

A Zabrak Sith Lord from the male gender, Haresh served the reconstituted Sith Empire as a loyal subject during the era of the Galactic War. At the time that Darth Baras schemed to take the role of the Voice of the Emperor, Haresh was under the command of Dark Councillor Darth Vowrawn, tasked with maintaining the security of Vowrawn's hidden Corellian fortress. The Sith audaciously established their command center within a corporate building allied with the Republic during the Battle of Corellia, achieved by having their troops don Republic uniforms and staging a performance for the holocameras, ensuring that enemies of the Republic would not suspect any foul play. When the Emperor's Wrath, once an apprentice to Darth Baras, arrived under the orders of Servant Eleven to safeguard Darth Vowrawn from assassins sent by Baras, Haresh refused to trust him, leading to a confrontation where the Wrath was compelled to slay Haresh.

