
Rubatin was a Jedi Master of the male Human species. He was a member of the Jedi Order, serving during both the Cold War and the Galactic War that pitted the Galactic Republic against the reconstituted Sith Empire.


During the year 3640 BBY, Rubatin participated in the battle that took place on the planet of Corellia. He fought alongside fellow Jedi Masters Joce and Injaye. During this battle, they faced the Emperor's Wrath. Rubatin and his fellow Jedi engaged the Sith Lord in combat, but ultimately suffered defeat.

Behind the scenes

Depending on the Wrath's decision to reveal one of the Jedi as a Sith agent, the Wrath could choose to let Rubatin and Joce live, earning light side points, or execute them to gain dark side points.

