Corso Riggs

During the era of the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, a Human male mercenary named Corso Riggs operated. He hailed from Ord Mantell and initially worked for Viidu. Later, after a betrayal by a colleague, he allied himself with a smuggler, who was an adversary of the notorious Skavak.

Corso Riggs possessed an unexpectedly sunny disposition for a mercenary. Having been raised on the rugged frontier world of Ord Mantell as a rancher's son, Corso developed a unique blend of naivete, raw toughness, and old-fashioned chivalry.

Despite his enthusiasm for engaging in intense combat and his extensive knowledge of weaponry, Corso managed to maintain a positive outlook even in the direst of circumstances. He seemed oblivious to his own mortality, firmly believing in his immortality. Furthermore, Corso had a weakness for rescuing damsels in distress, even when their intentions were questionable.


Early years

Corso on his homeworld of Ord Mantell

During the time of the Great Galactic War, Corso spent his childhood in a small community on Ord Mantell, living with his parents and his cousin, Rona Riggs. Corso greatly admired Rona, who yearned to leave Ord Mantell and explore the galaxy. She frequently engaged in mischievous activities, and Corso often had to cover for her. Following the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, a significant portion of Ord Mantell's population opposed the local government's decision to support the Republic, leading to a civil war between separatists and Republic loyalists. Eventually, Corso departed Ord Mantell to join the Peace Brigade, a mercenary group that fought against imperial occupations on neutral planets throughout the galaxy. However, upon learning that his village had been attacked by separatists, Riggs returned to Ord Mantell, determined to avenge his parents' deaths.

Cold War

Corso after being duped by Skavak

As the Cold War neared its end, Corso collaborated with Skavak when a fellow smuggler known as Ace arrived at a hangar in Drelliad village to deliver weapons for Viidu. After Skavak compensated the smuggler, Corso urgently entered the hangar, reporting that Separatists had seized an anti-air cannon and destroyed a Republic transport. He requested Ace to enter the village and disable the cannon's remote control stations, while he and Skavak managed the cargo unloading. However, as Separatists invaded the hangar, Corso attempted to contact Ace for assistance but was restrained by Skavak, who had facilitated the attack. Skavak then absconded with Ace's XS stock light freighter, the weapons shipment, and Corso's cherished blaster, "Torchy." Corso managed to reach Skavak via holocom, only to be told to be grateful for his survival. Realizing that Viidu was their only hope to locate Skavak, Corso instructed Ace to meet Viidu at Fort Garnik, while he secured the hangar and joined them later.

Corso Riggs

Upon arriving at Fort Garnik, Corso and Ace recounted the day's events to Viidu. Viidu mentioned a man named Reki in the village, who was knowledgeable about the separatists and the freighter pilot. After Ace's meeting with Reki, Corso and Viidu were preparing to enjoy a Robasteak. Subsequently, he accompanied Ace to locate the blueprints and data held by the Separatists. After decrypting the Separatist data, Corso and Viidu discovered Skavak's plan to deliver weapons to the Separatist headquarters. There, they fought Dareg, only to find that Skavak had already escaped. Corso and Ace eliminated the remaining separatists and spared Morant, who revealed Skavak's departure hours earlier with the weapons. Upon returning to Fort Garnik, they found Viidu murdered and observed Syreena conversing with Skavak. Syreena, a spy, expressed her anger at Skavak's betrayal. They released her after she provided tickets for a ferry flight to Coruscant. At the spaceport, Corso and Ace encountered Kindin and Xo'ru, bounty hunters employed by Rogun the Butcher. The encounter escalated into a fight.

Corso went into hiding with Risha.

During the Eternal Empire's Conquest, Ace disappeared. Corso and Risha Drayen searched for their captain for several years, until Corso advised Risha to stop wasting time, although he still hoped. When Risha was forced to hide from enemies on Dubrillion, Corso accompanied her. They earned credits by impersonating Skavak.

Personality and traits

Corso Riggs was known to develop strong attachments to his weapons, and was particularly incensed by Skavak's theft of his favorite blaster, "Torchy." When an associate smuggler (Ace) assaulted Mannett Point, Riggs expressed his desire to join and attack the Separatists with his vibroblade, "Hewie."

The slicer Jettison regarded Corso as an extremely loyal individual.

Behind the scenes

Riggs holds the distinction of being the initial companion character for the smuggler and the second character encountered by the smuggler. He offers helpful advice to the smuggler upon their arrival on Ord Mantell.

Riggs can be recruited as a companion around level 7 to assist in the final mission of the Ord Mantell storyline. During the early beta gameplay, Corso was initially depicted as a Kiffar, featuring yellow tattoos over his nose, resembling those of Clan Vos. However, these tattoos were removed in the game's final release.

Corso Riggs' voice is provided by Troy Hall.

Gameplay alternatives

If the Outlander is based on a smuggler, Corso and Risha return with Ace after the establishment of the Eternal Alliance. After Vaylin sacked Dubrillion, they heard rumors that Ace was alive and tracked them down. Corso and Risha reunited with their captain, and were welcomed into their new crew.


Corso's possible alternate appearances.

A female smuggler can engage in a romantic relationship with Corso. If the romance is pursued, he will propose marriage.

He is relatively easy to romance and initiates romantic conversations quite early compared to other characters. However, it is crucial to provide mostly "good" answers during conversations, as the romance can be easily broken if you advise him to sleep it off when he is tipsy. There is currently no opportunity to initiate a romance after this point.

