Operation Midnight Freedom

Operation Midnight Freedom was the designated name for a Cold War engagement. This battle unfolded on Fondor, pitting the armies of the Galactic Republic against those of the Sith Empire. A small shuttle carrying Republic soldiers and colonists, escaping from Imperial captivity within the Fondor system, found themselves under attack by the Empire. Despite the assault, the surviving members successfully fled. To conceal their acts of aggression against the planet's inhabitants, a violation of the Treaty of Coruscant, the Empire summoned a fleet to eliminate the shuttle. Responding to a distress signal from the Republic, members of the Coruscant Aegis intervened. They shielded the shuttle, ensuring its successful jump to hyperspace, thereby resolving the conflict.

Behind the scenes

In the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic, Operation Midnight Freedom is featured as a playable Space Mission. Republic players are tasked with guarding a shuttle from Imperial War Frigates and MK VI snubfighters. Additional objectives include destroying 25 Imperial fighters, the 20 turrets on the Terminus starship, and the command point of the Harrower ship. This operation is the Republic's version of the Imperial space mission known as Operation Silent Roar, which occurs over Jabiim.

