Kaliyo Djannis

Kaliyo Djannis, identified as a female and belonging to the Rattataki species, was a rebellious anarchist and revolutionary during the period spanning from the Cold War to the war against Zakuul. She held membership within the Revolutionary Edge Brigade situated on Brentaal IV, and maintained connections with various figures from the criminal underworld, including pirates, gamblers, arms dealers, bounty hunters, and even those who engaged in grave robbing.

Characterized as a sociopathic hedonist, Kaliyo Djannis possessed no moral objections to manipulating individuals into feeling valued, only to later betray or abandon them once her interest waned. She briefly resided on Hutta, functioning as an enforcer under the employment of Suudaa Nem'ro, before ultimately leaving to join Cipher Nine, who enlisted her to serve within Imperial Intelligence. Throughout numerous missions, Kaliyo accompanied the agent, contributing to the dismantling of the Eagle's network, infiltrating the Republic Strategic Information Service, and exposing an ancient conspiracy orchestrated by the Star Cabal. In response, the Star Cabal leveraged its influence to dismantle Imperial Intelligence, leading to Kaliyo's arrest for past transgressions. However, she was liberated from imprisonment by the Minister of the dissolved Intelligence and a small contingent of loyalists, undertaking assignments in pursuit of vengeance against the Cabal, eventually reuniting with Cipher Nine's team. Kaliyo remained with the agent for several years, until Cipher disappeared during the early stages of the Eternal Empire conquest.

Seeking retribution for the disruption of her lifestyle, Kaliyo journeyed to Zakuul, the capital of the Eternal Empire, where she resumed her anarchist activities under the alias Firebrand. For a duration of two years, Kaliyo waged her personal war against the Zakuulan government before aligning her forces with the Alliance that opposed Zakuul's tyranny. Personally recruited by the Alliance Commander, Kaliyo spearheaded the assault on the Overwatch, resulting in significant disruption to Zakuul's capital city, the Spire, and later participated in the raid on the Hyperwave relay station located ten kilometers beneath it. Despite the mission's primary objective falling short, Kaliyo successfully acquired a datacore containing information regarding the GEMINI droids, which ultimately dictated the Alliance's subsequent course of action and indirectly contributed to the removal of the Eternal Emperor Arcann.

Kaliyo's collaboration with the Alliance persisted through missions aimed at reclaiming the Gravestone, exploring the uncharted world of Iokath, and defending the Alliance base during the Assault on Odessen.


Early life

Born on Rattatak, Kaliyo grew disillusioned with the perceived "backwardness" of her people and fled her home planet at a young age. Subsequently, she secured employment as a freelance enforcer and assassin for prominent criminal organizations and individual figures within the underworld, although her involvement within Imperial territories remained limited. On Brentaal IV, she became affiliated with the anarchist group Revolutionary Edge Brigade under the leadership of a man known as The Wheezer, participating in activities such as kidnapping, sabotage, and armed robbery, among others. Under the assumed identity of "Lisha Tetch," she bore responsibility for the Curovao Bombing in the Brentaal city of Curovao. One of Kaliyo's acquaintances engaged in grave robbing on the Sith world of Korriban and was fortunate to escape with only the loss of his tongue at the hands of the Sith.

Kaliyo Djannis

As a cynical sociopath, Kaliyo had no moral issues with gaining people's trust, only to betray them later, seizing everything they possessed. Among Kaliyo's extensive network of contacts was Rholl, a Wookiee pirate known for his volatile temper, who hijacked Galactic Republic supply ships. Kaliyo and Rholl shared a close bond, with the Wookiee regarding her as akin to a daughter, but their relationship soured when Kaliyo demanded a larger share of the profits and attempted to steal from him. Kaliyo turned against Rholl and attempted to kill him, but only succeeded in breaking the Wookiee's arm. Another associate was Yjal, a Rattataki arms dealer who hired Kaliyo to procure additional weapons for sale. Her clandestine dealings led Yjal into trouble, resulting in the loss of a significant fortune and narrowly avoiding imprisonment. Ta Tigal, a Zabrak gambler, fell in love with Kaliyo and remained with her until she deemed him uninteresting and abandoned him, while also defrauding him of credits. On Coruscant, she seduced Ona Querit, the daughter of a wealthy Senator Querit, convincing her to elope, leading her father to believe she had been kidnapped. Kaliyo introduced her to a life of adventure among the galaxy's criminal elements but eventually abandoned her on Ylesia. She had an affair with a man named Jono, and also was once in a relationship with Doctor Archiban Kimble, nicknamed "Doc".

