The Zakuul Knights, also referenced as the Knights of Zakuul, constituted an order of Force-sensitive warriors in service to the Emperor of the Eternal Empire. Their philosophical underpinnings diverged from those of the Jedi and Sith of that period, as they regarded the Force as an instrument for achieving justice, and they believed their connection to the Force originated directly from Emperor Valkorion.
The Knights gave service to Valkorion's successors, Arcann and Vaylin, in opposition to the Eternal Alliance and its commander during the conflict against Zakuul.
Following the Eternal Empire's collapse, select knights became members of the Alliance, functioning as the personal protectors of the Alliance leaders. Nevertheless, a significant number of the remaining Knights aligned with Zakuulan splinter factions, such as the Order of Zildrog, while numerous other knights perished in previous battles for their home planet.

The Knights of Zakuul were tasked with the protection of the Eternal Empire's Emperor and the enforcement of justice across the Empire. In contrast to the Jedi or Sith, the Knights of Zakuul embraced the discovery of Force power, but unlike the Sith of that era, they were encouraged to collectively share information. They placed emphasis on a Knight's exploration of their individual Force connection. By rejecting the rigid codes of the Jedi and Sith, no aspect of the Force was deemed too insignificant for a Knight to pursue further knowledge in, and no Force domains were restricted for study in the pursuit of power. However, despite the natural comparisons drawn between the Knights of Zakuul and the Sith due to the pursuit of unlimited power, Knights were encouraged to disseminate their discoveries within the order, rather than guarding information for personal gain. Sith from the reconstituted Sith Empire, such as Lana Beniko, considered Knights to be less effective in one-on-one combat, as their employment of the dark side, without adherence to the Sith code, curtailed their capacity to channel anger through the Force.
The Knights of Zakuul were under the command of a High Justice. As of 3636 BBY, Vaylin, Emperor Valkorion's daughter, held this title. However, royal family membership was not a prerequisite for leading the Knights, as Yuriem, a previous titleholder, had no royal family connections.
A subdivision of the Knights, known as the Scions of Zakuul, consisted of Force-sensitives capable of glimpsing the future through the Force. However, following Emperor Valkorion's death, his successor Arcann initiated a brutal purge of the Scions, resulting in a split within the Knights of Zakuul.

The Knights of Zakuul were a highly militarized organization that favored group tactics, often involving the utilization of personal shields, as well as coordination between Knights, walkers, and the Eternal Empire military's Skytroopers. One such group formation, called Zildrog's Wedge, was named after the Zakuulan Old God Zildrog.
Exarchs were Knights who had undergone cybernetic enhancements through an experimental and frequently fatal process known as Project Exarch. After Emperor Arcann's conquest of the galaxy, Exarchs functioned as military governors and quasi-religious leaders in their assigned galactic sectors, governing conquered planets from space stations called Star Fortresses.
During the reigns of Emperors Valkorion and Arcann, Knights served as the Emperor's and the Eternal Throne's personal guard. By Empress Vaylin's reign, these Knights were purged and reorganized into her Horizon Guard.
The Knights of Zakuul originated from the Force-sensitive tribal leaders of early Zakuulan settlers: Matriarchs, Champions, and High Shamans. Following Valkorion's unification of the centuries-old tribes prior to 3636 BBY, these roles were formalized and structured into the Knights of Zakuul.
The Knights persisted in their service until Valkorion's assassination, after which they served his successors, Arcann and Vaylin. The most exceptional Knights during Arcann's reign were selected for the experimental Project Exarch and equipped with its cutting-edge technologies. The Knights continued to serve during Vaylin's reign until the Assault on Odessen, after which they were disbanded and dispersed.
A "contingent" of Knights was recruited by Senya Tirall and Sana-Rae to join the Alliance, though this group of Knights was quite small. Senya's contingent assisted the Commander on Iokath, while a large group of Knights and Horizon Guards joined the Order of Zildrog under Vinn Atrius. Another group of Knights and Horizon Guards joined Battalion Commander Tassar on Lehon with the Zakuulan Forward Recon, along with Knight Captain Maevee, and Horizon Guard Sterla to construct another Star Fortress and avenge their late Emperor.

The Knights of Zakuul gained recognition for their employment of unique lightsaber pikes, frequently used in conjunction with a shield for deflecting blaster fire, although Knights were also known to utilize standard lightsabers and double-bladed lightsabers during combat. Knights favored the use of blue color crystals in their weapon construction, with the exception of the cybernetically enhanced Knights assigned to guard the Eternal Empire's Star Fortresses, who wielded lightsabers with orange blades. Exarchs were also known to use a wider range of crystals in the construction of their lightsabers.
The standard uniform for the Knights of Zakuul was a suit of gold-colored armor. Knights were taught to forge their own armor from a young age, a practice that also applied to the future Emperor Arcann. Exarchs were known to wear enhanced or upgraded versions of the standard Knight armor, designed to draw power from the Sun Generators that powered their Star Fortresses.