Senya Tirall

Senya Tirall, a Force-sensitive Human female, was originally from Zakuul, the Eternal Empire's capital. As a Knight of Zakuul, she advanced to become a member of the personal guard for the Immortal Emperor Valkorion, piquing his interest. Their relationship turned romantic, and Tirall had three children: the twins Thexan and Arcann, and a daughter, Vaylin. Senya became concerned by Valkorion's lack of care for his offspring, especially when he confined Vaylin on Nathema and put her through mental manipulation. Senya's attempt to free her daughter failed, and she later tried to escape with all the children, but they refused, deeming her weak. Senya left her family, but remained loyal to the Empire, taking assignments on the edges of Zakuulan territory. She only saw her family through public broadcasts, eventually discovering that Thexan had died during the raids into the Core Worlds. Soon after, Valkorion was murdered, and Arcann took the Eternal Throne, initiating the Eternal Empire's conquest of the galaxy and ordering a Scion massacre. This pushed Senya to oppose her children's tyranny.

After the Outlander, who was blamed for Valkorion's death, was rescued from carbonite by Lana Beniko, Senya's associate, she was asked to assist in their escape. Senya joined Beniko's group in the Endless Swamp, where she aided in raising the legendary Gravestone from the mud, escaping with Zakuulan defector Koth Vortena. The group journeyed to the shadowport of Asylum, where Senya introduced the Outlander to the Scions of Zakuul and revealed her connection to the Emperor and his High Justice. She later accompanied the Outlander back to Zakuul to find and recruit the Lady of Sorrows, returning to Asylum before Arcann's Eternal Fleet attacked. Senya defended the Gravestone from a skytrooper assault and engaged her daughter in a Lightsaber duel, during which Vaylin revealed that Arcann had killed Thexan. Escaping the Eternal Fleet on the Gravestone, Senya traveled to Odessen and joined Lana Beniko's Alliance to fight the Eternal Empire. Senya participated in Alliance missions on Zakuul and Vandin, providing valuable information. She was part of an assault team that boarded an Eternal Fleet warship to control the ships' GEMINI captains, which led to SCORPIO seizing control of the Eternal Throne.

During the ensuing battle of Odessen, Senya rescued a wounded Arcann from his Eternal Flagship and fled from Alliance forces, hoping to redeem him. An attempt to contact loyalist Zakuulan Knights turned tragic when Vaylin intercepted the call and massacred the Knights on Ord Mantell, with Senya barely escaping her daughter. Senya then took Arcann to Voss, where Vaylin found her again and launched an Invasion of Voss before a Voss healing ritual could fully heal Arcann. Desperate, Senya contacted the Alliance for assistance, pleading with the Commander to hold off Vaylin's forces and allow Arcann to be redeemed. As time ran out, Senya ordered Voss Mystics to transfer their strength to her son, healing Arcann but leaving Senya comatose. She was monitored on Odessen, awakening only when Vaylin breached her conditioning and launched an assault on Odessen. Senya joined her redeemed son in defending the Gravestone from the ground assault and confronted Vaylin with the Alliance Commander, who delivered the killing blow. To stop the rampaging Eternal Fleet, Senya and Arcann accompanied the Alliance Commander to Zakuul, allowing them to seize the Eternal Throne and pacify the Fleet. However, Valkorion's spirit tried to possess the Commander, so Senya and Arcann used Dramath's holocron to enter the Commander's mind and help them destroy Valkorion, ending his millennia-long existence.


A Knight of Zakuul

The Emperor's family

Senya plays with her little daughter.

Born on the Wild Space world of Zakuul, Senya Tirall was a citizen of the Eternal Empire, governed by the Immortal Emperor Valkorion. Upon discovering her Force-sensitivity, she enlisted in the Knights of Zakuul and eventually secured a position in Emperor Valkorion's personal guard. Senya's outspoken nature, particularly her disapproval of replacing human soldiers with skytroopers, captured the Emperor's attention. Two years later, Valkorion and Senya entered a romantic relationship, eventually marrying and having children, including twins Arcann and Thexan.

Senya presides over Vaylin's training exercise.

Despite Senya's affection, her sons sought only their father's approval, who largely ignored them. Their daughter, Vaylin, was problematic from the start, exhibiting such power that she could move objects with the Force while still in the womb. As a toddler, Vaylin dismantled droids and once crippled a guard who dropped a ball she threw. Senya spent significant time with her daughter, sharing happy moments, but Vaylin preferred using Telekinesis for even simple tasks. During a sparring session, Vaylin's rage overwhelmed her, crushing several Zakuul Knights within their armor.

Senya in her husband's throne room.

Senya implored Valkorion to help their children, but his solution was to suppress Vaylin's mind, locking away her power and most of her personality, while continuing to neglect Thexan and Arcann. He took Vaylin to Nathema, a world devoid of the Force, and confined her in the Sanitarium, where she endured brutal mental and physical torture by Nathema Zealots, as Anomid scientist Jarak worked on her mental conditioning, transforming her into a psychopath lacking empathy. Sensing her daughter's suffering, Senya resolved to rescue Vaylin from Nathema.

