Meteor, a soldier renowned within the Republic Army, held the esteemed callsign of the leader of Havoc Squad. This elite unit was the pride of the Republic Special Forces Division during the tense Cold War and the widespread Galactic War against the reconstituted Sith Empire. After achieving exceptional results at the academy, this soldier was assigned to Havoc Squad as a sergeant amidst the unit's deployment to the planet Ord Mantell during the Separatist War. However, the mission to recover a stolen ZR-57 orbital strike bomb decimated the unit, leaving the sergeant as its sole member after Commander Harron Tavus orchestrated the defection of the remaining squad and numerous SpecForce personnel to the Empire, an event known as the SpecForce Incident.
Following this event, "Meteor" was promoted to Lieutenant and entrusted with the command of Havoc Squad. General Elin Garza tasked them with pursuing the defectors alongside Aric Jorgan, who had recently been demoted. Havoc relentlessly tracked their former comrades across Taris, Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, and Alderaan, bolstering their ranks with Sergeant Elara Dorne and the experimental battle droid M1-4X. The SpecForce Incident reached its climax when Havoc launched an assault on Tavus's flagship, the Justice, resulting in the capture of the traitor.
As the galaxy braced for renewed conflict, Havoc Squad was assigned the critical mission of destroying the Gauntlet, a formidable superweapon constructed by the Empire. At Garza's insistence, Havoc rebuilt its team, recruiting Tanno Vik, a demolitions expert from war-torn Balmorra, and Yuun, a Gand Findsman who was reassigned from rebuilding an Imperial black cipher on Hoth. With a fully restored squad, Havoc executed a coordinated assault on the Gauntlet, leading to the starship's destruction, but also incurring the wrath of General Arkos Rakton, the Empire's most brilliant and ruthless commander.
Amidst the ongoing war, Havoc was deployed throughout the galaxy to counter Rakton's retaliatory campaign against the Republic. Their missions included rescuing kidnapped Republic leaders from a trap orchestrated by Rakton and recruiting the unfairly disgraced starfighter unit Dagger Wing from the prison planet of Belsavis during an Imperial invasion. After liberating Republic prisoners of war from Rakton's grasp despite another trap, Havoc freed up Republic resources on the planet Voss before joining the ongoing Battle of Corellia. They pushed through to Rakton's command center within the occupied Bastion, where Meteor and Havoc successfully breached the defenses and captured Rakton. This victory earned the commander the Cross of Glory and a promotion to major, while the rest of the unit received the Gold Crescent.
Under their commander's continued leadership, Havoc Squad played significant roles in various campaigns in the following years, including thwarting the Order of Revan's plans on the moon Yavin 4. However, the major disappeared in 3636 BBY, shortly before the Republic and the Empire were invaded and conquered by the Eternal Empire from Wild Space. Despite their leader's absence, the squad continued to serve valiantly but eventually fractured, leading Aric Jorgan to take command of a new Havoc. Although former members searched for their commander, the major was eventually presumed dead and posthumously promoted to colonel.
During the Cold War with the Sith Empire, the future Havoc commander distinguished themselves as a talented soldier and combat leader. They graduated at the top of their class from the Academy of Forward Assault, Search and Destroy, and Advanced Recon. The individual who would become Commander served early deployments in the Outer Rim and, while still holding the rank of sergeant, was reassigned to Ord Mantell during its civil war to become part of the Republic's most highly decorated special forces combat unit, Havoc Squad.

The starship transporting the Sergeant skillfully navigated a space battle between the Separatist fleet and the Republic Navy upon arriving in orbit around Ord Mantell. The future Commander, along with a group of Republic troopers, safely landed on Mantellian soil. As he disembarked, the Sergeant received a sharp salute from Lieutenant Bex Kolos, also known as Gearbox, a member of Havoc Squad. He was then instructed to board a Manka-class armored transport heading to Fort Garnik, a Republic outpost where he would meet the rest of his new unit. Inside the APC, Kolos introduced himself and briefed the Sergeant on their objective on the planet: to recover a powerful bomb called the ZR-57, which was capable of massive destruction, stolen by Mantellian separatists after they shot down a Republic ship carrying it, a task entrusted to the elite Havoc Squad.
Near the Drelliad village, the walker carrying the Sergeant, Gearbox, and others was struck by two armor-piercing missiles during a separatist assault on the location, resulting in several casualties, including the driver. Gearbox tasked the Sergeant with disabling the missile launchers in the village while he reorganized the surviving Republic troopers to repair the walker. The Sergeant complied and reached the village, where he encountered Sergeant Blyes and his men, who were under fire during the ongoing battle. Blyes requested the Sergeant to eliminate the Separatist jammers that were disrupting their communications, a task the Sergeant successfully completed. The Sergeant then eliminated more separatists and destroyed the missile launchers. Gearbox contacted the Sergeant, congratulating him on the mission's success and instructing him to proceed to Fort Garnik on foot, as he had been unable to repair the walker.

