A male Cathar soldier known as Aric Jorgan served the Galactic Republic during the Cold War, the Galactic War, and the war against Zakuul. Jorgan, who was born on Rendili, joined the Republic Military and rose through the ranks to command the Deadeyes, an elite sniper team. After being promoted to Lieutenant, Jorgan was reassigned to Ord Mantell and fought in the Separatist War. However, he was held accountable for Havoc Squad's defection to the Empire and was reduced in rank to sergeant. General Vander tasked Jorgan and the remaining loyal member of Havoc Squad with rebuilding the unit, after which General Elin Garza of the Republic Special Forces Division instructed Jorgan and his new CO to track down the former Havoc commander Harron Tavus and his followers. The new Havoc Squad disrupted the traitors' operations on various planets, including Taris, Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, and Alderaan, ultimately defeating Tavus. Subsequently, Havoc Squad spearheaded a mission to destroy the Empire's new superweapon, the Gauntlet, and participated in the Battle of Corellia, where they recaptured the Bastion and apprehended General Arkos Rakton, earning Jorgan and his squadmates the Gold Crescent.
While serving in Havoc, Jorgan discovered that the Empire had captured his former unit, the Deadeyes, and forced them into slave labor camps across the galaxy. Despite interference from Republic Strategic Information Service agent Zane, he relentlessly pursued their trail. He eventually located the last of his former squadmates on Hoth, but only after two of them had succumbed to the cold. Jorgan learned that Zane had deliberately placed hundreds of Republic soldiers in Imperial POW camps in the hopes that one of them would lead him to the mythical station Dusk 9. In 3636 BBY, the Eternal Empire of Zakuul launched an attack on the galaxy, and early in the Eternal Empire conquest, Havoc Squad's commander disappeared. As Havoc members went their separate ways, Jorgan, the only one remaining in active military service, was promoted to Major and given command of a new Havoc Squad. Disillusioned with the Republic's leadership under Leontyne Saresh and its failure to oppose the Eternal Throne, Jorgan led Havoc Squad on an unauthorized mission to Zakuul. There, Jorgan allied himself with the Alliance Commander to install a wiretap on a listening outpost of the Knights of Zakuul. Later, Jorgan assisted the Alliance again in an effort to gain control of or disable the GEMINI frequency at the Hyperwave relay station beneath the Spire on Zakuul. Although the mission resulted in the deaths of four out of six Havoc Squad members, the team managed to retrieve a data archive on the GEMINI droids. Following this, Jorgan fully committed to the Alliance's cause, continuing to fight against the Eternal Empire's oppression during the Assault on the Gravestone and the Assault on Odessen.
Aric Jorgan, a Cathar born on Rendili, enlisted in the Republic Military partly to protect his people. The Cathar had almost gone extinct in the Battle of Cathar three hundred years before his birth at the hands of the Mandalorians. Jorgan trained to become a sniper and joined the Deadeyes, an elite squad under Commander Vorne, whom Jorgan greatly admired. The squad consisted of skilled marksmen who carried out "decapitation strikes," eliminating enemy officers before Republic attacks to disorganize and leave the enemy without leadership. The Deadeyes would sometimes wait outside enemy bases for weeks for a clear shot. Jorgan claimed over a dozen confirmed kills with this unit and eventually took command. Jorgan accepted a position in the Ord Mantell Infantry Command and left command of the Deadeyes to his former executive officer Torve.