Kaliyo working for Suudaa Nem'ro on Hutta

Kaliyo collaborated with Anspi'shel, a Twi'lek with connections to various gangs, who utilized them to raid ships. Kaliyo operated alongside Anspi'shel, as well as Lunya and Marto, at one point raiding a ship belonging to the Exchange without realizing it. Kaliyo managed to frame an innocent dock worker for the raid and claimed that they were there to prevent it, which improved their standing with the Exchange. Eventually, Anspi'shel saved Kaliyo's life on Ord Mantell by transporting her to Nal Hutta, albeit in a manner that humiliated the Rattataki. Upon Kaliyo's arrival on Hutta, Nohn Veyaiko attempted to hire her to support Voontara Fa'athra's faction in the Hutt rivalry against Suudaa Nem'ro; however, his offer was surpassed, and Kaliyo went to work for Nem'ro as one of his chief enforcers. Kaliyo remained in the employment of Suudaa Nem'ro for over two years by 3643 BBY, when the Sith Empire dispatched an undercover operative, posing as a known pirate called the Red Blade, to secure an alliance with Nem'ro. Kaliyo took an interest in the newcomer, and after the mysterious murder of Nem'ro's lieutenant Karrels Javis, Kaliyo confronted the "Blade," convinced that he was responsible for the murder and willing to join in on whatever was happening. The agent introduced Kaliyo to the Keeper of Imperial Intelligence, who offered to enlist her services.

With the Imperial Intelligence

Kaliyo first meets the agent in Nem'ro's palace.

Although Kaliyo refused to be labeled a "servant" of the Empire, she accepted the offer and escorted the agent to Fa'athra's Palace to implicate Fa'athra and the Galactic Republic in the murder. The pair fought through the palace's guards and reached Fa'athra's archives, where they were confronted by Neimoidian Nohn Veyaiko and two of Fa'athra's elite guards. After dealing with them, the agent planted fabricated evidence, including Republic technology and footage depicting Republic agents killing Javis, to which Kaliyo noted that the genuine holodisc would also implicate half of Jiguuna in working with Fa'athra, leading to a bloodbath. She suggested scratching the holodisc, leaving only the data implicating the Republic. The agent agreed, and they presented the fake evidence to Nem'ro's other lieutenant, Toth'lazhen, which was sufficient for the furious Hutt to pledge his support to the Empire. The agent was ordered to return to Dromund Kaas, and Kaliyo chose to accompany him, departing from Nem'ro's service.

Upon arriving on Dromund Kaas, Kaliyo underwent debriefing by a Minder in the Imperial Citadel, while the agent was tasked with pursuing leads regarding local terrorists planning an attack against the Empire. Kaliyo accompanied the agent during the search for a slave leader at the Unfinished colossus, the recovery of data from Theovor Mindak, who was working for a rogue Sith Lord Grathan, and a mission to prevent saboteurs from detonating power conduits inside the Dark Temple. However, the terrorists launched an attack on the Dominator, resulting in the death of Dark Council member Darth Jadus and prompting the agent to embark on the Hunt for the Eagle, the terrorist responsible for the attack. The agent was assigned the codename Cipher Nine and provided with an X-70B Phantom-class prototype, with which Cipher and Kaliyo set out to pursue the terrorists throughout the galaxy.