Senya's escape was blocked by Nathema Zealots.

Arriving at the Sanitarium via shuttle, she found Vaylin unconscious and carried her to the landing platform. Six Nathema Zealots blocked her path, and Senya carefully incapacitated them without killing them. Senya asked Vaylin to come with her, but her daughter's eyes were filled with hatred, blaming her mother for her suffering. Valkorion emerged from the Sanitarium and ordered Knights of Zakuul to restrain Senya and take her away, while he took Vaylin back inside.

Senya was unable to rescue Vaylin from Nathema.

Convinced that her children were unsafe with Valkorion, Senya attempted to flee with them, but they idolized their father and refused, calling her weak. Even as children, with Vaylin's powers suppressed, they were more powerful than Senya, forcing her to leave alone. Valkorion didn't try to stop her, though he later admitted to the Commander that he regretted letting her go. Senya transferred to the Knights' enforcement division, taking assignments on the fringes of the Eternal Empire.

A lone Warrior

Senya could only watch the funeral of her son Thexan on public broadcast.

Despite her estrangement from her family, Senya remained a loyal Knight of Zakuul for years, overseeing the treasury ship Gilded Star for a time. In 3636 BBY, the Eternal Empire made contact with the larger galaxy, initiating a series of raids to assess the strength of the Core Worlds. Following an attack on Korriban, Prince Thexan was publicly announced to have died in the fighting. Senya watched her son's funeral on a public broadcast, her only means of seeing her family.

Senya hunted Koth Vortena for refusing to follow orders.

Later that year, Valkorion was assassinated by an Outlander captured during a raid. Arcann claimed his father's Eternal Throne, declaring himself the new Eternal Emperor, with Vaylin as his High Justice. Arcann launched a full-scale invasion of the galaxy, claiming it as retaliation for the Outlander's crime. During the Occupation of Denon, Koth Vortena's crew refused to massacre civilian rioters on Denon and deserted. Senya was tasked with hunting them down, spending months in pursuit.

Senya Tirall and Lana Beniko

During this time, she encountered Sith Lord Lana Beniko, who was seeking the Outlander's whereabouts, and they exchanged information. Senya grew sympathetic to Beniko's cause, witnessing Arcann's oppressive and cruel rule. However, the Scion massacre, where Arcann ordered the Zakuulan Knights to kill the Scions of Zakuul serving alongside them, was the final straw. Horrified, Senya felt the Knights had lost their honor by obeying the order instead of rebelling. She abandoned the Knights to find a way to end her children's cruel reign.

Opposing own children

Joining Beniko and Vortena

Senya battles Knights of Zakuul at the Gravestone.

By 3631 BBY, five years into Arcann's rule, Lana Beniko and Koth Vortena had located and rescued the Outlander, who had been imprisoned in carbonite by Arcann and blamed for Valkorion's assassination. Aware of Koth's history with Senya, Lana secretly contacted her, requesting her assistance in escaping their pursuers. Senya arrived at Lana's coordinates in the Endless Swamp of Zakuul, where the fugitives had discovered and partially repaired the legendary vessel, the Gravestone. Senya arrived on her speeder bike as Beniko and the Outlander were fighting off skytrooper forces, helping them defend against Zakuulan Knights.

Lana Beniko and Senya Tirall raise the Gravestone from the swamp.

After dealing with another wave of attackers, Koth Vortena rushed to assist, immediately expressing his distrust of Senya and refusing to let her aboard. With more pursuers approaching, there was no time to argue, and Senya worked with Lana to raise the Gravestone from the swamp using the Force. As everyone boarded and the vessel left the atmosphere, the Eternal Fleet arrived to intercept them, only for the Outlander to fire the Gravestone's omnicannon, destroying dozens of Eternal Fleet warships in a single shot, allowing the Gravestone to jump into Hyperspace. Tensions soon rose on the bridge as Koth and Senya's past prevented them from working together effectively.

Senya leaves the group to meet her contacts.

The ship managed to travel a short distance before the Gravestone's hyperdrive failed. After informing the Outlander that they were heading to Asylum, Senya defended her pursuit of Koth, citing his desertion. As their argument stalled, Senya left the bridge to explore the ship, discovering an enigmatic monolith in an area called "the Dark Sanctuary." The Outlander found her there, and they had a brief conversation where Senya formally introduced herself. The Gravestone limped to the shadowport and docked at Asylum, where Vortena's crew of Zakuulan exiles joined him to work on the ship, prompting a sarcastic remark from Senya, who hadn't been informed of their presence.

Senya meets the Outlander at the hidden entrance.