The promotion to Lieutenant and move to Ord Mantell was a strategic career move for Jorgan, even though he wasn't interested in fighting the Mantellian Separatist Movement. Felix Iresso was one of Jorgan's subordinates on Ord Mantell, and the two often clashed on policy because Iresso only followed orders if he believed they would benefit the unit. In 3643 BBY, Separatists shot down a shuttle carrying a powerful ZR-57 orbital strike bomb and stole the bomb, which could destroy the entire island of Avilatan. Havoc Squad, a unit of the Republic Special Forces Division led by Harron Tavus, was sent to retrieve the bomb, and Jorgan provided assistance.
Tavus introduced Aric Jorgan to a newly recruited Sergeant of the Squad, and assigned Jorgan to oversee the Sergeant's progress in the mission and provide intel when necessary. Jorgan made it clear to the rookie that he was in charge and his orders were to be followed without question. When a simple mission to Talloran Village resulted in the informant named Bellis found dead, the Cathar tasked the Sergeant to find and acquire Bellis' field box, which would contain the info that the spy was trying to reveal before his death.
The Sergeant returned the field box to Jorgan, who went to decode the information that was recovered, eventually revealing the bomb's location in the Separatist outpost on the island of Mannett Point, where he also ordered the Sergeant to execute Separatists leaders Saphrro, Vyru, and Bol. Though the bomb was by then moved, it was tracked down to the Separatist stronghold, where Commander Tavus took Havoc Squad while ordering Jorgan to keep the Sergeant out of it. Jorgan was then informed by a technician that all communications with Havoc Squad had been lost and decided to nevertheless send the Sergeant to follow his squad and aid in locating the ZR-57, disregarding Tavus' command. The Sergeant was able to locate and disable the bomb, but learned that the rest of Havoc Squad decided to defect to the Sith Empire. Back at Fort Garnik, Command had chosen to blame Jorgan as a scapegoat for the defection, demoting him to sergeant and placing him under the newly promoted Lieutenant of Havoc Squad, its last remaining loyal member. Though General Vander later offered to reinstate his post on Ord Mantell with a full promotion, Jorgan declined, realizing he could make a bigger difference in the war as a member of an elite Special Forces unit such as Havoc Squad.

Jorgan and his new CO traveled to Coruscant to report to the head of the Republic Special Forces Division, General Elin Garza. Garza ordered them to hunt down Havoc defectors, beginning with Jek Kardan. Though Jorgan was all for going out to hunt down Tavus and his followers, Garza stressed that they must first take out the traitors' underworld contacts on Coruscant. Garza first sent the Lieutenant and Jorgan to the Old Galactic Market, putting them in contact with one of her men, Corporal Garrum. The corporal told them that their first target was a cyborg named Krel. The cyborg had been capturing civilians and apparently implanting them with their illegal cybernetics. Fighting through Krel's army of war droids, the Lieutenant and Jorgan found criminal cyborg in his facility. Forced to kill Krel, the Lieutenant was then ordered by Garza to kill all the enhanced civilians within the facility. Jorgan noted that it didn't feel right, and that they didn't know whether the civilians really were enhanced or not. Ultimately, the Lieutenant agreed with Jorgan and let the civilians go. Continuing on with the mission, the Lieutenant and Jorgan were sent to Justicar territory to find and capture Jek Kardan alive. Kardan tried to escape by pitting the present Imperial forces against the new squad. Jorgan and his Lieutenant eventually tracked Kardan down in The Works, where he was guarding a transmitter responsible for the defectors' communications. The two managed to destroy the transmitter and after a lengthy conversation about the situation, the lieutenant convinced Kardan to help bring in his comrades.
The new Havoc Squad was assigned to hunt down Tavus' followers across the galaxy, picking them off one by one after Coruscant. They rescued Senator Zorin Krasul from Wraith on Port Raga, stopped Needles' experiments with the rakghouls on Taris, rescued Fuse who came to regret his defection from Colonel Gorik on Tatooine, and destroyed Gearbox' prototype walker Project B with him still inside on Alderaan. Along the way, they were joined by new Havoc recruits Sergeant Elara Dorne and a prototype war droid M1-4X, recovered from Captain Andrik on Nar Shaddaa. Eventually, the new Havoc Squad confronted and defeated Tavus himself on his flagship, the Justice.