Kaliyo during the travels with the agent

Together, they journeyed to Balmorra, where the agent infiltrated the Balmorran resistance to eliminate its leader, Gray Star, to Nar Shaddaa, where the two infiltrated VerveGen Corporation and eliminated its leadership, to Tatooine, where Cipher located and eradicated the Ghost cell, and finally to Alderaan, where the agent's team was joined by a Killik Joiner, Vector Hyllus. Along the way, Cipher Nine assisted Kaliyo in rescuing her former partner Anspi'shel from the Exchange, although Kaliyo still harbored resentment for her humiliation and intended to sell the Twi'lek out to a local bounty hunter on Nar Shaddaa, until the agent warned her of Kaliyo's plans and told her to run. Kaliyo also persuaded Cipher Nine to assist her in dealing with some of her former partners who were seeking her out, including Rholl, Yjal, Ta Tigal, and a bounty hunter known as "The Menace," who turned out to be none other than Ona Querit, who sought to show Kaliyo what she had become.

Later, when Nem'ro fell ill, Kaliyo was dispatched to retrieve a cure for the Hutt concocted by her ex-boyfriend Doc, aboard a Defender-class light corvette on which he was traveling. Onboard, she encountered the Hero of Tython, a Jedi Knight and Doc's partner. While awaiting Doc's return, Kaliyo informed the Jedi that she considered Doc a "worm" and that she was typically worshiped by men beneath her. After the Hutt was cured and Doc returned, Kaliyo disembarked from the ship to deliver it to Nem'ro, leaving Doc without someone to celebrate with.

As the new Galactic War intensified, Kaliyo continued to travel with Cipher Nine, who proceeded to infiltrate the Republic Strategic Information Service and later track down the ancient conspiracy known as the Star Cabal. Regrettably, the conspiracy became aware of Cipher Nine's efforts to expose them and used their influence to dissolve Imperial Intelligence. Cipher Nine's team was drafted into Lord Razer's unit, while Kaliyo was arrested due to her criminal record, despite Cipher Nine's pleas on her behalf. During the Battle of Corellia, the Minister of Intelligence secretly freed Kaliyo from custody as he gathered the remnants of Intelligence to dismantle the Star Cabal. Kaliyo undertook assignments for the Minister and the new Keeper, formerly Watcher Two. Despite receiving meager compensation, Kaliyo remained motivated by the desire for revenge against the conspiracy. She later reunited with Cipher Nine before the agent's final mission to dismantle the Star Cabal.

Kaliyo Djannis

Kaliyo remained with Cipher Nine's team, which included Ensign Raina Temple, SCORPIO, and Doctor Eckard Lokin, for approximately five years after the Star Cabal conspiracy was exposed. During that time, Lokin discovered that Kaliyo had been in contact with the Revolutionary Edge Brigade, violating numerous Imperial regulations. Kaliyo claimed that The Wheezer needed her assistance and that her discretion was solely intended to keep Cipher Nine out of trouble. To alleviate Cipher Nine's concerns, Kaliyo invited Cipher Nine to accompany her to a scheduled meeting with the Revolutionary Edge Brigade on Hutta, where the Wheezer revealed that Kaliyo had been selling Imperial secrets to the Revolutionary Edge Brigade ever since she was recruited by the Intelligence, although she asserted that she had never disclosed any information about Cipher Nine's missions. When the Wheezer revealed his intention to harvest Cipher Nine's organs to bypass Imperial security, Kaliyo was forced to choose a side and assisted Cipher Nine in fighting the Revolutionary Edge Brigade, killing every one of them. After Kaliyo finished off the Wheezer, Cipher Nine agreed to retain Kaliyo as an asset but warned her that her selling Imperial secrets could not continue.

After Zakuul conquest

Kaliyo Djannis, the Firebrand

In 3636 BBY, the galaxy was invaded by the Eternal Empire of Zakuul, and early in the Eternal Empire conquest, Cipher Nine disappeared, with the crew dispersing in different directions. Despite never being able to admit it, Kaliyo was affected by Nine's apparent death and yearned for vengeance against the assailants. She moved from place to place, worked various odd jobs, owned a club, and entered into a relationship with Seb Lorod, whom she eventually deceived, as she had done many times in the past. Eventually, Kaliyo became determined to strike against Zakuul for ruining the good thing she had going with the agent and, recalling her anarchist days on Brentaal, she arrived on Zakuul in 3632 BBY and began bombing civilian and military targets. Kaliyo sought to disrupt Zakuulan's "perfect society" as an act of revenge, but for many Zakuulans, shielded from dangers their entire life, those acts of destruction were less of a terrorism and more a source of thrills, which led to Kaliyo attracting a significant following among the locals. Calling themselves Flamechasers, Kaliyo's idolizing fans called her "Firebrand" and kept up with her exploits, creating elements of art in her honor and trading gray-market holos taken at the bombing sites.