Senya then met with the Scions of Zakuul, who had a secret enclave on Asylum, inviting the Outlander to join her later. She waited at the hidden entrance until the Outlander arrived with Lana's Bodyguard droid, HK-55. Senya opened the entrance, where HK was disabled by an electromagnetic pulse that wiped his short-term memory. Senya explained that the Scions, led by Heskal, wanted to meet with them to determine if they would support the Outlander's rebellion against Arcann. Heskal explained that the Outlander remained a blind spot in the Scions' visions, and they needed to understand the Outlander's role before any cooperation.

Senya joins th Outlander in their trial.

Senya joined the Outlander in enduring the Scions' trials to understand the person intending to kill her son and daughter. They fought Scions and had their intentions questioned by Heskal, who insisted that Arcann and Vaylin had to die for their slaughter of the Scions. Unable to perceive the Outlander's fate, Heskal knocked out Senya and engaged the Outlander in a one-on-one fight. The Outlander won, and Senya pleaded for Heskal's safety, emphasizing the need for the Scions' support. At that moment, HK-55, Lana Beniko, Koth Vortena, and his crew stormed the sanctuary, demanding that the Scions stand down.

Senya reveals herself as Arcann and Vaylin's mother.

Heskal ordered his men to lower their lightsabers and asked the Outlander about their intentions for the galaxy after Arcann's defeat. After the Outlander answered, Heskal revealed that Valkorion had survived within their mind, explaining why the Scions couldn't foresee the Outlander's future. Koth was excited, believing Valkorion's survival meant salvation for Zakuul, while Lana saw the Emperor as a threat to all life. As the Outlander prepared to leave, Senya confessed her ulterior motive for joining the trials, revealing that she was Arcann and Vaylin's mother.

Return to Zakuul

Senya explains her relationship with Valkorion.

The team regrouped at the Gravestone, where Koth criticized Senya for lying and questioned her sincerity in opposing her own children. Senya suggested asking Valkorion directly, but the Outlander rejected the idea of being Valkorion's mouthpiece. Koth and Lana argued over Valkorion's nature, each claiming to know him better. Senya interjected that she knew him best, creating an awkward situation. HK-55 interrupted, relaying a message from Lana's astromech droid T7-O1 on Zakuul, stating that the information broker known as "Lady of Sorrows" wanted to communicate with the Gravestone's computers.

Senya helps the Outlander infiltrate the Old World.

Senya explained that the Lady of Sorrows was an information broker who had evaded Zakuulan law and volunteered to guide the Outlander through the Old World district, where the Lady operated. Upon returning to Zakuul in a shuttle, Senya puzzled the Outlander by singing, despite entering hostile territory. After meeting T7-O1, Senya went to meet her contact Reg in the Platform 6 cantina. However, Knights were unwelcome in the Old World, and Reg sent Heralds of Zildrog, led by Aitan Brewgs, after Senya. She held her own until the Outlander helped her defeat them.

Senya in her husband's throne room.

Afterwards, Senya confronted Reg, who explained that the Heralds had a deal with Arcann: in exchange for the Knights staying out of the Old World, the Heralds would maintain low crime levels. Senya demanded to know how to find the Lady of Sorrows, but Reg refused, so Senya used the Force to extract the information, leading them to Mona Gale, one of the Lady's business partners. Senya and the Outlander found Gale at the Market Station, taking bets on Arena Grand fights, which Senya found brutal. Senya asked Gale how to contact the Lady just as a public broadcast from Arcann labeled Senya as the Outlander's accomplice.

Senya in the Old World

This unintentionally gave them street credibility, as Gale admitted she didn't know how to contact the Lady, but suggested they go to the Heralds in Breaktown to arrange a meeting. Senya and the Outlander traveled to Breaktown, but Koth Vortena, who learned of their destination from T7-O1, interrupted them as they approached the Heralds' lair. Koth insisted that the Heralds' leader, The Exalted, detested Knights and wouldn't talk to Senya, arguing that he should accompany the Outlander instead. They argued, with Senya claiming she could strongarm the Exalted and Koth arguing that, as an average Zakuulan, he could reason with them.

Senya meets the Lady of Sorrows.

The Outlander came to a decision, escorting one individual to a meeting with the Exalted, while orchestrating an ambush for the other, who was then presented directly to the Lady. The Exalted proved uncooperative, poised to command his Heralds to unleash fire upon the Outlander. However, a holocall from Thea, the Lady's Nautolan assistant, intervened, relaying the Lady's desire for a meeting with both the Exalted and the Outlander at the Razor. The involved parties then gathered at the operational headquarters of the Lady of Sorrows, who unveiled herself as an advanced Artificial intelligence identifying as SCORPIO. She proceeded to eliminate the Exalted and his Heralds, agreeing to accompany the Outlander and departing Zakuul alongside Koth and Senya.

Asylum and start of the Alliance

Senya faces her daughter for the fist time in years.

