The ZR-57 orbital strike bomb represented a devastating weapon system, engineered for the obliteration of significant urban areas. It saw deployment by the Galactic Republic during the era known as the Cold War, with its most prominent use being in the Separatist War. Circa 3643 BBY, the Mantellian Separatist Movement managed to pilfer one of these ZR-57 bombs from the wreckage of a downed transport on the island of Avilatan, located on Ord Mantell. The destructive capacity of the bomb threatened to completely level the island, prompting the deployment of Havoc Squad with orders to recover it. Upon confirmation that the separatists had moved the bomb inside their fortified mountain base, Havoc, minus the newly transferred sergeant, initiated an operation to retrieve it, only to vanish from communications. Consequently, Lieutenant Aric Jorgan directed the sergeant to infiltrate the volcano and transmitted the deactivation sequence, effectively transforming the bomb into a useless, radioactive object. The sergeant later discovered that the rest of Havoc intended to defect to the Sith Empire, and they had already loaded the ZR-57 onto their shuttle, unaware of its disabled state. Early in the Galactic War, Lord Torius reactivated the ZR-57, transported it to Voss, and concealed it beneath the mountain city of Voss-Ka. Torius's objective was to exploit the bomb as leverage, holding the Voss people hostage to force their submission, but the new iteration of Havoc Squad thwarted his scheme. Subsequently, a delegation of Voss appeared, relaying a Mystic's prophetic vision of Havoc as the ones destined to neutralize Torius and requesting permission to study the bomb. Havoc declined this request, citing the bomb's status as Republic property, leading to the Voss delegation's departure.