Upon arriving at the Republic base, the Sergeant was greeted by Sergeant Jaynes. Inside the barracks, he was approached by a private named Farn, who expressed his honor in meeting a member of the legendary Havoc Squad. The Sergeant finally regrouped with Havoc Squad, who welcomed him warmly. Commander Harron Tavus, the squad's leader, introduced the veteran members: Captain [Zora], the second-in-command; Lieutenant [Vanto Bazren], the explosives expert; and Lieutenant [Ryler Dorant], the combat medic.
Commander Tavus briefed Havoc Squad on their primary mission: to recover the stolen ZR-57 orbital strike bomb in the Avilatan region. Given the weapon's potential to vaporize an entire island, the Republic had initially sent a recovery team, but the bomb had already been stolen by the Separatists by the time they arrived. Tavus assigned the Sergeant to gather information about the bomb's possible location from Bellis, a Republic spy waiting to report in the town of Talloran.
Before the Sergeant could proceed, Tavus introduced Lieutenant Aric Jorgan, from the Republic's Ord Mantell Infantry Command, who would oversee the Sergeant's progress and provide intel. Jorgan emphasized that he was in charge and his orders were to be followed without question. Upon reaching the meeting spot in Talloran, the Sergeant discovered Bellis's dead body. Contacting Jorgan immediately, the Cathar instructed the Sergeant to locate and retrieve Bellis's field box, which contained the information he was trying to reveal before his death.

The Sergeant entered Bellis's house in Talloran to retrieve his field box. Upon entering, he was approached by Bellis's wife, Lin, who initially tried to conceal her husband's profession, unaware of his death. The Sergeant revealed his death, and Lin, outraged that he died in service, demanded that the Sergeant leave without hearing his request. The Sergeant reiterated the value of serving the Republic and the nobility of her husband's death, which further enraged Lin, but she eventually relented and gave Bellis's field box to the Sergeant.
The Sergeant returned to Fort Garnik and gave Bellis's field box to Jorgan, who instructed him to speak with Bazren while he decoded the recovered information. Bazren assigned the Sergeant a new task: a mysterious informant named Mirru had come to the Republic base, claiming to know of a planned separatist bombing that day. The Republic forces, however, initially dismissed him due to the influx of refugees offering dubious intel for remuneration. After being beaten up, Mirru was kicked out of the fort. Bazren, believing that all information was worth investigating, sent the Sergeant to verify Mirru's claims. The Sergeant found the informant in the Fort Garnik refugee camp, just outside the fort. Mirru was initially skeptical, but the Sergeant convinced him to reveal the Separatists' plan to use several bombs in an ambush along the road. Jorgan, overhearing the conversation through the holocomm, immediately assigned the Sergeant to disarm the bombs, as a Republic convoy was preparing to travel along that road in the Avilatan Badlands.
After completing his mission and returning to the Barracks, the Sergeant was intercepted by Private Farn, who revealed that most soldiers in the base were corrupt and that he could only trust the Sergeant. Farn revealed that his CO, Lieutenant Virk, was scamming everyone under his command. The Sergeant agreed to help, stating that as a Havoc Squad member, he could report the corrupt official to higher authorities. The Sergeant then met with Tavus, who congratulated him for successfully ending the ambush and saving the Republic convoy. Lieutenant Jorgan approached the Sergeant and said that he had deciphered Bellis's field box, which revealed the bomb's location: the Separatist outpost on the island of Mannett Point. While discussing the outpost's security, the Sergeant suggested that the Sith Empire might be involved in the civil war due to the presence of advanced weaponry and Mannett Point's unassailable nature. Tavus dismissed the idea for later consideration and instructed the Sergeant to rendezvous with Zora to retrieve the ZR-57. Before leaving, the Sergeant informed Tavus and Jorgan about Virk's corruption, and they agreed to investigate it further.

Upon arriving at the Separatist outpost on Mannett Point and subduing several separatists, the Sergeant met with Zora. She assigned him to destroy the outpost's generator while she handled the force field preventing them from acquiring the bomb. After destroying the generator, the Sergeant encountered wounded Separatists, including Jex and Grannin, who pleaded for mercy. The Sergeant spared them on the condition that they cease fighting. He then regrouped with Wraith—Zora's code name—who had disabled the force field. They entered the room where the bomb was supposedly kept and encountered an unprepared separatist officer, Dalern, who refused to surrender. The Sergeant convinced him to cooperate, but they discovered that the bomb had been moved. Wraith executed Dalern and assigned the Sergeant to find more Separatist officers who could reveal the bomb's location.
While searching the base for more officers, the Sergeant found a room where three high-ranking Separatists were meeting. One of them, Saphrro, ordered another, Vyru, to attack the Republic trooper. However, Vyru was killed, followed by his two partners, Saphrro and Bol.
