The Gauntlet, a weapon capable of destroying targets traveling at light speed through hyperspace, was a cannon of immense power. Its construction relied on resources and energy harvested by the Sun Razer within the Vesla system. Colonel Rebus is known as one of the primary engineers behind it. The resurgent Sith Empire significantly accelerated its development, completing it in mere years instead of decades thanks to the Sun Razer. Darth Mekhis supervised all projects powered by the Sun Razer, and Theron Shan along with Jedi Master Ngani Zho discovered them after being captured infiltrating the Vesla system. By the time of the Cold War, the Republic learned about the Gauntlet and the Empire's plans for its mass production, prompting them to organize a combined assault team to neutralize it. While the Republic fleet fought the Gauntlet in space, Havoc Squad and the Safecrackers infiltrated the superweapon, sabotaged its systems, and successfully escaped before its destruction. Regrettably, General Arkos Rakton exploited the Gauntlet's demise as a justification for initiating a military campaign against the Republic.