The following noteworthy occurrences transpired in the year 3629 BBY.
- A planetary war unfolded on the world of Iokath, involving the forces of the Galactic Republic, the Eternal Alliance, and the Sith Empire. During this conflict, Empress Darth Acina met her end. [2] Subsequently, Darth Vowrawn ascended to the Sith throne, assuming the title of "Emperor Vowrawn". [3]
- Theron Shan undertook a temporary departure from the Eternal Alliance, acting as a spy within the ranks of the Order of Zildrog. [9] [10]
- Uprisings against the Eternal Alliance [11] Denova Assault[12][11] Attack targeting the X7-Cratus[13][11] Combat within the Works[14][11] Struggle on Rakata Prime[15][11] Cult of Gethul's insurgency[16][11]
- War on Iokath [2] [17]
- Machine Gods crisis [18] [17]
- Order of Zildrog campaign [9] [19] Umbara Crisis[9][19] Copero Mission[3][20]
On Denova Amos Rike[12] Nayva Isoder[12] Dakarus Garnik[12] Jom Shomo[12]
Aboard the X7-Cratus Alirra Semhess[13] Marlon Fenn[13] Icarr Ko[13] Nyris Ko[13] Rahser Poth[13]
On Coruscant Kallin[14] Raena[14]
On Lehon Tassar[15] Sterla[15] Maeve[15]
On Makeb Gethul[16] Adelade[16] Penzaren[16] Skurr[16] Velloc[16] The Caller in the Dark[16]
On Iokath Darth Acina[2]
On Umbara Canni[9] Elli-Vaa[9]
On Copero Li'Dali[3] Nil'Duru[3] Valss[3] Zir'mai[3]