The Sergeant, unable to locate the bomb, retreated to Fort Garnik and informed Needles—Ryler Dorant's code name—about the mission's failure. Needles told the Sergeant that the mission was a success because four separatist officers had been killed, crippling the Separatists' presence in the area.
Needles then told the Sergeant about Zak from Oradam village, who had requested medical supplies from the Republic outpost due to radiation illness. Republic officers determined that he had been poisoned by radiation from the bomb. The Sergeant was ordered to retrieve information from Zak about the bomb's location. He met with Zak and his wife, Jaller, and questioned them about the bomb's location in exchange for a cure for the radiation poisoning. The couple revealed themselves to be separatists but agreed to provide the location.
Finally with the bomb's location, the Sergeant was called to regroup with Havoc Squad in Fort Garnik's barracks. He was intercepted by the corrupt Virk, who threatened him due to the official investigation into his corrupt practices that the trooper had requested. The Sergeant proceeded to Havoc's rendezvous spot but was met by Jorgan, who revealed that Commander Tavus had taken Havoc Squad to recover the bomb but had excluded the Sergeant. Jorgan was then informed by a technician that they had lost all communications with Havoc Squad. Shocked, Jorgan sent the Sergeant to follow his squad and aid in locating the ZR-57, disregarding Tavus's command.

The Sergeant located the bomb in another Separatist Base and disabled it, but Havoc Squad was still missing. He made another troubling discovery: some of the opposing forces protecting the base were Imperial soldiers, revealing the Sith Empire's affiliation with the Separatists.
The Sergeant reached a hangar within the facility and found that the rest of Havoc Squad was alive. Wraith attempted to kill the Sergeant but was stopped by Tavus, who revealed that Havoc was going to desert the Republic for the Sith Empire, as they felt the Empire valued soldiers more. The Sergeant attempted to dissuade Havoc Squad, but Tavus explained that they felt betrayed after the Senate abandoned them during the mission to Ando Prime. Tavus ordered the Imperial Colonel Vorr and his Imperials to attack the Sergeant, who defeated them. However, the Sergeant's fight had allowed the treacherous Havoc Squad to escape in a shuttle, taking the supposedly neutralized bomb to present it as a gift to the Empire.

Upon the Sergeant's return to Fort Garnik, Republic Command revealed their awareness of Tavus' treachery, having observed the events through the Sergeant's armor camera. Acknowledging the Sergeant's valiant, though unsuccessful, efforts, command elevated the trooper to lieutenant, granting them leadership of the recently abandoned squad. Simultaneously, Lieutenant Jorgan faced demotion to sergeant, placed under the trooper's command as a scapegoat for his superiors.
Following a brief stop at the space station Carrick Station for specialized training, Havoc Squad's commanding officer journeyed to Coruscant to report to General Elin Garza, the head of the Republic Special Forces Division. Garza informed the former sergeant that Tavus had instigated the defection of hundreds of special forces troopers to the Empire. The Republic's only advantage lay in Havoc Squad, as Tavus believed the CO to be deceased. While Jorgan advocated for immediately pursuing Tavus and his followers, Garza emphasized the necessity of eliminating the traitors' underworld connections on Coruscant first.
Garza initially dispatched the Lieutenant and Jorgan to the Old Galactic Market, connecting them with Corporal Garrum, one of her operatives. The corporal identified their primary target as a cyborg named Krel, who had been abducting civilians and illicitly implanting them with cybernetics. After battling through Krel's war droid army, the Lieutenant and Jorgan located Krel within his facility. Despite the trooper offering Krel an opportunity to surrender, the cyborg refused and attacked the Lieutenant. Forced to eliminate Krel, the Lieutenant received orders from Garza to execute all enhanced civilians within the facility. Jorgan voiced his unease, questioning the certainty of the civilians' enhancements. Ultimately, the Lieutenant sided with Jorgan, releasing the civilians after recording their names and identification numbers. Garza criticized the Lieutenant's decision, asserting the priority of following orders over independent thought, prioritizing logic over emotion. However, a subsequent report from Corporal Garrum confirmed that the civilians had not undergone implantation.
Subsequently, Havoc was deployed to Black Sun territory to rendezvous with Sergeant Ava Jaxo. Collaborating, Jaxo and the Lieutenant tracked a shipment of nerve toxin canisters destined for Tavus and the other traitors from Black Sun. Jaxo also requested the Lieutenant to retrieve a mysterious red case acquired by Black Sun. The Lieutenant and Jorgan succeeded, neutralizing the gas and securing the case, which contained an unusual prototype blaster.
Following their success in Black Sun territory, the Lieutenant was summoned to a Senate hearing concerning Havoc's defection. The CO addressed the committee's inquiries to the best of their ability. However, when the topic of the events on Ando Prime arose, a Mirialan Senator instructed the CO to disregard it. General Garza expressed satisfaction with the Lieutenant's handling of the hearing and briefed Havoc on their next mission. Before departing, the CO sought clarification on the truth about Ando Prime. Garza admitted that Havoc was dispatched to halt an Imperial offensive, only to discover that enemy forces significantly outnumbered their intelligence estimates. Just as extraction was imminent, the Senate intervened, deeming the operation unauthorized and a potential violation of the Treaty of Coruscant. Under Kardan's leadership at the time, Havoc independently secured their return. Kardan resigned upon learning the truth, and Tavus assumed command, with both men profoundly changed. While the CO lamented Tavus' veracity, Garza reminded Havoc that the past hardships faced by the old Havoc did not excuse their current actions.