Upon their return to the Asylum, Heskal summoned the Outlander for another assembly at the Scions' clandestine location. It was disclosed that he had betrayed their position to Arcann, acting in accordance with a prophecy. The Eternal Fleet materialized from hyperspace, initiating an assault on the shadowport, while the Gravestone remained immobilized by Asylum docking clamps. Lana Beniko and Koth's crew, under the leadership of Len Parvek, defended against the skytroopers. However, when Vaylin herself arrived, directly confronting the Outlander, Senya intervened to aid the defenders. She initially neutralized a Zakuulan Knight targeting Koth's crew, before using telekinesis to hurl the Outlander away, preventing Vaylin from landing a blow.

Senya duels Vaylin on Asylum.

Subsequently, Senya urged Beniko to accompany the Outlander and liberate the Gravestone, choosing to remain behind and confront her daughter. Following a brief exchange, Vaylin launched an attack, initiating a Lightsaber duel between the two. Senya attempted to reason with her daughter, but her efforts proved futile. Ultimately, Senya disarmed Vaylin, holding her at her mercy, but found herself unable to deliver the final blow. This amused Vaylin, who revealed that Arcann was the one who murdered Thexan in cold blood, a revelation that deeply shook Senya. Regaining her composure, Senya rejoined her allies aboard the Gravestone after its release from the docking clamps, and they fled Asylum. The ship escaped the Eternal Fleet into hyperspace, and the Outlander collapsed due to injuries sustained in a duel with Arcann.

Senya on Odessen

The Battle of Asylum became a unifying cause for those opposing Arcann, and Lana contacted her network to gather on the remote planet Odessen, establishing the foundations of an Alliance against the Eternal Empire. The Gravestone arrived at Odessen, where Senya cautioned against allowing SCORPIO access to the ship's systems. Elements from both the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire pledged their support to the new Alliance, establishing a base on Odessen. Senya initially considered singing in a new Alliance cantina, but was dissuaded by Koth and went outside to contemplate, where the Outlander later approached her.

Senya inside the Alliance war room

Senya congratulated the new Alliance Commander on the progress made, while reflecting on the number of Scions who followed Heskal to their deaths, despite knowing the fallibility of his visions. She also recounted the circumstances of Thexan's death at Arcann's hands, as revealed by Vaylin. This reaffirmed her conviction that her children had to be stopped at any cost, and that she had to live with the consequences. Sometime later, Arcann, in an attempt to draw out the Outlander and the Gravestone, ordered the Eternal Fleet reprisal bombardments of five inhabited worlds, reducing them to rubble and causing millions of fatalities. Senya was horrified by this tragedy and insisted to the Alliance leadership that her children must be held accountable for their actions.

Senya watches Arcann's bombardment of inhabited worlds.

The fledgling Alliance launched several daring offensives against the Eternal Empire, attracting new recruits and volunteers. The Commander enlisted Kaliyo Djannis, a seasoned anarchist known as "Firebrand," who had survived on Zakuul for two years. She assisted Republic Special Forces Division Havoc Squad, led by Major Aric Jorgan, in wiretapping a Zakuulan listening post in the Eternal Swamp. Senya and other Alliance members provided a diversion for this mission. By combining the information from these two sources, SCORPIO was able to reveal the existence of the GEMINI frequency, which Arcann used to control the Eternal Fleet.

Senya opposes Kaliyo's involvement in the mission.

The Alliance formulated a plan to attack the Hyperwave relay station, concealed ten kilometers beneath the Spire on Zakuul, which connected the Eternal Throne to the Eternal Fleet. Havoc Squad and Kaliyo Djannis were dispatched on the mission, with one team providing a diversion for the other's primary objective. Due to her animosity towards Firebrand's anarchist activities, Senya opposed Kaliyo's involvement in the operation. Unfortunately, the Commander went missing and was unable to participate in the mission, leaving the Alliance with no alternative but to proceed. During the operation, contact with the infiltration team was lost, prompting the diversion team to attempt a rescue. At that point, the Spire went into complete lockdown, with no transmissions entering or leaving, rendering any rescue attempt virtually impossible and leaving the Alliance leadership with no choice but to wait.

The Gilded Star and GEMINI trap

Senya wore a holographic disguise of her own daughter for the heist.

While awaiting news of the away team's status, the Alliance was approached by Gault Rennow, who proposed a raid on Arcann's treasury ship, the Gilded Star, a vessel familiar to Senya. Facing financial constraints, the Commander agreed to the plan and accompanied Gault to Vandin along with Lana Beniko, Theron Shan, Senya Tirall, and SCORPIO. There, Gault recruited his partner Vette and identity slicer Dretcher. Dretcher forged the identity of High Justice Vaylin for Senya Tirall, who provided a genetic match and required character knowledge, and would take SCORPIO aboard as her "attache droid". They would access the bridge and lower security, allowing Vette, Gault and the Commander to get onboard and detonate a warhead inside the vault, while Shan and Beniko would pilot a tanker to siphon off the vaporized previous metals.