Following the hunt for Tavus and his defectors, the new Havoc Squad was assigned to neutralize the new Imperial superweapon called the Gauntlet. To fill the gaps in its roster, the squad recruited technical specialist Yuun and an explosive expert Tanno Vik, before infiltrating the weapon during the Battle of the Gauntlet and destroying it with the help of the Safecrackers unit. With the Galactic War renewed, Havoc Squad was assigned to apprehend Imperial General Arkos Rakton. After rescuing the Dagger Wing from Belsavis prison and freeing the Eighty-first Infantry from their assignment on Voss, Havoc Squad joined the Republic forces in the ongoing Battle of Corellia. There, Havoc Squad led the offensive to reclaim the Bastion from the Empire alongside the Safecrackers and the Fifty-third Armored Platoon. Breaching the Bastion's defenses, Havoc Squad cornered General Rakton inside and successfully apprehended him, dealing a serious blow to the Imperial offensive. For capturing Rakton, Jorgan and other Havoc squad members each received a Gold Crescent.
Jorgan learned from Republic Command during his time with Havoc that the Empire had captured the Deadeyes, his old unit, on Nar Shaddaa. Jorgan and his CO contacted Jonas Balkar, an agent from the Republic Strategic Information Service who had previously helped Havoc retrieve M1-4X, to get information about where the Deadeyes were being held. After storming a sector controlled by the Imperial, Jorgan found out that the Deadeyes had been sent to labor camps off-world to do menial tasks. He tried to give the data to Balkar so he could decrypt it, but he walked in at a bad time because Balkar was being bothered by Senior SIS Agent Zane. Zane saw Havoc Squad and guessed that they were the ones who had attacked the Imperial camp recently. He warned them not to interfere in the future, saying that he wanted to get the Deadeyes back peacefully. As soon as Zane left, Balkar said that he couldn't help Havoc because Zane was watching him. Instead, he told Jorgan to contact Gav in Signal Intelligence, who could decrypt the coordinates.

Instead of hearing back from Gav, Jorgan got a sudden holocall from Zane, who once again warned him to stay out of his operation. This only made Jorgan more suspicious about why Zane was so interested in the Deadeyes. Jorgan had three options: ask Jonas Balkar or General Garza for help, or decrypt the coordinates himself. Eventually, he was able to decrypt part of the coordinates. Jorgan and his CO went to the location on Tatooine and were able to find and save Torve, Synon and Miev. When Jorgan asked Torve how he was captured, Torve realized that Jorgan didn't know anything about their mission. At first, Torve didn't want to say anything, but he changed his mind when he remembered that he needed to be rescued. He explained that the Deadeyes had trackers implanted in them and had intentionally allowed themselves to be captured so they could scout the Imperial penal system. The plan was for the Imperials to take them to their territory so the SIS could rescue them and their comrades. However, they didn't expect to be separated and had been waiting for the SIS to extract them. Jorgan then called for a proper extraction for the captives, after which he got a holocall from Zane, who advised Havoc against further interference in his mission, but still wouldn't disclose what it was. Frustrated, Jorgan asked his CO for permission to cut Zane off, which was granted.
Jorgan and his CO decrypted the rest of the coordinates and traveled to an Imperial prison camp on Hoth, where they were surprised to find Zane himself among the prisoners Berix and Hal. Zane admitted that he had been intentionally letting hundreds of Republic soldiers be captured in the vain hope that one of them would be taken to the rumored Imperial prison and black-ops research station, Dusk 9, which Jorgan dismissed as a myth. However, the Imperials didn't consider their captives of enough interest, so Zane bugged himself and allowed himself to be captured, figuring that the brass at Dusk 9 couldn't resist an SIS agent. When Jorgan found out that Koplin and Trace, two of his former comrades, had died from the cold, he became enraged. Drawing a blaster on Zane, he accused him of making false promises to his former squad and demanded to know how many other soldiers had died for his fool's errand. Zane smugly pointed out that Jorgan couldn't kill him with witnesses around, but the surviving the Deadeyes stated that they would just say that the Imperials killed him. Growing terrified, Zane turned to the Havoc CO, who ordered Jorgan to stand down, promising that Zane would answer for what he had done, the right way. Jorgan then relented and Zane subsequently told him that he would see him imprisoned for attempting to murder him. Jorgan then called for a shuttle for his remaining men.