Continuing the mission, the Lieutenant and Jorgan were tasked with locating and capturing Jek Kardan alive within Justicar territory. Upon discovering the former commander of Havoc Squad in negotiations with an Imperial, Kardan initially mistook the current squad for ordinary soldiers. However, upon recognizing the Havoc Squad insignia on their armor, Kardan attempted to escape by inciting conflict between the present Imperial forces and the new squad. After overcoming the Imperial incursion within the facility, Havoc Squad eventually tracked Kardan to The Works, where he guarded a transmitter facilitating the defectors' communications. Havoc destroyed the transmitter, and following an extensive discussion about the situation, the lieutenant convinced Kardan to assist in apprehending his former comrades.
With the threats on Coruscant resolved, the Lieutenant and their companion returned to Garza's office. After speaking with the general, the pair was finally assigned the task of capturing or eliminating the traitors of Havoc Squad and the numerous other Special Forces defectors. A BT-7 Thunderclap was requisitioned by Garza to serve as the squad's transport, acknowledging the galactic scope of their mission.
She informed them that Senator Zorin Krasul, a member of the committee that had questioned the CO, had been captured by Wraith and was being held hostage. Havoc traveled to the space station Port Raga and met up with Sergeant Jaxo, who was in charge of the Republic team already there. Jaxo informed the Lieutenant that Havoc Squad's arrival was not noticed, the neutral space station had been taken over by enemy forces, and the Senator was being held in a hangar full of explosives at the other end of the station. The squad set out to find the senator and fought the treacherous ex-Republic forces and Imperial commandos who were trying to stop them. The duo discovered the captive Senator sitting on a bomb chair set with an inflated dead-man's switch after eliminating the opposing forces. As the trooper got closer to the senator, the loud Cathar told the lieutenant to set him free.
While looking at the situation, the trooper questioned the senator about Wraith's reasons for kidnapping him. The senator quickly revealed that the renegade troop wanted him to publicly acknowledge the events on Ando Prime, which would have destabilized the Galactic Senate's inner workings. When asked more about the truth behind the ill-fated mission, the senator said that it was carried out illegally, with the previous Havoc Squad invading the planet and fighting Imperial forces without the Senate's permission.
After the conversation, the trooper found out that the bomb had three triggers: a weight switch, a remote trigger, and a gas switch. The lieutenant moved to seal the bulkhead doors and then vented the atmosphere in the hangar, which changed the atmospheric pressure in the area and disabled the gas trigger. After that, the trooper raced to the senator's chair and easily defused the last two triggers. Havoc Squad took the senator to the hangar where Sergeant Jaxo and her team were waiting after he was freed.
Before leaving, Jaxo spoke briefly with the commanding officer about how Wraith managed to get past them even though they were watching the entire station, which confirmed the ex-Havoc member's skill at infiltration. Jaxo invited the trooper to her place on Coruscant to celebrate the trooper's recent successes. The trooper immediately reported to General Garza after arriving at Havoc's starship. Garza was pleased with the trooper's report and informed the lieutenant that technicians had gathered new possible locations from the relay recovered during Havoc's previous mission on Coruscant. Garza concluded from the records that the renegade troopers were operating on Taris and Nar Shaddaa.

Garza then dispatched Havoc to Taris, the first location of the defectors. She contacted Colonel [Gaff](/article/gaff], the local regiment commander, to assist them in any way possible, but he was not to be informed of the specifics of their mission. Upon meeting the colonel, he blatantly disregarded Garza's orders, partly because their mission was top secret, claiming that nothing unusual had occurred under his watch. Suddenly, Sergeant Elara Dorne, a female Human, spoke up, stating that patrol teams had gone missing. When Gaff attempted to silence her for speaking out of turn, she cited regulations that prioritized Garza's orders. Gaff dismissed her claims, insisting that they may have fallen prey to wildlife. As the colonel excused himself, Dorne apologized for Gaff's behavior, stating that it wasn't the first time he'd defied direct orders.
With Dorne's assistance, the Lieutenant and Jorgan searched for several missing squads of Republic scouts, tracing them to an Imperial outpost. There, Havoc's commander brokered a deal with an Imperial commander, Thorus, who agreed to disclose Needles' location in exchange for his freedom. Dorne then appeared on holo, cautioning the CO against any deals with him, explaining that she had personally served under Thorus, who had committed war crimes in direct defiance of Imperial High Command. Thorus countered that he was only doing what was necessary to perform his duties and claimed that the CO was no different. Angered that he would compare himself to them, the CO raised a blaster, declaring they were nothing alike. Frightened, Thorus confessed Needles' location and explained that he was experimenting with rakghouls and other defectors. Although Sergeant Dorne recommended executing Thorus immediately, Havoc honored their agreement, allowing the commander to depart.
