
Zora, also known as Wraith, was a Mirialan female who served as a captain within Havoc Squad. Later, during the Cold War, she abandoned her allegiance and joined the reconstituted Sith Empire.


Zora held a position in Havoc Squad as second-in-command to Harron Tavus. Her expertise within the team lay in infiltration and assassination. During the conflict, she was stationed on Ord Mantell amidst a civil war, battling the Imperial-supported Mantellian Separatist Movement. It was here that she and her squad, excluding one unidentified Republic Trooper, planned and executed their defection to the Sith Empire. Following her betrayal, Aric Jorgan assumed her role within Havoc Squad.

Subsequently, Wraith abducted Senator Zorin Krasul, transporting him to Port Raga. Her goal was to coerce him into admitting to the Senate's abandonment of Havoc Squad on Ando Prime. The new Havoc Squad successfully rescued the Senator, but Wraith managed to escape. She then began systematically eliminating the operations of the Republic traitors on Taris, Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, and Alderaan. These repeated failures frustrated the Empire, leading Harron Tavus to summon all the Republic traitors to the Imperial warship Justice. Havoc Squad infiltrated the vessel, only to be discovered by Wraith while attempting to sabotage the hyperdrive. She met her end during the resulting battle.