In 3636 BBY the galaxy was attacked by the Eternal Empire of Zakuul and early in the Eternal Empire conquest, Havoc Squad's commander went missing. Jorgan and M1-4X were stuck in trench warfare for months, and the unit fell apart after the Republic submitted to Eternal Empire, signing Zakuul–Republic treaty. Havoc Squad fell apart as Vik returned to the life of crime, Yuun searched the Unknown Regions for the major, M1-4X was assigned to the Press Corps, and Elara Dorne was removed from Havoc by Chancellor Leontyne Saresh. As the sole remaining member, Jorgan was promoted to Major and given command of a new Havoc Squad, which by 3630 BBY included Dengril, Xaban, Abbeth, Torg and Kanner, Jorgan's second-in-command. That year, Havoc Squad received a piece of intelligence from Jonas Balkar that convinced them to take a leave of absence from their official duties and undertake an unsanctioned mission to Zakuul in violation of the treaty. The objective was to wiretap a Knights of Zakuul listening outpost, gaining access to the Eternal Empire communications.

In the Endless Swamp of Zakuul, Havoc Squad went to an arranged meeting point with an ex-SIS agent Theron Shan and the Commander of the anti-Zakuul Alliance. Their meeting was interrupted by Skytroopers and Jorgan ordered everyone to split up and meet at the arranged rendezvous point, teaming up with the Alliance Commander. While sniping off Skytroopers, Jorgan asked the Commander about their opinion on the Eternal Emperor Arcann before explaining how the Republic was descending into tyranny and decadence under ex-Chancellor Leontyne Saresh and her puppet Jebevel Madon. Witnessing civilians fleeing from skytroopers, Jorgan and the Commander rescued a group of Zakuulan exiles and stopped the droids from burning their homes before meeting with their leader Pashna Veyaad. Unwilling to leave civilians behind, Jorgan radioed ahead and ordered Havoc to prepare their camp for the refugees, while clearing the path for them alongside the Commander. Inside the camp, Jorgan ordered Kanner to get the refugees settled in and complimented the Commander for the lives they saved that day, telling everyone to get some rest.

The next morning, Jorgan presented his plan for the Alliance, explaining that with access to Eternal Empire communications, Havoc Squad would be able to perform surgical hit-and-run attacks on targets across the Spire while avoiding retaliation. Requiring a big distraction for the attack, the Commander arranged one by the Alliance personnel and proceeded with Havoc towards the main objective. With the rest of the squad proving their cover, Jorgan and the Commander successfully infiltrated the outpost and planted the wiretap, but on their way out were surrounded by skytrooper reinforcements. Fortunately, Zakuulan exiles led by Pashna Veyaad came to their aid, taking out several shuttles worth of reinforcements with rocket launchers, allowing Havoc to pick off the remaining enemy forces. Their mission successful, Jorgan expressed a desire to train the exiles into a proper resistance force. Leaving the rest of Havoc with the rebels on Zakuul, Jorgan then traveled to the Alliance base on Odessen, where he got acquainted with the Alliance leadership before making his way back to his squad.