They tracked Needles to his base, where he was transforming Imperial soldiers into rakghouls. They eliminated Needles and his rakghouls, although the Lieutenant opted to destroy Needles' research rather than heed Jorgan's suggestion to deliver it to General Garza. This displeased Garza, although she commended them for killing Needles. She hadn't yet informed Kardan, but she doubted he would be upset, as he and Needles had never seen eye-to-eye. She also instructed Elara Dorne to join Havoc Squad, a transfer Dorne gladly accepted.

Havoc soon arrived on the Hutt moon of Nar Shaddaa. Garza cautioned that the moon was neutral territory and advised against causing any incidents. She then explained that Tavus' followers had reactivated a prototype Republic war droid designated M1-4X, initially intended for service in Havoc, and it was wreaking havoc on Nar Shaddaa. She had enlisted the assistance of a Strategic Information Service (SIS) cell but ordered Havoc to maintain secrecy regarding their mission.
After getting off the ship, Havoc met Jonas Balkar, their SIS contact, in a cantina. The CO admitted the true details of their mission to Balkar rather than keeping him in the dark, as they chased Forex and his defector controllers, led by Captain Andrik. They broke into an Imperial outpost in a casino during the chase. Andrik appeared on holo as the Imperials raised their weapons. He refused to help the Imperials, knowing they would die. The CO convinced the Imperials that Andrik didn't care about the Empire rather than start a firefight and cause an incident, and they revealed his location in Shadow Town, where he was trying to fully activate Forex's experimental power core. Andrik dismissed the CO as an obedient grunt when they confronted the defectors. He said that the Republic would eventually abandon them as well, but the CO wouldn't let it happen. Forex was fully activated at that point. Even though he couldn't disobey Andrik, the droid hoped that Havoc Squad would win. They killed Andrik and his followers and destroyed Forex in a quick firefight. Havoc later returned to an SIS safehouse and overheard an argument between Balkar and Garza about Havoc's mission. Garza was unhappy that the CO had disobeyed orders. Balkar revealed that they had repaired Forex to serve in Havoc Squad as the general signed off.
Garza then ordered Havoc Squad to attack Tavus' ship, which had been tracked after Tavus and a squad of Imperial commandos had stolen prototype cloaking devices. Havoc Squad fought through the automated defenses as they traveled to Tavus' ship. However, they had been duped; Tavus was not actually on board the ship. Tavus contacted the Lieutenant via holocomm, informing them that he had intentionally arranged for the Lieutenant to be there, and mocking them for killing Needles and Captain Andrik. Tavus revealed an Imperial unit called the Shadow Fist, which had been a constant rival of Havoc Squad's during the first war, was aboard the ship. The Lieutenant fought and defeated all members of the Shadow Fist and recovered the stealth generator.

After recovering the stealth generator, Havoc Squad was dispatched to the desert planet of Tatooine. There, they located the mayor of Anchorhead, who informed the Lieutenant that the Imperials had been implanting bombs into protocol droids and deploying them into Anchorhead, resulting in the deaths of numerous innocent beings. They received a report of a recently detonated bomb, and Havoc promptly arrived at the scene. They encountered an injured man who informed them that the protocol droids had entered the buildings and detonated, prompting them to engage a new wave of the sabotaged droids.
Upon returning to the mayor, Havoc reported the successful completion of their mission. Subsequently, they were contacted by Fuse, one of the Havoc defectors. Fuse informed them that the bombs were being engineered by Geonosians in the desert. Havoc proceeded to the Geonosian compound and discovered the Geonosians in communication with an Imperial named Colonel Gorik. Gorik instructed the Geonosian leader, Kyvax, to eliminate Havoc. Havoc succeeded in eliminating all of the Geonosian forces and returned to Mayor Oleg Klerren. Fuse expressed regret for his decision, citing the harm inflicted upon innocent individuals as a result of his designs. Klerren reassured Fuse that he was acting correctly.
Fuse then informed Havoc of an Imperial commando team operating near Sand People territory, utilizing Fuse's mine and bomb designs against the Sand People. The Lieutenant and their squad set out to confront them. Inside the cave where the Imperials were hiding, a technician voiced doubts, suggesting that Havoc had defected to the Empire. The commando sergeant responded that they would resolve the matter once the Republic forces were deceased, and his squad initiated gunfire. The Lieutenant swiftly dispatched the Imperials, sparing only the technician, who surrendered. Havoc granted the technician freedom on the condition that he reveal the location of the Imperial base. With this information, they set out to apprehend Gorik.
