
title: Andrik

A male Human known as Andrik served the Galactic Republic. Later, during the Cold War, he switched his allegiance to the reconstituted Sith Empire.


In the year 3643 BBY, Captain Andrik, along with several members of the Republic Special Forces Division, chose to defect to the reconstituted Sith Empire after listening to the advice of Harron Tavus. On Nar Shaddaa, he recovered a battle droid called M1-4X and tried to fully activate it. His intention was to use the droid's own command codes to manipulate it into fighting against the Republic.

However, the new lieutenant of Havoc Squad soon crossed his path, tasked with hunting down the defectors. Andrik initially tried to command Forex to eliminate the lieutenant. He then attempted to deceive the lieutenant into standing down by claiming he was on a highly classified mission for Tavus. The lieutenant then revealed that they were the CO of Havoc Squad, and Andrik ordered his fellow traitors to kill them while he took Forex. Subsequently, Andrik made contact with a group of Imperial officers, only to discover that the lieutenant had already defeated his team and was now confronting the Imperials. Andrik heartlessly informed Major Zardres that they were going to buy him time to power up M1, but his attitude led to Zardres peacefully telling Havoc Squad where he was.

Ultimately, he was trapped in Shadow Town. Andrik, displaying hypocrisy, condemned the lieutenant's actions against the traitors, asserting that a soldier's true loyalty lay with their comrades. However, his adversary knew Andrik was mistaken. During the ensuing firefight, Andrik attempted to kill Havoc Squad's lieutenant, but was unsuccessful.


Andrik believed that a soldier's primary allegiance should be to their fellow soldiers, especially those who fought alongside them on the battlefield. Yet, he also considered Tavus justified in attempting to betray the lieutenant on Ord Mantell because the Lieutenant was loyal to the Republic.

