Shara Jenn, initially known as Watcher Two and subsequently as Keeper, served as an Intelligence Operative within the ranks of the Sith Empire.
Raised within the confines of an Imperial installation, Jenn was enrolled in a specialized program meticulously crafted to enhance her cognitive capabilities. Following exceptional performance evaluations during her initial deployments, she earned the designation of Watcher. Her responsibilities included managing communications between Cipher Nine and HQ, frequently providing Nine with crucial information and mission objectives while in the field.
In the year 3643 BBY, Shara played a vital role in assisting Nine to locate and dismantle the Eagle's network. After the elimination of the Alderaan based financiers supporting the terrorists, Shara successfully pinpointed the Eagle's location on Nal Hutta, enabling Nine to eliminate the threat. However, the crisis persisted due to the existence of the terrorist's bio-mechanical superweapons, known as the Eradicators. Shara participated in a private meeting with Keeper and Nine to discuss the Eradicators. Nine had acquired one portion of the command codes, but both halves were required to prevent the Eradicators from indiscriminately targeting Imperial worlds. Fortunately, Imperial Intelligence discovered that the Eagle's Imperial benefactor was concealing themselves within the Artus system. Keeper furnished Nine and Shara with cloaking devices for their respective vessels, designed to last for a single hyperspace jump, allowing them to infiltrate the dreadnaught and disable the Eradicators. Once aboard the dreadnaught, Shara remained on her ship, monitoring Nine's progress as the agent advanced to the bridge, where they uncovered the survival of Darth Jadus. Jadus, the true mastermind behind the terrorists, had orchestrated his own demise to evade the scrutiny of the Dark Council. His scheme involved utilizing the Eradicators to strike at the strongholds of his rivals, paving the way for his dominance over the Empire. With Jadus deploying a jamming field to prevent Shara from summoning reinforcements, she proposed to Nine that they activate the Eradicators, diverting Jadus' attention and enabling them to trap him within ray shields.

Following Darth Jadus' defeat in 3642 BBY, and largely due to Cipher Nine's efforts, Jenn ascended to the position of spymaster Keeper, while Nine assumed the role of the new Minister of Intelligence. After the search for Darth Jadus was suspended due to the outbreak of the Galactic War, Shara tasked Cipher Nine with confronting Ardun Kothe, the most skilled operative within the Republic's Intelligence division. According to her sources, Kothe had been granted autonomy by the Senate, and Intelligence sought to uncover his intentions, leading her to deploy Nine as a double agent. Unbeknownst to Shara, Kothe had somehow acquired Nine's brainwashing code, compelling the agent to comply with his directives and preventing Nine from communicating the situation to Shara.
Shara later contacted Nine after the agent's encounter with Admiral Layek Davos and a reported blackout at HQ. Nine claimed that these events were necessary to maintain their cover. Shara reiterated the agent's mission to ascertain the SIS's objectives and subsequently eliminate Kothe. Subsequently, Shara reestablished contact with the Cipher Agent after receiving reports of an Imperial bombing raid on Quesh. Nine, having secretly overcome the brainwashing, reported that Kothe and his weapon, the Shadow Arsenal, had been neutralized. Shara then summoned Nine back to Dromund Kaas for a meeting with the Minister of Intelligence.
Following the meeting with the Minister, Cipher Nine was dispatched to Isen IV to investigate the emergence of Hunter, the sole survivor of Kothe's team. Nine's investigation revealed that Hunter had employed an unknown technology to seize control of the colony's machinery, turning it against the colonists in an attempt to frame the Empire for the massacre. Shara initiated research into several unresolved Intelligence cases, concluding that Hunter was acting on behalf of a third party unrelated to either the Empire or the Republic and had been manipulating events since before the Empire's return to the galaxy. She then presented data on Operation Morning Crest, including an audio recording of Hunter and his unidentified superior, detailing the ghost agent's infiltration of the SIS.
Nine then undertook the mission of uncovering this conspiracy. Upon the agent's return to their ship, the Watchers had compiled a lead on Belsavis. Along with Watcher Three, Shara explained that the conspiracy had established Megasecurity Ward 23, presumably to conceal something. She instructed the agent to pose as a criminal and recruit a select group of inmates to assist in breaching Megasecurity.
After Nine secured the services of SCORPIO, Shara then dispatched the agent to the Tytun Rings HoloNet archives, suspecting that the conspirators, identified as the Star Cabal, had constructed the archives to conceal their communications. With the assistance of the new Watchers, Nine successfully extracted data fragments and returned them to HQ for reassembly. As they viewed the holorecording of Hunter and his unidentified associates discussing a grand, yet risky, plan, a trap within the recording designed to overwhelm a genetically enhanced mind rendered Shara and the other enhanced Watchers comatose, effectively crippling Intelligence's operations and initiating the downfall of the organization. However, this did not deter Cipher Nine, who proceeded to investigate another lead on Voss that Shara had uncovered.
