Senate (disambiguation)

A Senate represents a group of senators who convene for discussions, typically in a legislative capacity. However, senates could also wield varying degrees of executive or judicial authority. Throughout history, numerous significant senates have existed.


  • Functioning as the legislative arm of the Galactic Republic was the Galactic Senate. Presided over by the Supreme Chancellor and the Vice Chair, it endured for over a millennium. Its base of operations was the capital world of Coruscant. It was subsequently transformed into the Imperial Senate, which served as the Galactic Empire's de jure legislative body. Emperor Sheev Palpatine dissolved it shortly before the Battle of Yavin.
  • During the Clone Wars, the Separatist Senate acted as the legislative body for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, with its headquarters located on Raxus Secundus, the Separatists' capital planet.
  • The New Republic's Galactic Senate mirrored the legislative structure of the Old Republic. A Chancellor led it, and its headquarters was situated on the New Republic's capital planet, which changed location every few years.


Additionally, the roles of President of the Senate and Speaker of the Senate exist.

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