At the Imperial base, the squad discovered Fuse confined in a cell. Fuse informed them that Gorik was escaping and that Havoc should intercept him. At that moment, the self-destruct sequence was initiated, forcing Havoc to choose between freeing Fuse or pursuing Gorik. The Lieutenant opted to prioritize the primary mission of apprehending the Havoc traitors and freed Fuse, handing him over to the Republic forces; however, Gorik was allowed to escape. This disappointed Garza, but she was pleased that Havoc had finally captured one of the traitors alive, as Kardan was beginning to doubt her promise.

Following their success on Tatooine, Havoc Squad was dispatched to the planet Alderaan to locate Gearbox. In collaboration with House Organa, Havoc interrogated a prisoner captured by the Organas, [Markus Andarius Thul](/article/markus_andarius_thul], with the assistance of Captain Balic Cormac of Organa's defense force. Thul agreed to assist Havoc in locating Gearbox, provided the Lieutenant rescue his wife and daughter. Initially, Havoc neutralized a gun battery harassing House Organa, then rescued the women and returned them to House Organa. During their time on Alderaan, Havoc was repeatedly interrupted by a noble of House Organa named Pallos Organa. Havoc skillfully evaded Organa's inquiries, and Thul provided them with the location of Gearbox's outpost.
Gearbox had been designing a new war tank during his time on Alderaan, and he finalized his plans and completed the tank even as Havoc prepared to assault his base. When Havoc fought through Gearbox's Imperial guards and reached him, Gearbox manned the tank. He mocked the Lieutenant, stating that he was impressed that anyone could infiltrate the base but also degrading them by saying they weren't Havoc material, as Havoc would not have fallen for his trap. The Lieutenant damaged the tank and in the process injured Gearbox. The former Republic commando refused to give up, however, and continued fighting on foot. The Lieutenant was forced to kill him, ending another traitor's life but yet again failing their promise to Kardan. Upon returning to House Organa, the Lieutenant found Pallos interrogating Captain Cormac. He demanded to know why the Lieutenant was allowing three Thul nobles to stay in the Organa household, and wanted to know what deal the Lieutenant had made with Markus. The Lieutenant honored their deal, pardoning Markus and his family, to Pallos' anger.
Garza commended them for dealing with Gearbox, although she was saddened that he had been killed, as Havoc had promised Kardan to bring in the traitors alive. She also inquired about how they had caused Pallos trouble. The Lieutenant explained that Pallos had repeatedly gotten in the way of the mission, and Garza said that although she had figured Pallos had been exaggerating, she also wondered if there was truth in his report, and ordered the Lieutenant to be more diplomatic in the future.

With all traitor outposts dealt with, Garza ordered the Lieutenant back to Coruscant. Upon arriving, she said they had a great deal to talk about, and commended the Lieutenant on their valiant efforts on behalf of the Republic. Garza had intercepted a message to the four outposts signaling all survivors to come to a rendezvous point. The Lieutenant was sent to infiltrate the rendezvous point, Tavus' command ship, the Justice.
Upon boarding the ship, the Lieutenant was met by an Imperial who asked where they had come from. The Lieutenant lied and gave him the name of one of the previous outposts–Taris, Tatooine, and Alderaan. The Imperial bought the story and then asked if the rumors he was hearing were true regarding a single Republic soldier blasting through their operations. Further embellishing this, the Lieutenant claimed that this soldier was a one-person army. The Imperial let them go on their way. As they went through the ship, the Lieutenant committed various acts of sabotage, eventually ending in the engine room. There, Wraith, one of the last Havoc traitors aside from Tavus, approached the Lieutenant and expressed pleasure at the opportunity to kill the Lieutenant. However, she failed, and was killed. Successfully sabotaging the engines, the Lieutenant and the rest of Havoc headed for the bridge.
Upon reaching the bridge, Havoc confronted Tavus. Tavus said the Lieutenant belonged on the Justice in some twisted way. The Lieutenant responded that Tavus was a traitor, and had nothing to do with Havoc Squad. Tavus shot back that he was Havoc Squad, along with Fuse, Needles, Gearbox, Wraith, and Kardan. He accused the Lieutenant of murdering all his comrades, but the Lieutenant revealed that Kardan and Fuse were still alive. Though initially relieved, Tavus still held the Lieutenant accountable for the other deaths. Tavus, like Wraith, expressed pleasure at the opportunity to kill the Lieutenant. They fought, and the Lieutenant came out victorious. Wounded, Tavus expressed regret for his actions, acknowledging that he was responsible for his comrades' deaths for leading them to defect. Lowering his blaster, Tavus offered his services to the Republic, saying he could offer valuable intel. The Lieutenant accepted. At that moment, Republic Special Forces boarded the ship. Once the coast was clear, Garza came aboard. She cordially greeted Tavus, expressing relief that he finally decided to surrender. Tavus bemoaned that he lost everything he was fighting for. Garza reminded that the citizens of the Republic were worth fighting for. She then turned to the Lieutenant and she promoted them to Captain. Later, Tavus sent a message to Havoc, expressing his regret at all that had happened and thanking them for sparing him.
