Keeper (Imperial Intelligence)

The position of Keeper existed within the Sith Empire's Imperial Intelligence. Individuals who held the Keeper rank reported exclusively to the Minister of Intelligence, and both positions required that their true identities remain concealed.


The person holding the rank of Keeper during the Galactic War

The Keeper of Imperial Intelligence had the authority to issue directives to operatives, managed the most extensive Intelligence activities, and was aware of all the Empire and Intelligence's classified information. The Keeper, who was in control of the Operations Division of Imperial Intelligence, gave the go-ahead for each infiltration into enemy territory and each execution of an enemy of the state. They bore responsibility for the actions undertaken by their agents. However, if the Minister of Intelligence or the Sith on the Dark Council were dissatisfied with their performance, they could be quickly replaced.

During the time of the Cold War, a Human male occupied the position of Keeper. Following his advancement to the role of Minister of Intelligence, the Keeper title was transferred to a Human female known as Shara Jenn, who previously served as Watcher Two. Unfortunately, due to a sequence of events that angered the Dark Council, Imperial Intelligence was dissolved. It was promptly succeeded by Sith Intelligence, and important roles were assigned to Sith lords, essentially eliminating, or at least sidelining, the Keeper and other Imperial ranks.

