Bex Kolos

Gearbox, whose real name was Bex Kolos, was a male Human. He held the rank of lieutenant within Havoc Squad. However, during the Cold War, he switched his allegiance and joined the Sith Empire.


Back in 3643 BBY, Lieutenant Gearbox was the first to greet a promising sergeant, the newest recruit to Havoc Squad, upon their arrival on Ord Mantell, providing them with essential introductory information. When their APC walker was destroyed by Separatist rocket fire during a separatist attack, he made an attempt to repair the walker, but was unsuccessful. He then relocated to Fort Garnik. While the sergeant was dispatched to assist Zora, also known as Wraith, another member of Havoc, he was assigned to a mission that remains unspecified.

Following his mission on Ord Mantell, Bex came to the conclusion that the Republic had become excessively corrupt, leading him to defect and align himself with the Empire, alongside Harron Tavus. Later, he was present at the separatists' base when Havoc Squad betrayed the Republic. Before his departure, he served as Havoc Squad's technician, a role later filled by Yuun. Upon joining the Empire, Gearbox initiated "Project B" on Alderaan, with the goal of constructing a formidable assault walker. Despite the trooper's pleas for him to abandon this project and return to the Republic, Bex refused and engaged in combat with the Havoc captain. After being defeated, he finally understood that his decision to join the Empire had been a grave error.

Behind the scenes

Bex Kolos is a character that appears in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multi-player online role playing video game that was launched by BioWare in 2011. Norm Woodel provides the voice for this non-player character.

