seize control of the former Republic world, all while vigilantly watching for assassins dispatched by Vowrawn's adversary, Darth Baras. The Emperor's Wrath, formerly Baras' apprentice, soon arrived on Corellia with the purpose of safeguarding Vowrawn from Baras' would-be killers. Nevertheless, Vowrawn held the firm belief that the conflict between Baras and his former apprentice was nothing more than a deception, and subsequently denied his apprentice access to him. After the Wrath was compelled to eliminate Lord Haresh, Qet became the final defense between his Master and danger, but Vowrawn instructed his apprentice to stand down, resigned to accept whatever fate awaited him. Despite the Wrath's insistence that he was no longer under Baras' command, Qet noticed a thermal detonator rolling towards them from behind. He managed to erect a hasty Force barrier to protect Vowrawn and the other Sith present from the impending explosion. The Wrath then intervened, defeating the actual assassin and successfully convincing Vowrawn of his genuine intentions. Following this, Qet dedicated himself to protecting his Master as they sought refuge aboard the Wrath's vessel, returning to Korriban. It was there that the Wrath would ultimately thwart Baras' ambition to become the Voice of the Emperor.