Following the disbandment of Intelligence due to the Star Cabal's influence, the Minister of Intelligence utilized his remaining authority to reconstitute his former organization. Shara was awakened from her coma and worked in secret to expose the Star Cabal's machinations. As Cipher Nine was reassigned to Lord Razer's unit on Corellia and tasked with destroying Aegis Base, Shara attempted to contact her former partner. Upon succeeding, she disguised her hologram to avoid revealing her identity prematurely and instructed Nine to access the base computer. In accessing Republic communications, a transmission from Supreme Commander Rans revealed that Republic reinforcements outnumbered the Empire's. Shara instructed Nine to return to Razer's base, where she could establish secure communications. Once accomplished, she revealed her identity to Nine. She then explained that the conspirators were disseminating misinformation to induce the Republic and Empire to commit excessive forces. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the situation, she required an unaltered record of Imperial forces. She revealed that Moff Alvon Zamar had been dispatched to Corellia to assess the state of Imperial forces for the Dark Council, and Nine needed to intercept him and acquire his report before the conspirators could. Shara instructed Nine to plant landing beacons in Labor Valley to force Zamar's shuttle to land and then obtain his report by any means necessary. She also provided Nine with a codeword, "chromatic," to gain Zamar's trust.
After Nine successfully obtained the report and transmitted it to Shara, she conducted a preliminary analysis and noted that with Sith such as Darths Thanaton, Baras, and Darth Vowrawn expending troops in power struggles, the Imperial forces would match the Republic reinforcements and likely annihilate each other. She relayed a distress call from Razer, who was under attack by Jedi at the Imperial base in Axial Park, and instructed Cipher Nine to assist him. Nine arrived too late to save Razer but managed to repel the attack. Shara informed the agent that the conspirators were orchestrating conflicts between Sith and Jedi.
Fortunately, they had a breakthrough, as she had traced conspirator resources to an airship hovering above the area. She instructed Nine to infiltrate the airship and allow themselves to be captured, feeding misinformation under torture that the Imperials would gain the advantage, thereby disrupting the Star Cabal's plan. After Nine executed her instructions flawlessly and escaped the airship, Shara devised a plan for Nine to feign their death to deceive the Star Cabal, positioning them to catch them off guard. She had Nine plant explosives at a museum in Capitol Square, creating the illusion that the agent had perished in the building's collapse. Despite interference from the SIS, Nine succeeded. Shara then provided the agent with coordinates to the Intelligence flagship, Tenebrous, where they would strategize the downfall of the Star Cabal.
Shara reunited with Nine and explained the Minister's actions in recruiting loyal operatives. She then remotely monitored the agent as they infiltrated the Star Chamber. As Nine positioned themselves above the conspirators' conference chamber, Shara identified several members of the inner circle, either present in person or communicating via hologram. Once Nine had eliminated the inner circle, Shara began fabricating cover stories for each of the identified holograms and exposed them to the Imperial military, Korriban, and the bounty hunter guilds, even planning to work for an hour to get the Republic and Hutt Cartel. However, they still required the Star Cabal's secrets to hunt down the remaining members of the conspiracy, but her transmission was jammed by Hunter, who was soon killed by Nine.
Nine returned to the Tenebrous victorious. The Minister then took the agent aside for a private conversation. Afterward, the agent returned to their ship and prepared to depart. Shara communicated via hologram, and as Nine formally acknowledged her transmission, Shara revealed her true name. She then explained that numerous questions were circulating from Dromund Kaas and asked Nine about their future intentions. The agent pledged to locate and eliminate the Empire's enemies before departing.
Significantly weakened following the collapse of the Star Cabal, Shara was captured by the Republic after the uprising of Darth Malgus. Her body was frozen in carbonite, and the prison transport carrying her was attacked and captured by raiders due to the former Minister's machinations, who would collaborate with Cipher Nine to negotiate her release with Kavork. The Minister would later send her to a medical facility where the damage to her brain would be repaired and her loyalty programming undone, giving her the chance to live a life outside of the Empire. In her final moments with Nine, Shara expressed an unwillingness for freedom due to her brainwashing, and the two shared a final moment before parting for good.
Jenn, like Watcher X, was a product of a eugenics program specifically designed to cultivate future operatives. She possessed awareness of this fact and understood both its significance and limitations. The program incorporated built-in loyalty controls, which she struggled with during her teenage years but later accepted. Rapid environmental changes initially posed challenges for her adaptation.
Shara Jenn plays a significant role in the Imperial Agent storyline within Star Wars: The Old Republic, with Mary Stockley providing her voice. Her name is revealed if the player permits Watcher X to escape imprisonment in exchange for information concerning Watcher Two and Kaliyo Djannis on Nar Shaddaa, or after the Star Cabal is defeated if the player chooses to formally acknowledge her transmission at the end of Chapter 3. She represents a potential romance option for a male Cipher Nine, although it does not lead to a lasting relationship. Cipher Nine can betray her during the confrontation with Jadus, but she does not appear to harbor hatred toward the agent or resentment toward Darth Jadus afterward.
During the flashpoint "The Nathema Conspiracy," if the Outlander is an Imperial Agent who made the Light choice to spare Ardun Kothe on Quesh and later accepted his offer to join the SIS as a double agent, Shara Jenn will become aware of this and seek vengeance on the Cipher, joining the Order of Zildrog led by Vinn Atrius, only to be sacrificed as fuel to awaken Zildrog by GEMINI 16 on Nathema. If the player remained loyal to the Empire or became an independent agent, Marcus Trant will appear instead of her, while the other classes face antagonists from their own class stories.