Havoc Squad had little rest after the Tavus situation was resolved. The Commander was given the difficult task of getting an SIS agent out of Tatooine. The agent had found out about Imperial plans for a new superweapon that could do a lot of damage, called the Gauntlet. With the war still going on, but not fully, Republic Command couldn't let such a big project happen.
General Garza told the Commander and Havoc Squad to stop the Gauntlet so that the Empire wouldn't have a military advantage. But Havoc Squad didn't have enough people for such a dangerous mission, and they didn't have a demolitions or technical expert. The success of the Gauntlet Operation depended on the Commander finding the last key members of the commando squad that had been reformed.
Garza ordered the Commander to help and hire Tanno Vik, a Weequay who was an expert in demolitions. At the time, Vik was working to disrupt the Imperial occupation on Balmorra. Even though Havoc Squad had to deal with Vik's strange methods and the Imperial presence on the planet, they were able to hire the best demolitions expert in the Republic military.

The assignment to Hoth was initially as straightforward as the Balmorra operation. The Commander's objective was to enlist a Gand named Yuun, a squad leader stationed on Hoth. The Commander aided Yuun and his team in eliminating both pirate and Imperial forces on the icy world, thereby securing it for the Republic and adding the final member of Havoc Squad to his BT-7 Thunderclap.
The Gauntlet assault can be considered the most important military action the Republic undertook just before the Galactic War's resumption. Later, Imperial General Rakton would hold the Commander and Havoc Squad responsible for the renewed conflict between the Republic and the Empire.
The Commander achieved the rank of Major following Havoc's destruction of the Gauntlet. However, their triumph had consequences. The destruction of the Gauntlet infuriated Imperial General Arkos Rakton, who openly declared war on the Republic. His initial action involved capturing several Republic-aligned heads of state, compelling their planets to permit Imperial forces to traverse their territories to attack Republic holdings. Havoc was dispatched to free the hostages, aiming to thwart Rakton's strategy before it could fully materialize.
After Havoc successfully rescued the hostages and made an enemy of Rakton, Havoc was sent to bolster the Republic's offensive, starting with the extraction of Dagger Wing, a disgraced Republic fighter pilot unit imprisoned on Belsavis due to a disastrous mission that resulted in the deaths of thousands of Imperial civilians on Fest.
Next, Havoc was deployed to space station A-77 to liberate prisoners of war. The Commander collaborated once more with Sergeant Jaxo, another special forces agent, to free the captives. It turned out to be a trap orchestrated by General Rakton to eliminate Havoc Squad and the Major. The Major survived the encounter, but only after making a difficult choice.
Havoc was then assigned to Voss, where Senator Evran was withholding thousands of Republic soldiers from the war effort, fearing another Imperial attack on Voss. Because he had the complete trust of Supreme Chancellor Dorian Janarus, even Garza couldn't countermand him. Consequently, Havoc was compelled to eliminate any potential Imperial invasion routes, rendering a large Republic military presence unnecessary. Havoc proceeded to thwart Lord Torius' scheme to use the stolen ZR-57 orbital strike bomb to hold Voss-Ka hostage.
Although the Republic possessed sufficient strength to shift the war's momentum, Garza was compelled to recall Havoc Squad to Coruscant for a Senate inquiry into the squad's actions. At the spaceport, Garza revealed to the Major that the inquiry was a farce. It was being conducted by Senator Grom Zian, who was secretly an Imperial agent. Rakton intended to use Zian to suspend Havoc, thereby allowing the war to favor him. However, the SIS had obtained evidence proving Zian's connections. Garza instructed the Major to attend the hearing and present the evidence when called upon, but to avoid saying anything that could validate Zian's accusations.
Upon arriving at the hearing, the Major remained silent as Zian presented his allegations, accusing Havoc of murdering Harron Tavus and covering it up, provoking the Empire by destroying the Gauntlet without Senate approval, and showing a lack of contribution to the war effort. After Zian finished, the Major presented the evidence, which the traitorous Senator attempted to refute. However, Senator Krasul, repaying Havoc for his rescue, defended the Major. The Senate committee then reviewed the evidence before ordering the Senate Guard to arrest Zian.
After the committee dismissed them, Garza contacted Havoc via holo, informing them of her transfer to Corellia, where the Empire and Republic were committing substantial forces. Upon landing, Garza introduced the Major to CorSec officer and former special forces member Locke, and civilian Captain Phaeris, both of whom had agreed to assist the war effort. Garza informed Havoc that their objective was to storm the Bastion, the Republic's military operations center, which Rakton had seized during the initial Imperial invasion. To reach it, they needed a landing zone for Phaeris' group of smugglers to deploy their troops. Garza sent Havoc to capture the Imperial-held landing zone where the smugglers' ships were docked. After Havoc secured the landing zone, Locke urgently requested that they stop the Imperial attack on the residential districts. However, Garza suggested capturing the lightly guarded dropships instead, leaving the final decision to the Major. Havoc chose to save the civilians.