Kaliyo Djannis meets the Outlander in Zakuul Undercity.

Regardless of the extent of the damage she caused, the droids that serviced the Spire consistently repaired it, and Kaliyo gradually became lazy. Eventually, Overwatch administrator Tayvor Slen managed to persuade Kaliyo to betray her cause by convincing her to bomb only unmanned targets in exchange for providing her with lodgings and protection from skytroopers. Kaliyo, disheartened by her inability to genuinely shock Zakuulans, agreed and even engaged in a passionate affair with Tayvor before snapping out of her daydream to resume her terrorist activities. After the Commander was released from carbonite in 3631 BBY and caused a mass blackout during the escape, Kaliyo began planting bombs throughout the city, while also obtaining the Overwatch access data through Tayvor's daughter Alianna Slen. She also placed an order for high-yield explosives from the Lady of Sorrows, arranging to pick them up at an abandoned tram station in Zakuul's Old World. However, at the meeting spot, Kaliyo was attacked by Skytroopers led by Security Commander Towen Sor and was only rescued by the arrival of the Outlander, accompanied by Theron Shan, who dispatched the attackers and approached Kaliyo with an offer to join the Alliance against the Eternal Empire.

Kaliyo Djannis considers the Outlander's plea to not detonate her explosives.

Kaliyo agreed to consider the offer if the Outlander would assist her in sabotaging the droids running the Spire. Together, they rigged ion grenades into Power Junctions 353, 754, and K-H82. Along the way, Kaliyo claimed that her sole objective was to target the Overwatch, from which the Outlander could obtain the complete schematics of the Spire. Afterward, the two went to wait in Kaliyo's apartment, detonating all three junctions simultaneously during the power grid cycle, which compromised the Overwatch security. They traveled to Overwatch in Kaliyo's speeder and stormed the facility, eventually reaching the control room where Kaliyo planted her explosives at the droid controls while the Outlander downloaded the Spire's schematics. Tayvor arrived with the skytroopers and attempted to stop them, but was defeated and mortally wounded during the fight. Before he passed away, Kaliyo mocked Tayvor's attempts to manipulate her and revealed that she used his daughter to plant explosives around the city, tormenting him as he expired. Kaliyo then revealed to the Outlander that she intended to not only shut down the droids but also detonate dozens of explosives around the Spire that would cause mass panic and throw the Spire into chaos. The Outlander convinced Kaliyo not to harm the innocents and destroy only the droid controls, after which the two escaped the Spire and the Knights of Zakuul that arrived to stop them.

Joining the Alliance

Kaliyo at the Alliance base on Odessen

Kaliyo traveled with the Outlander to the Alliance base on the planet Odessen, where she learned that the Lady of Sorrows, the information broker from Zakuul, was in fact SCORPIO, her old acquaintance from Cipher Nine's crew. Kaliyo briefly left Odessen to check on her underworld contacts but promised to participate in any significant missions in the future. When the Alliance and Republic Special Forces Division Havoc Squad devised a plan to wiretap a Zakuulan Knight outpost in the Endless Swamp, Kaliyo was summoned, fighting in a diversionary attack alongside Theron Shan, Lana Beniko, and Senya Tirall. The mission was a success, and despite the Alliance taking some casualties, Kaliyo survived unscathed. Combining the information from the wiretap with the Spire' schematics allowed SCORPIO to reveal the existence of the GEMINI frequency, by the means of which Eternal Emperor Arcann controlled the Eternal Fleet.

Kaliyo argues with Aric Jorgan in the aftermath of the mission.