Senya after the raid on the Gilded Star

As the Gilded Star docked with the skyhook for its annual resupply, Senya, disguised as her daughter, escorted SCORPIO past the guards onto the bridge. SCORPIO then assumed control of the ship's functions, enabling the Commander and Gault to plant a warhead inside the vault. Upon detonation, the warhead vaporized the vault's contents of precious metals, while leaving everything outside the vault safe and intact. The vaporized metals were then pumped into the tanker piloted by Lana Beniko and Theron Shan, where SCORPIO and Senya soon joined them. The team aboard the Gilded Star had to evade the real Vaylin, but were picked up by Hylo Visz, with both ships safely returning to Odessen.

Senya Tirall suggests a way to take over the GEMINI frequency.

The celebration was interrupted by the return of Aric Jorgan and Kaliyo Djannis, who had successfully escaped Zakuul with a database on the GEMINI droids. Analyzing the data, SCORPIO revealed that the GEMINI droids were produced from a template called GEMINI Prime in a weapons factory on Darvannis. Senya identified Darvannis as one of the first worlds conquered by the Eternal Empire and a staging point for their invasion of the wider galaxy. After the Commander secured the Prime with the help of Mandalorians, SCORPIO determined that plugging the Prime into any of the warships in the Eternal Fleet would enable her to take over the entire network, and with it the Eternal Fleet. Senya noted that while infiltrating a ship inside a formation would be suicide, individual ships made cargo runs from the Core Worlds all the time and presented a much easier target. After SCORPIO located a lone warship scheduled to recharge its hyperdrive as their target, the Alliance leadership moved to intercept it.

Senya Tirall on the Eternal Fleet ship

As the Gravestone traveled through hyperspace towards the Eternal Fleet warship's location, Senya advised the Alliance to expect massive swarms of skytroopers to rush the breach point as soon as they boarded the ship. Emerging from hyperspace, SCORPIO confused its targeting systems while Theron Shan piloted a shuttle inside its hangar, where Senya immediately noted the absence of skytroopers as suspicious. Inside, the GEMINI captain noted their presence and separated the Commander and SCORPIO from Lana, Senya and Theron. While making their way to a rendezvous point, the three found that the ship was transporting prisoners for Arcann to interrogate - Imperial Admiral Zasha Ranken, Republic Senator Tai Cordan and Zakuulan holostar-in-exile Malita Tal.

Senya rendezvouses with the Commander.

SCORPIO apparently was destroyed in her attempt to override the GEMINI captain, and Lana send Senya to assist the Commander. Lana and Theron escorted the freed prisoners to the escape pods, as Senya and the Commander confronted and defeated the GEMINI captain on the ship's bridge. The GEMINI however, revealed their sabotage to Emperor Arcann and triggered the ship's self-destruct. One of three escape pods was destroyed and the Alliance could barely manage to escape the vessel's destruction in time and jump into hyperspace onboard the Gravestone. SCORPIO then contacted the Alliance and revealed that she faked her death, using the GEMINI network to transport herself to Zakuul, where she took control of the Eternal Throne.

Redeeming Arcann

Taking refuge

Senya pulls apart the rubble to get to Arcann.

Upon their return to Odessen, the Alliance discovered that a segment of the Eternal Fleet remained under Arcann's command, and that SCORPIO had divulged the location of the Alliance base to him. With the Eternal Fleet approaching, the Commander left behind a contingent of forces to defend against a potential ground assault, while engaging Arcann aboard the Gravestone. As the battle of Odessen commenced, Beniko determined that the only way to ensure the Alliance's safety was to destroy Arcann's Eternal Flagship. Senya volunteered to join the boarding party, determined to confront her children. After infiltrating the Eternal Flagship, Senya, Lana, and the Commander were detected by Vaylin on the security cameras, who contacted them via a loudspeaker and revealed that Arcann was on the ship's bridge and that she only cared about facing her mother alone. Senya urged the Commander and Lana to deal with Arcann, while she went after Vaylin.

Senya takes Arcann's life in her own hands.

The Commander confronted and defeated Arcann on the bridge, crushing him under a pile of debris as SCORPIO took control of what remained of the Eternal Fleet to fire on the Flagship, attempting to eliminate Arcann and the Commander in one fell swoop. Senya arrived soon after the Outlander left the bridge and pulled Arcann from under the rubble, lamenting her inability to save him. She was then interrupted by the arrival of Vaylin and offered both her children to come back to her. Vaylin refused, still angry at Senya for abandoning her and launched herself at her mother, but Arcann Force-pushed his sister away, saving Senya and leaving Vaylin feeling betrayed. Senya took it as a sign of hope for both of her children and urged Vaylin to come along with her and Arcann. Before Vaylin could answer, falling debris forcing her to retreat and flee back to Zakuul. Senya then took Arcann into his personal shuttle and contacted the Alliance, informing them that she was taking Arcann to redeem him, before fleeing into hyperspace.

