Talloran Village, a modest settlement, was situated on the planet of Ord Mantell. Its location was in proximity to the fortified Fort Garnik. Around the time of 3643 BBY, during the Separatist War (a conflict within the larger Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire), the Mantellian Separatist Movement seized control of the village.
The small settlement of Talloran Village was established on Ord Mantell, specifically on the island of Avilatan on the planet. It was initially constructed to house the families of workers employed at the island's warehouses and starship ports, distinguishing it as one of the few Avilatan settlements not founded by criminal elements. The inhabitants were generally considered hardworking but impoverished, making them susceptible to exploitation by the corrupt business figures who constituted the Mantellian government.
During the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, a civil war erupted on Ord Mantell. Many of Talloran's long-exploited workers threw their support behind the Mantellian Separatist Movement, which had risen up to challenge the existing government. Approximately around 3643 BBY, the Separatists launched a night attack, employing combat droids to capture the village. The capture proved disastrous for those inhabitants who did not flee, as the Republic Army and the Mantellian Army besieged the settlement, trapping civilians alongside the separatist soldiers.

Among those confined within the village was Reki, a thief who had sought refuge in his safe house there to evade capture from Mannett Point. He remained inside his safe house, located above the Talloran central warehouse, accompanied by two widows whose husbands had perished in the initial Separatist assault. During his stay, he received a visit from Ace, a smuggler dispatched by Reki's acquaintance Viidu, the leader of Rendia Freight. Ace delivered much-needed supplies to Reki in exchange for information on the whereabouts of Skavak, a separatist who had pilfered Rogun's blasters and the smuggler's ship from Viidu. Reki revealed the location of a Separatist personal database on Mannett Point and provided instructions on accessing it through Reki's former residence.
Also caught in the siege was Bellis, a Republic spy, and his wife, Lin. Bellis was monitoring the Separatists within the village for the Republic and possessed intelligence that a member of Havoc Squad was tasked with acquiring at a designated meeting point. However, Separatist forces killed Bellis before the Trooper could reach him. Instead, the soldier proceeded to Bellis's house to retrieve the agent's field box, which also contained the necessary information. There, he encountered Bellis's widow and informed her of her husband's demise. Initially, Lin was angry and placed blame on the Republic for his death, but she was eventually persuaded to surrender the box to ensure that her husband's death was not in vain.
Some of the villagers who managed to escape sought refuge in a camp situated just outside Fort Garnik. Among them was Alma, an Imperial spy who had inadvertently left behind a necklace used for communication with Imperial Intelligence during her hasty departure. A Republic Agent named Ebenga seized the opportunity to occupy her house and search for the necklace to confirm her guilt, only to discover that scavengers had already taken it.

As Ace and the trooper traversed the refugee camp en route to Talloran for their respective missions, Alma approached them. She requested that they recover her necklace, claiming it was a family heirloom. Upon reaching her house, they were confronted by Ebenga, who revealed Alma's true allegiance and requested that they bring him the necklace as evidence of her loyalty to the Empire. The pair successfully retrieved the necklace and delivered it to Ebenga, who expressed his gratitude and subsequently arrested Alma.
Another refugee camp resident, a Cathar named Yael, stole medical supplies from Fort Garnik's forces. She used these supplies to treat her fellow refugees but was subsequently robbed by the Separatists from Talloran.
Sergeant Hurd of the Republic Army in Garnik tasked Ace and the trooper with recovering the stolen supplies. They were directed to Yael based on a description provided by a guard who had witnessed the theft. However, when confronted, Yael admitted to losing the supplies but agreed to reveal their location only if the pair retrieved them for her. The heroes agreed and successfully recovered the supplies for the Cathar after eliminating several Separatists.

The Separatists in Talloran also repurposed several buildings into safe houses, equipping them with data links that connected to a central data link hub. These links facilitated the transfer of stolen Republic data from Garnik, a fact known to Republic intelligence.
Ace and the trooper received instructions from the Ord Mantell military database via a Holovid information hub in Garnik to disable the data links and the hub, which they successfully accomplished while in the village.
Talloran Village is featured in the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic, which BioWare launched in 2011. Talloran serves as a setting for several low-level quests for the Smuggler and Trooper classes, including "Unsafe Safe Houses," "Mercy," and "Scavenger Hunt," as well as the class-specific quests "The Spy" for the Trooper and "Hungry for Information" for the Smuggler. Jedi players can also visit the village and other locations on Ord Mantell but cannot engage in any of the quests exclusive to Smugglers and Troopers. Imperial players are unable to access Talloran, as there is currently no means for them to travel to Ord Mantell.