
Torchy was a blaster pistol manufactured by BlasTech, specifically an ALT-25 model, and it belonged to Corso Riggs. This weapon was the initial blaster he received while serving with the Peace Brigade. While on a mission taking place on Ord Mantell, a scoundrel named Skavak pilfered it from him. Skavak retained possession of Torchy until he ambushed Corso and his associate, known as Ace, after they located the hidden riches of the pirate Nok Drayen. After the battle with Skavak, where either Corso or Bowdaar aided "Ace", Torchy was recovered from Skavak's dead body. Once they were back on Ace's XS stock light freighter, Corso inquired with the smuggler about the blaster, but whether the weapon was given back to Corso or kept by the smuggler is unconfirmed.

