Darth Savik

Darth Savik, a Human female, served under the direction of both Darth Hadra and Darth Acharon during the events of the Battle of Corellia. She later ascended to the position of Dark Councillor within the Sphere of Scientific Advancement of the re-emergent Sith Empire throughout the third Galactic War.


Galactic War

Savik during the Battle of Corellia

In 3640 BBY, during the Battle of Corellia, Lord Savik was part of the Sith forces. These forces, under the command of Dark Councilors Darth Hadra and Darth Acharon, were tasked with resisting the Republic's advance on the Legislature Building of Corellia. During this confrontation, she was bested by a Republic hero. However, her droids intervened, rescuing her and providing the necessary care for her recovery.

Third Galactic War

Following the Eternal Empire's defeat, when the war reignited between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, Savik took on the role of a Dark Councilor. She assumed Darth Malora's former position as the leader of Scientific Advancement, a newly established sphere that consolidated the Spheres of Technology and Biotic Science. As preparation for the Empire's assault targeting the Meridian Complex on Corellia, she initiated operations on Onderon. Her aim was to weaken the Republic's capacity to replenish their fleets above the planet by seizing control of Iziz's anti-orbital defense cannons, intending to target unsuspecting enemy vessels. To achieve this, she manipulated King Regalun Petryph, convincing him that Senator Nebet and his nobles were conspiring to overthrow him, thereby instigating a civil conflict. Her ulterior motive was to exploit the king's avarice to secure the planet's resources for the Empire.


Savik successfully persuaded the Untamed to ally with Petryph and dispatched her droids to seize control of the Iziz cannon systems. Through a holographic projection of her face via one of her droids, she engaged in combat with the individual who had previously defeated her on Corellia over a decade prior. Subsequently, during the assault on the Royal Hunting Lodge, Savik communicated with Darth Malgus through another of her droids. Despite Malgus's dissatisfaction with Savik's failure to eliminate the Republic fleet, the Dark Councilor fervently advocated for the Empire to secure the planet's resources, but without success. She received orders to evacuate her remaining forces and was warned to personally answer Malgus's summons in the future. As her adversary breached the room, Savik instructed Petryph to depart and activated a neutron emitter in an attempt to eliminate them. However, they managed to escape, aided by C2-D4's remote piloting of Jakarro's starship.

Savik prepares to have her revenge.

Utilizing information obtained from Bregan, the new leader of the Untamed, the Alliance Commander confronted Savik at the Royal Proving Grounds. Savik had just ensured Petryph's safety by equipping his shuttle with a sensor jammer to prevent tracking. Darth Savik proudly declared that her defeat on Corellia at their hands had shaped her into who she was, and she had meticulously studied their tactics to prepare for her day of retribution. Nevertheless, she was once again defeated by the same individual, expressing profound frustration. Announcing that the Empire could no longer assist her in her pursuit of greater power, she surrendered to the Eternal Alliance. Upon the arrival of Tau Idair and Arn Peralun, Savik willingly provided the algorithm for Petryph's sensor jammer, along with the knowledge that the Empire's next target was Mek-Sha. The Galactic Republic requested Savik's transfer to their custody, although Lana Beniko conveyed Savik's desire to remain with the Alliance and collaborate more closely with the Commander. Despite this, Savik freely supplied the Republic with intelligence regarding the Empire's offensive capabilities, but unfortunately lacked information about their attack strategy.

Personality and traits

Over the years, Savik nurtured a deep-seated desire for vengeance against the Republic hero who had defeated her, now recognized as the Alliance Commander. Following her defeat on Corellia, Savik avoided direct combat, preferring to delegate tasks to her droids or manipulate others to carry out her objectives.

On Onderon, she asserted that her defeat on Corellia occurred during her prime. Despite this claim and her avoidance of direct conflict for at least a decade, she still challenged the Alliance Commander to a duel.

Behind the scenes

Gameplay Alternatives

If the Republic player is secretly working for the Empire as a Saboteur, they have the option to either disable the cannons or allow them to destroy the Republic fleet after defeating Savik's remote droid. After capturing Savik, the player can choose to either send her to the Alliance or hand her over to the Republic.

Supporting the Empire

Darth Savik on Onderon

In the Imperial storyline of the Onslaught expansion, the player character will collaborate with Savik to manipulate and control King Petryph. Initially, she tasks the player with thwarting an assassination attempt on the king orchestrated by Gand assassins she hired. Savik will later send an email inquiring whether the player spared or executed them. Subsequently, she dispatches the player to eliminate Petryph's cousins, Anosek and Anoser, and frame Nebet for their deaths, although the player also has the option to take them prisoner. Finally, for the assault on Iziz, she instructs the player to seek the support of the Untamed leader, Akoru, giving the player the choice of blackmailing him with the knowledge that his elder brother, Brutann, was a Sith who died fighting the Republic on Hoth. During the battle on Iziz, Savik guides the player in reaching the orbital cannon controls to destroy the Republic fleet. At the conclusion of the Onderon storyline, the player can either commend Savik's machinations or humiliate her before Darth Malgus.

If the player acts as a saboteur for the Republic and allows the Republic Fleet to escape, Darth Malgus will use the Force to choke Savik for her failure. In this scenario, the player can choose to let her die or persuade Malgus to spare her.