The successful operation by Havoc Squad brought to light the existence of the GEMINI frequency. This was the method Emperor Arcann utilized to command the Eternal Fleet. The Alliance devised a strategy to strike the Hyperwave relay station, a facility located ten kilometers below the Spire that linked the Eternal Throne to the Eternal Fleet. During the briefing, Jorgan emphatically advocated for the relay station's destruction, aiming to cut off Arcann's control over the Eternal Fleet. Conversely, Kaliyo Djannis pressed the Alliance Commander to assist her in seizing control of the Eternal Fleet through hacking the frequency transmitter. The Commander tasked Kaliyo with aiding Havoc Squad on their mission, with the understanding that one would create a diversion to facilitate the other's primary objective. Regrettably, the Commander's subsequent disappearance left them unable to provide support, forcing the Alliance to proceed with the mission regardless. As events unfolded, contact with the infiltration team was lost, leading the diversion team to attempt a rescue. At that moment, the Spire initiated a complete lockdown, halting all incoming and outgoing transmissions, rendering any rescue attempt nearly impossible. Kaliyo and Jorgan successfully escaped and returned to Odessen, but four of Havoc Squad's six members perished during the mission, a loss that the Major attributed to Kaliyo. Despite the casualties, Jorgan chose to dedicate his full efforts to the Alliance's cause.
Kaliyo revealed that she had managed to retrieve a data archive pertaining to the GEMINI droids from the relay station, ensuring that the mission was not a complete failure. This discovery prompted SCORPIO to develop a plan to reprogram the GEMINI protocols by connecting a GEMINI Prime to a captain's chair on one of the Eternal Fleet warships. Subsequently, she betrayed the Alliance and claimed the Eternal Throne for herself, informing Arcann of the Alliance's location. During the ensuing Battle of Odessen, Jorgan opted to remain on the surface in anticipation of a potential ground assault. In the midst of the conflict, Emperor Arcann was overthrown, and his sister Vaylin, in league with SCORPIO, ascended to the throne.

Later, Jorgan joined a team assembled by Theron Shan to assist Lana Beniko and the Alliance Commander in reclaiming the Gravestone from Empress Vaylin and her forces. Theron's shuttle, carrying Kaliyo Djannis, Torian Cadera, Vette, and Jorgan, landed in the hangar of the Gravestone just before SCORPIO seized control of the vessel and initiated a hyperspace jump on a predetermined course. The ship emerged from hyperspace within the Iokath system, surrounded by the entire Eternal Fleet. Vaylin attacked the vessel's bridge and overpowered both Kaliyo and Jorgan, but was unable to inflict any harm before a blinding white light enveloped the ship. Alliance members found themselves on the surface of the strange world called Iokath, separated from each other and placed in scenarios that resembled combat simulations. Theron Shan managed to activate his cybernetic implant, establishing contact with everyone and guiding them to a structure known as the Tributary, as they realized that not only Vaylin, but every Zakuulan and GEMINI droid from the Eternal Fleet found themselves in a similar situation as well.

Jorgan remarked that the location felt familiar to other combat zones he had been deployed to and noted that one Iokath remote had repaired him on several occasions, while all other droids had attempted to kill him. Once all Alliance members from the Gravestone had reunited, their position in the Tributary came under attack from hostile local droids, forcing them to seek an alternative exit. Theron deduced that, despite being unable to locate the Gravestone, he could still utilize his implant to remotely pilot the Alliance shuttle that remained in its hangar. However, as everyone boarded the shuttle, SCORPIO contacted the group and revealed that ARIES, the droid controlling Iokath, had activated an energy shield that would destroy any vessel attempting to escape. With ARIES recharging the weapon that had initially incapacitated them and threatening to use it again with lethal force, the only option was to neutralize ARIES. SCORPIO disclosed the location of ARIES's base, and Theron dispatched the Commander and Vette to deal with ARIES, while the others proceeded to reclaim the Gravestone. SCORPIO herself arrived to assist the Commander in defeating ARIES, but the capacitors on ARIES' weapon overloaded, threatening to engulf the entire world in a pulse of deadly radiation, which the Gravestone narrowly avoided by jumping to hyperspace.

Vaylin later launched an assault on Odessen, during which Jorgan engaged Zakuulan forces on the ground from a sniper position near the Alliance hangar. The Commander managed to deliver a fatal blow to Vaylin, but with the Eternal Throne vacant, the GEMINI captains went rogue, bombarding worlds such as Coruscant, Dromund Kaas and Zakuul into rubble. To seize the Eternal Throne and halt the devastation, the Alliance forces, including Jorgan, departed for Zakuul. There, the Commander claimed the Eternal Throne and proclaimed the dawn of the Eternal Alliance, of which Jorgan remained a part.
Jorgan, a soldier known for his seriousness and sobriety, maintained a stoic composure in the face of danger and approached every mission with unwavering resolve. Although many considered him to be opinionated and direct, he remained completely devoted to Havoc Squad and the Republic. While he respected authority, he disliked commanders who were frivolous, engaged in inappropriate behavior, or acted selfishly in ways that he believed were detrimental to the interests of the Republic's citizens.

