
Kavork, a pirate affiliated with the Red Meteor Consortium, operated during the Galactic War era. His base of operations in 3637 BBY was located on Rishi. He had accumulated a gambling debt that he owed to Boruush, a Trandoshan pirate. After the Battle of Ilum, Kavork's Red Meteor Consortium pirates attacked a Republic transport, seizing Shara Jenn who was encased in carbonite. As the Revanite crisis unfolded, the individual formerly known as Cipher Nine, who also served as the former Intelligence Minister for the Sith Empire, attempted to recover Shara Jenn from Kavork's pirate group. To demonstrate their power and reach to Kavork during a meeting, Cipher Nine assassinated Boruush, thereby absolving Kavork of his debt to the now-dead Trandoshan. Consequently, Kavork agreed to relinquish Shara Jenn.

