Zardres, a Major of the Sith Empire during the Cold War, was a male Human.
Zardres, along with his Imperial troops, found themselves stationed on Nar Shaddaa in 3643 BBY. There, they were compelled to serve under Captain Andrik, who had committed treason against the Republic Special Task Force. Andrik recovered a Battle droid known as M1-4X and fully brought it online while on the planet.
While undertaking this assignment, Zardres and his unit crossed paths with the freshly appointed captain of Havoc Squad, who had secretly entered the Club Vertica Renthouse. Just as Zardres and his subordinates were about to demand the captain's surrender, Andrik betrayed them, intending to overwhelm the Imperial patrols and eliminate them. Enraged by Andrik's deception, Zardres was then persuaded by the Havoc captain that Andrik's allegiance had never been to Zardres or the Empire. Convinced, Zardres allowed the Havoc captain to depart, and later disclosed Andrik's location within a facility situated in the Shadow Town district.