Felix Iresso

Lieutenant Felix Iresso, a male Human and a soldier serving the Galactic Republic, later found himself aligned with the Rift Alliance. He was a member of the Republic soldier forces.


Having been born to refugee parents displaced by the Great Galactic War, Felix Iresso dedicated many years to a military career. He participated in several well-known conflicts, including the Eight-Hour Invasion of Dubrillion, a battle where Republic troops, with limited reinforcements, successfully defended against an Imperial invasion. Since that time, Lieutenant Iresso had a reputation for outstanding technical skills and had received commendations for his exceptional service. Despite his skills, Iresso experienced a high rate of transfers within the Republic military, serving under nearly a dozen different commanders across the galaxy in a mere two years, one of whom was Aric Jorgan. Iresso admitted that he and Jorgan had disagreements about strategy. Jorgan would issue orders, and Iresso would only follow them to the extent that he believed was in the best interest of the unit.

Felix Iresso meets the Jedi on Hoth.

Beyond his somewhat relaxed approach to protocol, an incident occurred on Althir where Lieutenant Iresso was captured by Imperial forces, only to be released a few days later for reasons that remained a mystery. He himself had no memory of what transpired during his captivity. Following this event, Iresso was constantly reassigned, moving from Ord Mantell, a location he disliked, to Serroco, then to Duro, and ultimately to Hoth. His career had stagnated to the point where he was essentially exiled, placed in charge of a group of nervous, inexperienced recruits.

The Jedi Barsen'thor arrived on Hoth with the intention of supporting the Republic forces stationed there and resolving a perilous situation involving a renegade White Maw pirate who had been relentlessly attacking Republic soldiers and seemed invincible. Iresso offered his assistance, and when his squad received transfer orders, he requested to join the Consular's mission, stating that it was the longest he had been stationed anywhere in years and that he despised the planet.

Later on, he learned that his former comrade Milo Pellam was not only alive but had been arrested on Tatooine for the destruction of a gangster's starship. Felix facilitated his release. After reuniting with him, Iresso realized that his once composed and collected friend had become mentally unstable. When Iresso questioned Pellam about their time as Imperial prisoners, Pellam mentioned a "glowing box" and a female doctor, both of which he remembered. Felix searched for the doctor's image in the Republic database but found no additional information. In the end, the doctor contacted him and revealed the truth: Doctor Sera Fray had been instructed by Darth Ouzal to attempt to transfer the information contained within a Sith holocron into the minds of two prisoners: Felix Iresso and Milo Pellam. While Pellam's mind deteriorated, the Sith Lord's experiment was successful in Iresso's case, as a vast library of Sith knowledge became locked away in a hidden part of his brain.

Jarak, the Anomid scientist who experimented on Iresso.

During the Eternal Empire's conquest, the Barsen'thor disappeared, but Felix refused to accept the Consular's death. A year after his companion vanished, Felix received a report indicating that he had been seen on Zakuul. When the Supreme Chancellor declined to take action, Felix initiated his own investigation, only to discover too late that he had been lured into a trap set by Jarak, who arranged for him to be imprisoned in a remote location. For the next five years, Felix endured brutal experiments in a secluded Zakuul military prison, the goal of which was to extract the holocron from his mind. He was eventually released when the newly established Zakuulan government handed him over to the Alliance. Felix was then transported to Odessen to recover from the ordeal.

Personality and traits

Despite the numerous challenges he faced and his undesirable assignment to Hoth, Iresso maintained a positive and cheerful attitude. He deviated from conventional disciplinary methods for his soldiers, opting for unpleasant but temporary manual labor or extra chores to address misconduct, rather than resorting to courts-martial, brig time, or other punishments that would become part of a junior officer's permanent record.

He reacted favorably when the Consular made decisions that supported the Republic's highest ideals or displayed a willingness to put themselves and the crew at risk for a noble cause. However, his rebellious nature would surface if he was asked to do something that was lawful but unethical. In battle, he had a tendency to attract the attention of the Consular's enemies, willingly exposing himself to incoming fire to protect the Consular from harm.

Perhaps due to his extensive travels across the galaxy and his encounters with dangerous wildlife on Hoth, Iresso enjoyed collecting trophy parts from formidable beasts.

Following his capture by the Eternal Empire, Iresso lost faith in the Republic, which had written him off as missing in action instead of attempting a rescue.

Behind the scenes

He serves as a companion character for Jedi Consulars. A female Consular can also engage in a romantic relationship with him. His voice is provided by Dion Graham.

The mission to recruit Felix into the Eternal Alliance is exclusively available to the Consular class, so it is assumed in this article that the Outlander is the Barsen'thor.

