Jarak, a male Anomid scientist, dedicated himself to the study of living brains, irrespective of the methods employed. Despite his colleagues' disapproval of his controversial techniques, they couldn't deny the effectiveness of Jarak's methods, which led to the development of a particularly brutal yet successful brainwashing procedure. While many potential clients expressed interest, Jarak ultimately accepted an offer from Eternal Emperor Valkorion and departed known space to work at the Sanitarium on Nathema. His primary task there was to condition Valkorion's daughter, Vaylin, a Force-user of immense power, a goal he achieved after exhausting all conventional approaches.
Years later, Vaylin ascended to become the Eternal Empress of Zakuul and commanded Jarak to devise a method to reverse his prior work and eliminate her conditioning. Jarak created a ritual that proved fatal for all test subjects, but Vaylin consented to undergo it regardless. Unfortunately, the ritual malfunctioned, causing Vaylin's power to spiral out of control, threatening to destroy the Sanitarium and everyone inside. Jarak managed to escape and encountered Lana Beniko and the Alliance Commander, convincing them to escort him to the Emperor's Vault, which offered protection from the impending blast. The trio barely made it inside the vault in time, but the resulting energy surge overwhelmed the circuits, trapping them within. Jarak urged his companions to activate the backup generators, but while they were occupied with this task, he was killed by the vault's guardian.

Unlike the typical inclinations of his species, Jarak's interests lay not in technological research, but rather in the enigmatic realm of the living brain. His pursuit of understanding the mind led him to employ increasingly agonizing methods, driven by the belief that individual suffering was a necessary component of the scientific process. Ultimately, his research culminated in the creation of a brainwashing technique capable of compelling subjects to obey any command for a duration of up to ten hours, albeit with side effects including hives, delirium, and a 90% mortality rate. Despite these drawbacks, numerous entities, ranging from private military corporations to criminal organizations, expressed interest in acquiring the method. Jarak, prioritizing his research endeavors, ultimately accepted an offer that promised him an unlimited supply of test subjects, ownership of research facilities, and unrestricted control over his methodologies. This offer originated from Valkorion, the alter ego of the Sith Emperor Vitiate, who reigned over the Eternal Empire of Zakuul in the uncharted territories of Wild Space, beyond the awareness of the wider galaxy.

After vanishing from known space, Jarak entered Valkorion's service sometime after the commencement of the Cold War. By this point, Valkorion's daughter, Vaylin, had demonstrated both immense power in the Force and a corresponding inability to control it. Deeming her a danger to others and a threat to his overall plans, Valkorion dispatched Vaylin to the Sanitarium on Nathema, the very world where he had previously consumed all life in the Ritual of Nathema thirteen centuries prior. Jarak was provided with a laboratory within the Sanitarium, staffed by Nathema Zealots, and granted complete authority over Vaylin. With the sole restriction of not causing her death, Jarak was tasked with finding a means to condition Vaylin's behavior, with a vast array of resources and test subjects at his disposal.
During her confinement on Nathema, Vaylin was subjected to numerous horrors at Jarak's hands, enduring constant fear, pain, and isolation through physical and mental trials. She was forced to witness test subjects being torn apart by creatures, observe the dissection of their bodies after the experiments, and experience the effects of various chemicals and implants. Eventually, having exhausted conventional methods, Jarak resorted to torture using machines of his own design. Ultimately, Vaylin's mind was broken, transforming her into a cruel and vindictive individual prone to fits of rage, while remaining oblivious to the true purpose of her confinement on Nathema: to be conditioned in such a way as to become powerless against anyone who uttered the phrase "Kneel before the Dragon of Zakuul" in her presence.

Years passed, and Valkorion eventually met his demise, with his Eternal Throne being claimed first by his son Arcann, and subsequently by Vaylin. Following a confrontation aboard the Gravestone that revealed her conditioning to her, Vaylin reestablished contact with Jarak and, leveraging her newfound authority as the Eternal Empress, commanded him to undo her conditioning. Jarak returned to the Sanitarium on Nathema, where Vaylin provided him with an abundance of test subjects. Eventually, Jarak achieved a breakthrough and contacted the Empress during the Grand Festival of Empress Vaylin.

Vaylin soon arrived on Nathema, where Jarak witnessed her slaughtering his test subjects with a lightsaber and expressed his relief that she hadn't possessed such a weapon during her childhood. He then explained that the process to reverse her conditioning would be even more extreme than before, with no previous subject having survived it. However, Jarak assured the Empress that her unparalleled strength in the Force gave her a chance that no one else had possessed. Vaylin agreed to proceed, but shortly after the process began, she was overwhelmed by pain, and her power spiraled out of control, obliterating several Zealots and Keepers. Jarak managed to escape the room, only to encounter an unexpected presence: Lana Beniko and the Alliance Commander, who had followed Vaylin in an attempt to prevent her from breaking her bonds.

Jarak quickly explained that he alone knew the location of a safe haven, and only his captors could guide him there through the creatures driven mad by Vaylin's power. Working together, Jarak led the two to the Emperor's Vault, where Valkorion had stored artifacts deemed too dangerous even for his own use. Once safely inside, he offered a helpful suggestion on how to restore the Vault's power, enabling them to eventually escape. However, while Beniko and the Alliance Commander were focused on restoring power and exploring Dramath's holocron, Jarak was ambushed and killed by a Vault Guardian.
Following Jarak's death, the new Zakuulan government released Felix Iresso, a Republic soldier who had been captured and tortured by Jarak in an attempt to extract a Sith holocron embedded within the soldier's mind.