Havoc then deployed to Labor Valley to mobilize resistance cells to reclaim a factory. Afterward, they met with Garza and Locke at a safehouse in Axial Park. Garza explained that they needed a secure landing zone, and she had selected the Corellian Museum of Starships. However, the famous warship, the Lucky Lancer, was docked there. Garza believed it was better to destroy it, but Locke refused to allow the destruction of a symbol of Corellian heritage. Instead, Havoc escorted volunteer pilots to move the ship.
During a meeting in the government district in a Drall library, Havoc received a briefing on the initial infiltration of the Bastion. First, they had to jam its communications, then commandeer an Imperial crawler tank to sneak in, destroying the main gate so the Safecrackers and Fifty-third Armored Platoon could begin the main assault. Following the initial assault, the Major commanded the battle group under their command, leading them to victory against the central Imperial defenders. General Rakton confronted the Major, who defeated the Imperial general and his bodyguards.
Garza reunited with Havoc Squad on Coruscant, where the newly elected Supreme Chancellor, Leontyne Saresh, personally commended the Major and Havoc Squad for eliminating the architect of the Imperial war effort.
Havoc Squad's assignments eventually led them to Rishi to track down the Order of Revan. While on the planet, Garza contacted the Major, requesting a secret meeting in Raider's Cove. Upon meeting, Garza explained that following Havoc's victory on Corellia, Supreme Commander Jace Malcom deemed Havoc too valuable and recognizable for covert SpecForce operations, shifting them to frontline duties. In an attempt to create a replacement, they eventually created cyborg soldiers using Rakata technology recovered from Manaan, forming Eclipse Squad. Initially, Eclipse showed no adverse effects, until they preemptively massacred two hundred people at Fort Klemark, their implants driving them insane and causing them to perceive enemies everywhere, leading them to go rogue. Now Eclipse had arrived on Rishi, presumably to locate the Revanites. To draw Eclipse out of hiding, Garza instructed Havoc to disrupt communication relays.
After Havoc eliminated all the rogue Eclipse soldiers, the Major returned to Garza, who admitted that she couldn't conceal this incident as she had with Ando Prime and Tavus' defection. Politicians would seize the opportunity, strip her of her rank, and imprison her. The Major encouraged her to atone for her mistakes and disclose SpecForce's complete record to the Senate. Before parting ways with Havoc, Garza shared one last salute with the Major.
After the Sith Emperor's resurrection on Yavin 4, a joint task force comprising the military, Jedi, and SIS was established to locate and destroy the Emperor permanently. Recognizing Havoc Squad's importance and unwilling to lose the elite team due to Garza's disgrace, which would result in a SpecForce reorganization, Supreme Commander Malcom appointed the Major as the task force's chief military advisor.
On the eve of the Eternal Empire's invasion of the galaxy, the Major vanished under mysterious circumstances. Before their commanding officer could be found, Havoc Squad was called to the front lines to confront this invading force, with 4X and Jorgan enduring months of trench warfare. Ultimately, the unit dissolved after the Eternal Empire's victory; Tanno Vik returned to a life of crime, Elara Dorne was removed from Havoc by Saresh, M1-4X was transferred to the Republic Press Corps, Yuun ventured into the Unknown Regions in search of the Major, and Aric Jorgan assumed command of a new Havoc Squad. Despite everyone's efforts, the Major was declared dead and posthumously promoted to the rank of colonel in recognition of their distinguished service to the Republic Military throughout their career.
Meteor was, in many aspects, the quintessential Republic soldier, possessing unwavering patriotism and exceptional skills in combat, leadership, and tactics. Even Arkos Rakton, the Empire's most formidable general, who was not only considered one of the galaxy's top soldiers but also held extreme disdain for the Republic, regarded the Major with reluctant respect, even calling the young commander "the only worthy adversary in the entire Republic." Despite being suddenly placed in command of the Republic's most elite squad, Meteor quickly adapted and led Havoc to numerous victories against the Empire.
The soldier was highly proficient with a combat knife, cannon, rifle, sticky and cryo grenades, and a side arm. Surviving intense firefights made them a hero of the Galactic Republic.
This article details the character story of the Republic trooper player class in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by BioWare and launched on December 20, 2011. Because the character's details are determined by the player, there is no official description of this individual; therefore, the article refers to the subject's gender as neutral.
Charles Boyd wrote the Trooper story, and Brian Bloom voices the male version of the character. Jennifer Hale, a prolific voice actress who has voiced numerous Star Wars characters, including Bastila Shan, Satele Shan, and the female Jaden Korr, voices the female Trooper. She also voiced the female Commander Shepard in the Mass Effect series. Initially, Meteor can be a Cyborg, Human, Mirialan, or Zabrak, but players can unlock any species available through gameplay (by completing the third act with a species, with any class) and/or in-game purchase.