The Coruscant Aegis was a distinguished attack squadron belonging to the Galactic Republic's navy. It operated during the periods of the Cold War and the [Galactic War],/article/galactic_war) both of which involved conflict with the reconstituted Sith Empire. Initially, the unit was tasked with carrying out space missions. These missions aimed to suppress illegal Imperial attacks on Republic assets, which were designed to provoke violations of the Treaty of Coruscant and restart active conflict between the two sides. The squadron undertook missions throughout the entire galaxy.
- Operation Midnight Freedom
- Operation Searing Light Battle of the Balosar system Battle of Javaal
- Operation Noble Gambit Battle of the Archenar asteroid field Battle of Makem Te
- Operation Ardent Wave Battle of the Syvris system Battle of the Llanic system
- Operation Glory Cyclone Battle of the Pakuuni system Battle above Kovor
- Operation Sunder Zero Battle of the Hydian Way Battle of the Drexel system
- Operation Grand Nova Battle in the Kalee system Battle above Zosha
- Operation New Eclipse
- Operation Clean Sweep Battle in the Thanium sector Battle in the Baros system
- Hero of Tython as Shield [1] Crew: Kira Carsen, T7-O1, Archiban Frodrick Kimble, Scourge, Fideltin Rusk, C2-N2[1]
- Barsen'thor as Guardian [1] Crew: Nadia Grell, Qyzen Fess, Tharan Cedrax, Holiday, Zenith, Felix Iresso, C2-N2[1]
- Havoc Squad Commander as Meteor [1] Crew: Aric Jorgan, M1-4X, Elara Dorne, Yuun, Tanno Vik, C2-N2[1]
- Voidhound as Ace [1] Crew: Risha Drayen, Akaavi Spar, Bowdaar, Corso Riggs, Languss Tuno, C2-N2[1]
The Coruscant Aegis made its debut appearance in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game developed through a collaboration between BioWare and LucasArts in 2011. Each of the four Republic player character classes gained access to their own personal starship after finishing their class-specific storylines on Coruscant, the Republic's capital world. When players first used the Republic Fleet Command console on their ship's bridge, they initiated a conversation with a Republic Flight Commander non-player character (named Flight Commander Judin in the dialogue). This conversation provided the narrative context for the in-game space missions. During the dialogue, players had the option to demand leadership of the squadron as a prerequisite for joining, which Judin would then grant. A similar experience was created for Imperial faction player characters, who join the Empire's Fury.