For rescuing Arcann, Senya became a target for both the Alliance and the Eternal Empire.

Upon returning to Zakuul, Vaylin formed an alliance with SCORPIO and claimed the Eternal Throne. As one of her first actions as Empress of Zakuul, Vaylin placed a bounty on her mother's head, personally pursuing every lead. Arcann slipped into a coma as a result of injuries sustained during the battle, and Senya connected him to a life support system, but could not acquire medical equipment and supplies necessary to heal him on her own. With no other options, Senya was unexpectedly contacted by the remaining Scions of Zakuul, who declined to meet with her directly, but instead arranged for Senya to meet with a group of Zakuul Knights who had turned against Vaylin.

Senya observes the site of the massacre.

Fearing that Vaylin might disband or even destroy their order, this group of Knights awaited Senya on Ord Mantell, where they could provide healing supplies for Arcann. Wary of a trap, Senya landed her stolen shuttle several kilometers away from the designated meeting point and approached on foot, under the cover of darkness. Upon reaching the camp's coordinates, Senya discovered only the bodies of dead Knights lying in puddles of spilled rhydonium, and a small wooden toy, the ony that Vaylin herself made as child and kept in her possessions even in Nathema's Sanitarium. After Senya realized that Vaylin had become aware of the dissident Knights and slaughtered them before she even arrived, Vaylin herself emerged from the shadows, using Force-lightning to ignite the rhydonium streams.

Senya is attacked by Vaylin on Ord Mantell.

Vaylin used the Force to snatch Senya's Lightsaber pike from her hands and attacked, while Senya grabbed one of the fallen Knight's lightsabers and defended herself from her daughter's attack. The two dueled among the flames and exchanged taunts, with Vaylin calling her mother afraid while Senya implied that her daughter was taking orders from SCORPIO. The duel ended when Vaylin launched Senya's lightsaber pike at her and hit the Hyperdrive of a damaged shuttle, which exploded, giving Senya a chance to escape in confusion. She ran back to her shuttle on foot and quickly took off from Ord Mantell after making sure Vaylin was not following her.

A mother's sacrifice

Senya sacrifices her life essence to heal Arcann.

Senya eventually arrived on Voss and brought Arcann to the Shrine of Healing, hoping to employ the Voss healing ritual to heal both Arcann's injured body and his corrupted spirit. However, Vaylin followed her and launched an invasion of Voss, determined to eliminate her entire family in one fell swoop. The Eternal Fleet encountered resistance from the Alliance forces, and Senya was compelled to contact Theron, Lana, and the Alliance Commander for assistance. The Commander and Theron Shan traveled to Senya's location, but before they could converse, Vaylin addressed them through a Skytrooper holocomm, taunting her family and ordering the Eternal Fleet to bombard the Shrine in an attempt to kill them all.

Theron Shan checks on Senya's condition after the ritual.

Senya requested that the Alliance hold off the Zakuulan forces to allow the healing ritual to be completed, and rushed to her son after they agreed. Lana Beniko and a team of Mandalorians held off Eternal Empire forces from pouring into the Shrine, while the Commander and Theron Shan collapsed the tunnel behind them to stop the ones already inside from reaching Senya's position. Senya herself battled and single-handedly defeated a host of Zakuulan Knights, but as it became clear that there was not enough time until their position was overwhelmed, Senya ordered the Mystics to take her strength to heal her son. The Mystics complied and transferred her strength to Arcann, healing his injuries and mending his broken spirit, though this act left Senya comatose.

Senya awakens from her coma.

Arcann awoke confused and, witnessing his mother's lifeless body, fled the Shrine back to his shuttle, believing her dead. Alliance forces soon found Senya and transferred her to Odessen, where Doctor Juvard Illip Oggurobb stabilized her condition, and began looking for possible treatments. During the Grand Festival of Empress Vaylin Alliance operatives infiltrated Vaylin's Palace of the Eternal Dragon on Zakuul in an attempt to take her down, while Arcann and his loyalists assaulted the Palace with a similar goal. Vaylin escaped the carnage, and Arcann thanked the Commander for saving his mother and offered to join the Alliance to atone for his crimes. Arcann joined the Alliance on Odessen, while Vaylin returned to Nathema, where Jarak helped her break free from her mental condition. Sensing her daughter break free of her last restrictions, Senya awoke from her coma, with Arcann at her side.

The end of Valkorion

Awaken from coma, Senya rejoined the Commander during the assault on Odessen.