The Alliance devised a strategy to strike the Hyperwave relay station, a crucial link connecting the Eternal Throne to the Eternal Fleet, situated ten kilometers beneath the Spire. Kaliyo and Havoc Squad, led by Major Aric Jorgan, were selected for this dangerous mission, with one group acting as a distraction while the other focused on the primary objective. During the mission briefing, Kaliyo advocated for seizing control of the Eternal Fleet by hacking the frequency transmitter, while Jorgan adamantly pushed for destroying the relay station to sever Arcann's control over the fleet. With the Commander absent and unable to provide assistance, the Alliance proceeded with the mission despite the setback. Communication with the infiltration team was lost during the operation, prompting the diversion team to attempt a rescue. The Spire then entered a complete lockdown, halting all transmissions and rendering any rescue attempt virtually impossible. Kaliyo and Aric Jorgan managed to escape and return to Odessen thanks to a contingency plan devised by Kaliyo, but four of Havoc Squad's six members perished. This resulted in a heated argument between Jorgan and Djannis, with Djannis accusing Jorgan's tactics as the reason for the casualties, a claim Jorgan refuted, pointing out that her escape route involved detonating a hospital. Kaliyo revealed that she had managed to retrieve a data archive on the GEMINI droids from the relay station, preventing the mission from being a complete failure.

In an attempt to recover from the disastrous operation, Beniko instructed SCORPIO to analyze the recovered data archive. SCORPIO used this information to develop a plan to reprogram the GEMINI protocols by connecting a GEMINI Prime to a captain's chair on one of the Eternal Fleet warships. However, SCORPIO then betrayed the Alliance, seizing the Eternal Throne for herself and revealing the Alliance's location to Arcann. During the subsequent Battle of Odessen, Kaliyo chose to remain on the ground and watch over Major Jorgan. However, she later expressed regret for missing the action after learning that Emperor Arcann had been overthrown and his throne claimed by his sister Vaylin, who had formed an alliance with SCORPIO.

Kaliyo Djannis and the other Alliance members at the mercy of Empress Vaylin

Later, Kaliyo joined a team assembled by Theron Shan to assist Lana Beniko and the Alliance Commander in reclaiming the Gravestone from Empress Vaylin and her forces. Theron's shuttle, carrying Kaliyo, Torian Cadera, Vette, and Aric Jorgan, landed in the hangar of the Gravestone just before SCORPIO seized control of the vessel and initiated a locked hyperspace jump. The ship emerged from hyperspace in the Iokath system, surrounded by the entire Eternal Fleet. Vaylin attacked the bridge of the vessel and overpowered both Kaliyo and Aric Jorgan, but was interrupted before she could inflict any harm by a blinding white light that enveloped the ship. The Alliance members found themselves on the surface of the strange world known as Iokath, separated from one another and placed in scenarios resembling combat simulations. Theron Shan managed to activate his cybernetic implant, establishing contact with everyone and directing them to a structure called the Tributary. They soon realized that not only Vaylin, but also every Zakuulan and GEMINI droid from the Eternal Fleet were experiencing similar situations. Kaliyo claimed to have killed twenty-six Zakuulans on her way to the Tributary, and expressed enjoyment of the experience.

Kaliyo Djannis

Once all the Alliance members from the Gravestone had reunited, their position in the Tributary was attacked by hostile local droids, forcing them to seek an alternative escape route. Theron realized that, despite being unable to locate the Gravestone, he could use his implant to remotely pilot the Alliance shuttle that remained in its hangar. With everyone safely aboard, the shuttle that Theron landed on the Tributary roof took off. However, before they could escape, SCORPIO contacted the group and revealed that ARIES, the droid controlling Iokath, had activated an energy shield that would destroy any escaping vessel. With ARIES recharging the weapon that had previously incapacitated them and threatening to use it again on a lethal setting, the only option was to stop ARIES. SCORPIO revealed the location of ARIES base, and Theron dropped off the Commander and Vette there to confront ARIES, while the rest of the group proceeded to reclaim the Gravestone. SCORPIO herself arrived to assist the Commander in defeating ARIES. However, the capacitors on ARIES' weapon overloaded, threatening to engulf the entire world in a deadly radiation pulse, which the Gravestone narrowly avoided by jumping to hyperspace.

