
The Untamed were an insular group of people residing on the planet Onderon, and it was believed that they originated from the ancient Beast Riders.


Possessing a strong aversion to offworlders, the Untamed practiced strict isolationism and adhered to specific rituals. Nevertheless, they would temporarily endure those who honored their ceremonies or defeated them in battle. The Beast-Lords held leadership over the Untamed.


According to their leader Akoru, the Untamed were the offspring of the Beast Riders of Onderon who, in ancient times, were exiled to the wilderness by an outsider, specifically the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd. They maintained the custom of living in Onderon's jungles, domesticating wild creatures like the pritarrs, and passing down formidable fighting skills. In time, the Untamed took control of the Ancient Proving Grounds constructed by Freedon Nadd cultists, utilizing the location for Beast-Lord trials.

During the third Galactic War in 3627 BBY, which was fought between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, the conflict reached Onderon. Darth Savik's Imperial forces made a covert landing on the planet and successfully persuaded the Untamed to launch an assault on the capital Iziz.