No longer restrained by her conditioning, Vaylin immediately launched an assault on Odessen, intending to annihilate the Alliance and her entire family. As the battle raged on multiple fronts, Senya and Arcann joined forces to defend the dry-docked Gravestone from Vaylin's forces. When the Commander caught up with them, the mother and son pledged their support for the Alliance cause once more and offered to stand by the Commander's side against Vaylin. The Commander contacted Vaylin via a holo-call, successfully taunting her to abandon the safety of her flagship and travel to Odessen surface for a face-to-face confrontation. Holding an Alliance member hostage, Vaylin awaited on the Alliance landing platform as the Commander and her family arrived to stop her. Her power raging out of control, Vaylin killed her hostage and caused a massive Force Storm, leaving the Commander no choice but to strike her down. As Vaylin lay dead, Senya and Arcann lamented her loss, but were relieved that the conflict was over.

Senya and Arcann watch as Commander claims the Eternal Throne.

However, Vaylin's death left the Eternal Throne vacant, causing the GEMINI captains to revert to their default programming and command the Eternal Fleet to bombard inhabited worlds indiscriminately. The Alliance leadership boarded the Gravestone and departed for Zakuul, determined to end the threat once and for all. Utilizing upgrades from Iokath, the ship managed to penetrate the Eternal Fleet blockade, and Senya and Arcann volunteered to accompany the Commander to the Eternal Throne. Together, they descended to the surface in a boarding pod that landed in the Garden of Izax and made their way to the Spite as the Eternal Fleet burned Zakuul around them. Upon entering the Eternal Throne room, Arcann was taken aback at seeing his old Throne and lamented the death of millions he caused while holding it, while Senya assured him that he became a better man since then.

Senya strikes Valkorion inside the Commander's mind.

The Commander claimed the Throne and pacified the Fleet, but immediately afterwards Valkorion revealed his ultimate goal, assaulting the Commander for control of their body. Within the depths of their mind, the Commander fought back by locating the Dramath's holocron, which held the power to destroy Valkorion once and for all. The Throne room was breached by attacking skytroopers, and mother and son held them off for a while, until Senya told Arcann to use the physical Holocron to join the Outlander in the fight against his father. Inside the Commander's mind, Arcann joined Vaylin's essence, which remained bound to Valkorion after her death.

Arcann and Senya approach Commander after the death of their tormentor.

By utilizing the holocron, Arcann and the Outlander successfully freed Vaylin from Valkorion's dominion, convincing her to unite with them in an assault against the Immortal Emperor. After a period of amusement at their expense, Valkorion obliterated the holocron. However, due to his spirit's connection to Vaylin, the Commander exploited Vaylin's mental trigger phrase, "Kneel before the Dragon of Zakuul," to strip him of his power. Subdued and weakened, Valkorion bore witness as Senya united with her children within the Commander's mind. Together, the family observed the Immortal Emperor's last words and moments before the Commander definitively ended his millennia-spanning existence. Returning to the physical realm, Senya lauded the Commander for finally vanquishing Valkorion and initiated a galaxy-wide holochannel broadcast to declare the Alliance's triumph. Subsequently, the Commander heralded the dawn of the Eternal Alliance, merging the military strength of Zakuul and the Eternal Fleet with the Alliance's objectives, with Senya remaining an integral part.

Echoes of Oblivion

Senya apologizes to Vaylin inside Satele Shan's mindscape.

Later, Arcann and Senya allied with the Commander when Lord Scourge and Kira Carsen unveiled Valkorion's ultimate weapon: a plague inflicted upon Jedi Master Satele Shan and her adherents. They journeyed to Kira Carsen's ship, where they were reunited with T7-O1 and discovered that the final Scions of Zakuul had perished in a conflict with Servants loyal to Valkorion in his Sith Emperor guise. The Commander and the others entered the collective consciousness of Satele and her followers through meditation, but were separated upon entry. Arcann and Senya encountered the spirits of Thexan and Vaylin, and Senya expressed her remorse to Vaylin for failing to prevent her father's actions. Valkorion materialized alongside his other identities, known as Vitiate and Tenebrae, revealing to Senya the true nature of her husband for the first time. United with other victims of Tenebrae, both living and deceased, they succeeded in destroying this mental construct of him, effectively eliminating any possibility of his return.

Personality and traits

Senya Tirall displays her grim demeanor.

Senya Tirall demonstrated a strong sense of duty and honor, remaining dedicated to the Eternal Empire even after her family abandoned her. She also harbored a lingering respect for the exiled officer Koth Vortena, even after he became a defector. As a devoted mother, Senya faced significant challenges in raising her children due to her husband's power and status. This led to the twins distancing themselves from her, and her daughter Vaylin being taken from her and manipulated against her. Witnessing the horrors committed by her children, Senya resolved to stop them, but realized she was incapable of delivering the final blow herself. She found herself unable to strike Vaylin on Asylum when she had the opportunity and later chose to attempt to redeem Arcann rather than allow the Alliance to kill him. A skilled warrior, she also possessed extensive knowledge of Zakuul's history and enjoyed singing in her free time. Despite her generally gentle nature, Senya could be swift and ruthless when on a mission, readily employing threats and coercion to obtain information.