Aric Jorgan is featured in Star Wars: The Old Republic as a companion character for the Trooper class, with Timothy Omundson providing his voice. He is a potential romantic interest and eventual spouse for the female Trooper, who also holds a superior rank. After completing Chapter XI: Disavowed in the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, Jorgan becomes a companion for all character classes. The expansion also changed Jorgan's weapon from an Assault cannon to a Sniper rifle, even retroactively in the base game.
Aric Jorgan is the only known Cathar with visible eye irises, a feature absent in all other Cathar, including custom player characters.
At the start of Act 2 of the class story, the player is promoted to the rank of Captain in the Republic military and must choose between Aric Jorgan and Elara Dorne to serve as their executive officer. If Jorgan is selected, he is promoted to his previous rank of Lieutenant, and later becomes a Captain. [2]
During the assault on the Gauntlet, the player must decide whether Jorgan, Dorne, or M1-4X should remain behind to guard the escape route, while assigning the other two to a dangerous mission on the ship's bridge. If Jorgan and M1-4X are assigned to the mission, Jorgan will sustain serious injuries and remain recuperating on board Havoc Squad's BT-7 Thunderclap until the player completes the class mission on Belsavis, whereas Dorne is the one who gets injured in the other two combinations. [2]
At the conclusion of his companion story, the player has the option to allow Jorgan to shoot Zane for Dark Side points. If this occurs, Jorgan will later express regret for his actions. [2]
In Fallen Empire Chapter XI: Disavowed, when Jorgan volunteers to train the Zakuulan exiles, the player can reject the offer for Dark Side points, choosing instead to send Havoc Squad to attack more targets rather than dedicating their skills to training exercises. Some of his dialogue will differ if the player is a Trooper, with Jorgan recognizing his former commander and introducing them to the new Havoc Squad, and subsequently explaining the events that transpired for him and Havoc Squad in the preceding five years. Female Troopers who romanced Jorgan will also have the opportunity to resume that relationship. [4]
In Fallen Empire Chapter XII: Visions in the Dark, the player must choose between sending either Kaliyo Djannis or Aric Jorgan to target the GEMINI frequency while the other creates a diversion. Later, when the main infiltration team is discovered, the player can either encourage or forbid the diversion team from assisting them, although they proceed to do so regardless. [16]
In Fallen Empire Chapter XIII: Profit and Plunder, if the player previously sent Kaliyo to destroy the GEMINI frequency and forbade Jorgan from reinforcing her, they have the option to either forgive him and allow him to remain as a companion, or permanently exile or kill Jorgan as punishment for disobeying a direct order. In the latter two scenarios, Jorgan will be absent from any subsequent cutscenes during Fallen Empire and Eternal Throne. [17]
In Fallen Empire Chapter XIV, Mandalore's Revenge, if the player killed or exiled Jorgan in the previous chapter, his punishment will be briefly mentioned. [24]
In Fallen Empire Chapter XVI: The Battle of Odessen, if Jorgan remains alive and a part of the Alliance, female Troopers who romanced him will share a brief scene with Jorgan before departing on the Gravestone. [24]
In Eternal Throne Chapter IX: The Eternal Throne, if Jorgan remains alive and a part of the Alliance, female Troopers who romanced Jorgan will share a brief scene with him before descending to Zakuul's surface. [23]
During the War on Iokath, if the player is a Trooper who previously killed or exiled Jorgan, Elara Dorne will confront him about it, refusing to join the Alliance. [2]
In Eternal Throne after Jedi Under Siege, if the player is an Imperial, Jorgan will inform the player that while he respected the Alliance, he refused to participate in any missions against the Republic. [25]