
Injaye was a Jedi Master of the Human species (and of female gender), who gave her service to the Jedi Order. She was a participant in the Galactic War, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire which had been reborn.


In the year 3640 BBY, Injaye was among the many Jedi Masters dispatched to Corellia with the aim of aiding the populace amidst the Battle of Corellia. However, Injaye was secretly working as a double agent for the Sith Lord Darth Baras of the resurgent Sith Empire, as she had infiltrated the Jedi Order a full decade prior. When Baras initiated his plot to seize the position of the Voice of the Emperor, the loyalist Sith of the Emperor's Hand dispatched the new Emperor Wrath to offer assistance to Darth Vowrawn, who advocated for the elimination of all of Baras' operatives on Corellia. Ultimately, the Wrath and their allies uncovered Injaye's true allegiance through Vowrawn's agent, Shadow, and resolved to confront her. Injaye, in conjunction with Masters Rubatin and Joce, engaged in combat to defeat the Wrath, but her allies were all defeated. After witnessing the deaths of Rubatin and Joce, Injaye admitted to the Wrath that she was a spy. She knew that Darth Baras would proclaim himself as the Voice for the Emperor and slowly died from her wounds.

Behind the scenes

The conclusion of Injaye's story is variable, depending on what the player does in the game. When the Jedi are confronted, the player can reveal Injaye as a Sith spy. This can happen either by deceiving her into thinking the Wrath is there to eliminate the Jedi, or by using Jaesa Willsaam (one of the Wrath's companions) to sense the feelings and alignments of everyone present. Regardless, the player then has the option to kill her and leave, allow the Jedi to imprison her, or kill her and the rest of the Jedi.