Senya wielded a distinctive blue-bladed lightsaber pike with a hilt that could be extended at will. Her lightsaber was constructed from Phrik, an alloy resistant to lightsabers. Additionally, she carried a standard single-bladed lightsaber.

Behind the scenes

Senya Tirall's original character model, before her face was redesigned with the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion

Senya Tirall is featured in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire as a significant companion character, voiced by Abby Craden. She makes her first appearance in Chapter V: From the Grave, becomes a companion in Chapter VI: Asylum, and departs, becoming unavailable at the conclusion of Chapter XVI: The Battle of Odessen. Early in the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, players must decide whether to allow Senya to heal Arcann or insist on killing him. In the Light Side option, Senya rejoins as a companion after recovering from her coma, as does Arcann. Conversely, in the Dark Side option, Senya is killed on Voss and becomes permanently unavailable, although players can still retrieve her from a terminal on Odessen for non-storyline use.

Senya played a prominent role in the Betrayed cinematic trailer, released between the Fallen Empire and Eternal Throne expansions. Her facial appearance in the trailer differed noticeably from her in-game model, which was subsequently updated with the release of Eternal Throne to more closely resemble her cinematic portrayal. Senya utilizes a telescopic lightsaber pike in the trailer, and the item "Senya's Lightsaber Pike" was later made available through Cartel Market packs. However, she wields a standard lightsaber in the game itself. The Betrayed trailer concludes on a cliffhanger as Vaylin attacks Senya. The complete narrative of the events on Ord Mantell, including Senya's escape, was detailed in A Mother's Hope, a short story by Drew Karpyshyn published on the game's website.

Gameplay alternatives

Concept art of Senya Tirall with her lightsaber pike and standard lightsaber
  • During Fallen Empire Chapter VII: Lady of Sorrows, players must choose between taking Senya or Koth Vortena with them into the Heralds of Zildrog hideout. The companion left behind will be captured by the Lady of Sorrows and taken to her headquarters unharmed. If players choose Senya, she will demand the Lady's whereabouts from the Exalted without offering anything in return. Later, when confronted by Novo and Balisk, Senya will attempt to reason with her fellow Knights, urging them to reconsider their betrayal of their Scion brethren. Players then have the option to spare the captive Knights, in which case Senya notes that they may return, or to execute them, a decision to which Senya initially objects but is eventually convinced to carry out. [4]

  • During Fallen Empire Chapter XV: The GEMINI Deception, Senya will express anger towards the player if they allow Malita Tal to die, choosing instead to save Zasha Ranken and Tai Cordan. [14]

  • During Fallen Empire Chapter XVI: Battle of Odessen, players can decide whether to allow Senya and Arcann to leave or to open fire on their shuttle. While Senya and Arcann will escape into hyperspace regardless, the choice will influence some dialogue in the subsequent chapter. [16]

Valkorion speaks to Senya one last time before her death.
  • During Eternal Throne Chapter I: Wrath and Ruin, players must choose whether to assist Senya in healing Arcann or refuse to help her. This critical decision determines the ultimate fates of Senya and Arcann. In the Dark Side scenario, Senya faces a group of Mandalorians instead of the Knights of Zakuul before engaging Lana Beniko. When the Outlander arrives, Arcann senses Valkorion's presence and escapes before being fully healed. Blaming Valkorion for her failure, Senya battles the Outlander and is mortally wounded. With her final breath, she requests to speak with Valkorion one last time. The Immortal Emperor comforts her with a lullaby he sang to her on Aivela's Crest, a song she never forgot. She then asks Valkorion why he ignored his children's attempts to gain his approval, but the Immortal Emperor simply replies that she knows why before vanishing. The player can either allow Senya to pass peacefully or taunt her with a dark side dialogue option, promising to tell Arcann of her final moments before ending him. In this case, Senya curses the Outlander for being the child Valkorion always desired. [18]

  • During Eternal Throne Chapter VI: The Dragon's Maw, if players previously denied Senya aid and Arcann was not healed, he will attack the player in a final attempt at vengeance, but will be defeated. [19]

  • During Eternal Throne Chapter VIII: End Times, if Senya and Arcann were previously killed, Lana Beniko will continue to accompany the player through the second half of the chapter in their place. [21]

Lana and Theron replace Senya and Arcann if Arcann was not redeemed.
  • During Eternal Throne Chapter IX: The Eternal Throne, if Senya and Arcann were previously killed, Lana Beniko and Theron Shan will accompany the player to the Eternal Throne instead. After freeing Arcann's spirit from Valkorion's control, players can sway Vaylin by either assuring her that Senya suffered and screamed endlessly during her death, or by lying and claiming that Senya begged Valkorion to kill the Outlander before dying. This causes Vaylin to turn against him out of spite. Senya's spirit will also appear within the Outlander's mind, joining the spirits of Vaylin and Arcann to help destroy Valkorion once and for all. [20]

