The Clash at Drelliad Village unfolded in 3643 BBY during the Ord Mantell Civil War. This conflict pitted the Galactic Republic-supported government, known as the Ord Mantell Central Authority, against the rebellious Mantellian Separatist Movement. The separatists aimed to capture the Drelliad village along with its crucial spaceport facilities.
After the Treaty of Coruscant was formalized in 3653 BBY, marking the onset of the Cold War, the Galactic Republic prioritized retaining its remaining territories. This led to the reinforcement and support of even the most corrupt administrations. On Ord Mantell, the Central Authority, notorious for its corruption, reaped significant benefits from this policy, sparking resentment among its adversaries. Fueled by this discontent, they established the Mantellian Separatist Movement, initiating a violent civil war. As the planet descended into chaos, separatist forces destroyed numerous spaceports, shifting the focal point of the conflict to the island of Avilatan. There, Republic loyalists defended Fort Garnik in an effort to safeguard the last operational spaceports, which served as the Republic's lifeline to Ord Mantell.
The Drelliad village's spaceport was among the few remaining active facilities, making it a prime objective for the separatist forces. They meticulously planned their assault, envisioning a swift takeover supported by various assets. War droids and armor-piercing missiles were designated to suppress any substantial resistance. Remote control stations were pre-programmed to seize control of the village's anti-aircraft defense network. To hinder any rapid response from the Mantellian Army, the separatists deployed three signal jammers (Alpha, Beta, and Delta) and positioned a sniper team, backed by scouts, in the hills between the village and Fort Garnik a week before the battle.
The Republic's intelligence agencies were caught off guard by the scale of preparation and specialized equipment employed in the attack. However, the timing of the separatist offensive proved unfortunate for them, as two independent Republic assets were converging on the Drelliad spaceport around the same time. A sergeant from the Republic Special Forces Division, recently inducted into Havoc Squad for a mission on Ord Mantell to locate a missing bomb, arrived shortly before the assault. Welcomed by Lieutenant Bex Kolos, they departed the village in a Manka-class armored transport, heading towards Fort Garnik.

As the APC maneuvered just outside the village, the separatists launched their rapid assault. Arriving on landspeeders from the coast, they established a beachhead near their target. Swiftly seizing control of the village, they hastily deployed their equipment, setting up long-range communications and commandeering the network of three anti-aircraft cannons defending the area. Spotting the approaching APC, the separatists unleashed their armor-piercing missile launchers, destroying the cockpit. Although the pilot was killed, the two members of Havoc Squad managed to escape the disabled vehicle unharmed. Assessing the situation, Kolos tasked the Sergeant with neutralizing any missile stockpiles brought by the separatists into the village, while he attempted to repair the APC.
Simultaneously, an XS stock light freighter carrying a shipment of blasters destined for Republic loyalists was landing at the Drelliad spaceport under separatist fire. Skavak, representing Rendia Freight on-site, greeted and compensated the smuggler before rushing to unload the cargo. However, his partner, Corso Riggs, interrupted him. Corso had observed the separatist attack from outside the village, recognizing the imminent danger. He had witnessed them destroying a Republic transport by hijacking the defense network using remote control stations. After Corso Riggs shared this information, the group decided that the newly arrived smuggler should venture outside the spaceport hangar and disable the stations. Meanwhile, Skavak and Corso would expedite the unloading of the cargo.
The Sergeant and the smuggler soon linked up with Sergeant Blyes and the Thirty-first Recon, a unit of the Mantellian Army already engaged with the separatists. They had unsuccessfully attempted to warn their headquarters at Fort Garnik using long-range communication and even tried sending a runner, only for the soldier to be killed by a sniper positioned in the hills surrounding Drelliad village. Blyes requested assistance from his newfound allies to destroy the jammers deployed by the separatists in the village. They agreed and launched an attack on the separatists, eliminating dozens while completing their objectives.
The Sergeant then received a holo-communication from Bex Kolos, informing him that the APC was beyond repair and instructing him to proceed to Fort Garnik. However, the smuggler's troubles were far from over. While he was occupied disabling the air defense network, Skavak betrayed him and Corso, allowing a separatist team to enter the previously secured hangar. Corso managed to contact the smuggler to warn him but was swiftly ambushed by Skavak, who also stole his blaster, Torchy. Rushing to the hangar, the smuggler quickly dispatched the separatists, only to witness his own ship departing the landing pad with Skavak at the controls and the blaster shipment still in the cargo hold. After Corso regained consciousness, they managed to contact Skavak, who mocked them. Knowing that his boss, Viidu, would be interested in Skavak's treachery and would be the only one capable of tracking the smuggler's XS stock light freighter, Corso advised his comrade in misfortune to meet Viidu at Fort Garnik. He would join them later but first needed to secure the hangar.
The events of the Battle at Drelliad village were first presented in the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic, where the Drelliad village area is depicted as a constant warzone. The "Clearing the Air" mission is available to both classes, while "Hit the Ground Running" and "Landing Party" are specific to the Soldier and Smuggler classes, respectively, serving as their initial missions. Additionally, the "Sniper Hunt" mission, undertaken en route to Fort Garnik, provides further details.
"Hit the Ground Running" begins before the other missions, as its introductory cinematic shows Drelliad village before the attack, while "Landing Party" starts during the attack, with Corso Riggs' initial dialogue mentioning the destruction of the APC.
Some inconsistencies exist within the Soldier mission "Hit the Ground Running." The opening cinematic shows Bex Kolos at the village entrance with the APC behind him. The camera then shifts to him observing a shuttle landing at the spaceport, just meters away from his position. The camera repeatedly cuts between these two viewpoints as the Soldier and Kolos meet and enter the APC, which is a camera trick, as the two locations are separated by several dozen meters and an entire building (the spaceport hangar). While in the APC, the driver states, "Approaching Drelliad village, sir," despite having just left it. Furthermore, although the APC is supposedly heading to Fort Garnik, it travels west along a longer route near Oradam village instead of taking the more direct road south of Drelliad village.
Another minor inconsistency appears in the Smuggler mission "Landing Party," where Corso Riggs says, "Separatists took over the local air defense cannon," despite the game showing Drelliad village surrounded by three anti-aircraft cannons.