Later, Vaylin launched an assault on Odessen, during which Kaliyo engaged Zakuulan forces on the ground. The Commander managed to deliver a fatal blow to Vaylin, but with the Eternal Throne vacant, the GEMINI captains went rogue, bombarding the capital worlds of Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, and Zakuul into ruins. To claim the Eternal Throne and halt the destruction, the Alliance forces, including Kaliyo, departed for Zakuul. There, the Commander claimed the Eternal Throne and proclaimed the era of the Eternal Alliance, of which Kaliyo remained a member.

Personality and traits

Kaliyo Djannis

Kaliyo Djannis possessed a playful demeanor, but was also remarkably intelligent and highly manipulative. Both Watcher X and Anspi'shel asserted that nearly everything she said about herself was fabricated. Kaliyo herself admitted to fabricating stories about her past to Cipher Nine solely to maintain control over the agent. Kaliyo exhibited clear sociopathic tendencies, displaying a complete lack of concern for her comrades or "friends." She tracked down her former partner Anspi'shel with the sole intention of selling her to bounty hunters. Throughout her life, she manipulated numerous men, such as Tayvor Slen, into believing they were special before robbing them of everything they possessed.

Kaliyo acquired proficiency in Kaleesh, particularly in its profanities, which Eckard Lokin considered a rare and admirable skill. Despite her highly amoral nature, even Kaliyo was repulsed by the cruelty exhibited by Sith such as Darth Jadus. While she desired to see Jadus dead, she derived greater satisfaction from witnessing his humiliation.

Behind the scenes

Kaliyo Djannis appears as a companion character for the Imperial Agent class in Star Wars: The Old Republic, voiced by Tasia Valenza. Male Imperial Agents have the option to pursue a romantic relationship with her, ultimately leading to marriage. Upon completing Chapter X: Anarchy in Paradise in the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, Kaliyo becomes available as a companion for all character classes.

Gameplay alternatives

  • During the original class storyline, players can resolve conflicts with most of Kaliyo's former partners peacefully (with the exception of Rholl) or through violent means, resulting in their deaths. A male Imperial Agent can simultaneously pursue romantic relationships with both Kaliyo and Raina Temple, but will eventually be forced to choose between them. [1]
Kaliyo Djannis watches her bombs explode.
  • In Fallen Empire Chapter X: Anarchy in Paradise, Kaliyo presents the player with the choice of detonating the bombs within the Spire themselves or allowing Kaliyo to use the detonator for dark side points. These choices can have significant repercussions, potentially leading to Koth Vortena and his crew abandoning the Alliance and subsequently stealing the Gravestone. A substantial amount of dialogue in the Chapter unfolds differently for Imperial Agents, with Kaliyo referencing their shared history and providing male Imperial Agents with an opportunity to rekindle their relationship. [8]

  • In Fallen Empire Chapter XII: Visions in the Dark, the player must decide whether to send Kaliyo or Aric Jorgan to target the GEMINI frequency while the other provides a diversion. Later, when the main infiltration team is discovered, the player can either encourage or discourage the diversion team from providing assistance, although they ultimately do so regardless. [4]

  • In Fallen Empire Chapter XIII: Profit and Plunder, if the player previously sent Jorgan to destroy the GEMINI frequency and forbade Kaliyo from reinforcing him, they have the option to either forgive her and allow her to remain as a companion or permanently exile or execute Kaliyo as punishment for disobeying a direct order. In the latter two scenarios, Kaliyo will be absent from all subsequent cutscenes during Fallen Empire and Eternal Throne. [10]

  • In Fallen Empire Chapter XIV, Mandalore's Revenge, if the player killed or exiled Kaliyo in the preceding chapter, her punishment will be briefly mentioned. [17]

  • In Fallen Empire Chapter XVI: The Battle of Odessen, if Kaliyo remains alive and part of the Alliance, Imperial Agents who romanced her will share a brief scene with Kaliyo before departing on the Gravestone. [11]

  • In Eternal Throne Chapter IX: The Eternal Throne, if Kaliyo remains alive and part of the Alliance, Imperial Agents who romanced her will share a brief scene with her before descending to Zakuul's surface. [16]

