The Republic Special Forces, also referred to as the Republic Special Forces Division, represented an exceptional military unit. This division consisted of the most proficient Republic troopers, hand-picked from the broader ranks of the Republic Army. Their primary mission was to bolster the defenses of the Galactic Republic throughout both the Great Galactic War and the subsequent Cold War. Within the RSF during the Great Galactic War, Harron Tavus held the rank of lieutenant.

Special Forces soldiers typically donned armor that bore resemblance to the standard gear of a Republic trooper. However, on occasion, they utilized enhanced versions constructed from durasteel and cortosis, materials chosen to reflect their elite status. Interestingly, the Clone paratrooper helmet, employed by the Republic approximately 4,000 years later during the Clone Wars, shares a striking similarity with the headgear used by these soldiers.
General Elin Garza played a vital role in establishing and training the Republic Special Forces, serving as their commanding officer during the Great Galactic War and the Cold War. These highly skilled troopers frequently collaborated with members of the Jedi Knights. One notable example is Lieutenant Harron Tavus, who often worked alongside Jedi Master Orgus Din. Their partnership during the Great War fostered a strong bond of friendship. In certain regions of the galaxy, they represented the sole military presence.
During the Cold War in 3643 BBY, Tavus spearheaded the defection of hundreds of SpecForce operatives to the Sith Empire. Garza attempted to conceal these defections, possibly to maintain troop morale, while simultaneously deploying a new Havoc Squad with orders to eliminate the defectors.